
IRS wants donor info; what some orgs can do about it A. Dru Kristenev | December 8, 2015
The greatest impediment to restraining the uninhibited growth of the IRS is Congress itself, whose individual members access tax dollars to finance their own power base, which they are loath to relinquish

So, really, how toxic is glyphosphate?

The very model of "containment"

Cincinnati Enquirer cheers as First Amendment no longer applies to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.

New Rasmussen Poll Shows Majority Okay With Armed Citizens Second Amendment Foundation | December 8, 2015
“This suggests that Democrats and liberals still don’t get it about self-defense,”

Don’t Put More Taxpayers On The Hook For Bombardier’s Bailout Canadian Taxpayers Federation | December 8, 2015
Bombardier is more Basket Case than Business Case

We only have to look at what’s going on today in Rome to catch up to Obama sidekick Pope Francis

Paris Climate Poker Guest Column | December 8, 2015
Countries State Their True Positions Behind Closed

Donald J. Trump, Come to St. Petersburg! Jim ONeill | December 8, 2015
I find Mr. Trump’s call to pause Muslim immigration highly sensible

'We are going to lead a war [on ISIS], which will be pitiless,' French President François Hollande said after the terrorist attacks in Paris left 130 dead.

For the third consecutive year, British Columbia recorded an increase in wait times with its median wait now sitting at 22.4 weeks.

Politicians with hidden agendas exaggerating warming dangers while ignoring warming benefits, pushing propaganda as education, and lying about the “pollution” supposedly caused by the gas-of-life, carbon dioxide.

Last Friday, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton withdrew his request for a restraining order that might have blocked the federal government from coming to Texas

Everywhere we look around the globe, there are substantial -- and generally dominant -- percentages of Muslims who favor making Sharia the official law in their country

ISIS has shown itself to be a real threat in spite of Obama's determination to make us think otherwise

Quitting can be different this time Patrick D Hahn | December 8, 2015
Chantix: For people who are dying to quit smoking

A Date That Will Live Forever in Infamy Daniel Greenfield | December 8, 2015
A history tale told with a modern twist

“I commend Planned Parenthood for convening this important event,” Tchen read on Obama’s behalf to the hundreds gathered in All Souls Church Unitarian in D.C.

In Wellington, as in the rest of the country, the desire for quality beer now trumps quantity

Islam comes to America Guest Column | December 7, 2015
Trojan Horses of Islam

“We are expecting a huge splash because we have scientists that people have never really seen on camera before speaking out, many of them for the first time. We focus on politically-left scientists

And the response he gives will move you to tears

A fantastic individual Patrick D Hahn | December 7, 2015
Chantix: For people who are dying to quit smoking

Terrorist attacks by Muslims are increasing! Not if I refuse to admit it.

Few realize that the “green movement” is about building large personal fortunes for an elite few.

Meanwhile, it is not finding out where terrorists were radicalized that will keep the public safe from the horror of Islamic terrorist attacks, it is cutting off the jihadists from crossing borders

Unfortunately, Maduro is still president and Chavez's welfare policies are deeply entrenched.

The speech was vintage Obama, right up to the petulant impugning of his domestic opponents’ motives, the setting up of straw men and the renewed calls for stricter gun control laws.

Solution? More like recipe for disaster.
