
It’s illegal to provide supplemental feed to deer, elk, bears or mountain lions. Wardens were still trying to trap the bear as of Tuesday.

Teenage clockmaker invited to Qatar by an organization with ties to the terror group

Obama’s Political Correctness Okays Child Rape? Leigh Bravo | September 30, 2015
President Obama says we must embrace the cultures of Islam: Must we then accept rape of children or rape and abuse of young girls?

American gun owners are convinced that she will turn the Oval Office into a nuclear war room against the Second Amendment

The Living Nightmare of Socialized Medicine Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | September 30, 2015
There is no such thing as free care. Someone else must pay for it either through higher taxes, non-use of services, confiscatory premiums, writing-off costs, government subsidies, or denial of needed services, rationing

Interviewing Mrs. Clinton, Avoiding the Tough Questions Roger Aronoff | September 30, 2015
Possible pay-for-play during Mrs. Clinton's term as Secretary of State

Election 2048 - Under the Peace of Islam Daniel Greenfield | September 30, 2015
Election Coverage 2048 - Al-CNN

The whole world's people are becoming mass-produced, programmed, numbered, insensate things...

CATO Carbon Tax Critique, Part 1: The Climate Science Institute for Energy Research | September 29, 2015
Both theory and history show that the case for a U.S. carbon tax is far more dubious than the public has been led to believe.

"Not only did Pope Francis know of Kim Davis, he personally met with her to express his support,"

How graft suspect Michael Ching allied himself with Canada's Liberal leader, with the help of ex-minister Raymond Chan

Still later in the hearing, Richards said, “No Planned Parenthood clinics have mammogram machines.”

US-Trained Rebel Unit Hands Over Equipment to Al-Qaeda News on the Net | September 29, 2015
75 US-trained rebels left Turkey for Syria and reportedly defected to Jabhat al-Nusra immediately. If true, this is a disaster for US policy.

Who will determine production and consumption? Proponents of Sustainable Development and Green Economy need to answer some pointed questions. And, they need to stop pretending to be economists, because they are not!

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) also accused his colleagues on the other side of the aisle of “misogyny” and discrimination against women.

It's all about jobs, dontcha know.

According to the report, the videos only omit footage irrelevant to the allegations such as bathroom breaks.

NDP’s would-be finance minister runs from his prairie record Canadian Taxpayers Federation | September 29, 2015
Saskatchewan’s GDP grew by about 60 per cent from 2006 to 2011. The province’s corporate tax take soared by nearly 168 per cent during that same period (adjusted for inflation)

Obama Post Presidency George Giftos | September 29, 2015
All the baloney left over from his administration

Cooling Period Ahead? Jack Dini | September 29, 2015
This warming trend appears to be driven by solar activity—carbon dioxide didn't start increasing until 1800 or so, and didn't really get going until well after WW2 with post-war industrialization.

Travel feature: St Mawes, Cornwall Tim Saunders | September 29, 2015
We really do love Cornwall and will return.

You'll hear that he's "raising taxes," but for most of us, he's lowering them.

Social Justice in America Guest Column | September 29, 2015
Government control comes with a heavy price. Life will not continue along the same path we are accustomed to today. It changes drastically.

ISIS planning ‘nuclear tsunami’ News on the Net | September 29, 2015
President Obama’s deal could literally mean an arms race that could lead to nuclear devastation as Saudi Arabia and others look to get the bomb as well to counter Iran

Alarmists want skeptics prosecuted under RICO Paul Driessen | September 29, 2015
Losing the climate science battle, climate alarmists want government to silence skeptics

President Obama Repeats His Failed Foreign Policy Mantra at the UN Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | September 29, 2015
“Shows of military force” and “diplomacy” are not incompatible, as Obama seems to believe

What We Need in Our Next Speaker of the House Heritage Foundation | September 29, 2015
This country faces multiple constitutional crises caused by a lawless president who claims the power to ignore immigration laws, ratify treaties, write environmental legislation, and rewrite health care laws.

Why Kanye West Likes Ben Carson So Much News on the Net | September 29, 2015
West is an iconoclastic rapper who sits atop the entertainment industry that Carson derides. In 2011, he visited the Occupy Wall Street protests as a sign of solidarity

During his speech, Obama asserted that his administration was respecting what he described as “genuine concerns” of religious institutions but suggested that Republicans were using the issue just to earn more votes, as they did in 2004.

An Unteachable President News on the Net | September 29, 2015
For Obama, it isn’t the man in the arena who counts. It’s the speaker on the stage.
