
American Politics, News

Can “Elephant Dung” Save America? John Lillpop | June 14, 2010
Alvin Greene, Democrat party in South Carolina

Kirk's exaggeration of his military service

Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk

Truth is, the stimulus has had the opposite effect, raising the unemployment numbers while increasing the tax burden

Experts? Sarge | June 14, 2010
We need to stop deifying Academic Degree holders and recognize more practically based people

BP’s latest discovery was the mother lode of oil reservoirs

“America's Power Act”--formerly known as “Cap & Trade.”

The ‘Bring Back the Draft’ Act Frank Gaffney Jr. | June 14, 2010
The rest of us will pay the possibly exorbitantly high price of such irresponsible breakage of the All Volunteer Force.

Alinskys in Action Matthew Vadum | June 14, 2010
The banking crisis is the next big thing," says leader of radical National People's Action group

Obama giving Southwest back to Mexico… Guest Column | June 14, 2010

Advocating for a state law that would bar illegal immigrants from "intentionally or knowingly" living in Texas

A Rabbi Convert? Bob Parks | June 13, 2010
Rabbi David Nesenoff

Chris Matthews, Hardball, Alex Jones leader of the “New Right” and the Tea Party movement

Leftist’s fascist fascination with quashing differing opinion

Unions Preventing a Timely Cleanup of Oil in the Gulf? Warner Todd Huston | June 13, 2010
President Obama paying unions back as wildlife dies and the livelihood of millions of American is destroyed for decades to come

King Barry’s Big Adventure Sandy Stringfellow | June 13, 2010
Undeterred in his mission to unite the world in equality of tyranny, starvation, death, and destruction

The relentless effort to control the news Henry Lamb | June 13, 2010
“Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press….”

Hang Together J.J. Jackson | June 13, 2010
Time to unite and defeat those in Washington selling us down the river for a few pieces of silver

Frank Perdue Can Rest Easy Michael R. Shannon | June 12, 2010
Greenie fantasies and farm fresh eggs

Gutting 1 Trillion from the Defense Budget

Civil Rights Act, Discrimination, Business, Government

L.A. NAACP: Dumbest People On The Planet Bob Parks | June 12, 2010
I really don’t know what else to add…?

Is Repent Now Off the Table? Norma Zager | June 12, 2010
Perhaps we should examine the big picture

Iran’s Arc Of Injustice Claudia Rosett | June 11, 2010
Ahmadinejad has also been received in Russia, Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Denmark, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Gambia and Uganda

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Move America Forward, the nation’s largest grassroots pro-troop organization

Governor Spencer is a union organizer, a socialist and a black liberation activist

U.S. Congress ponders WMD legislation Jim Kouri | June 11, 2010
WMD Prevention and Preparedness Act, America's biodefense capabilities

Top Idiots of the Week Nancy Morgan | June 11, 2010
Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Jack Markell, President Obama, Paul McCartney, Vice President Biden, Bill Maher

Fiorina, Armey, McCain and Palin seem to have found a tight-rope to walk between amnesty and deportation

Lies, Lies…and More Lies Sher Zieve | June 11, 2010
Misrepresenting Scientist Comments and Opposition Arrests--Obama Police State Begins
