
Luv in the Time of Francis Judi McLeod | September 28, 2015
Tragically, since Obama came into office, the cult of celebrity has soared to breath-taking heights

The Pope Forgot Some Hurting People Guest Column | September 27, 2015
Those suffering under the acts of the most loyal-and-orthodox followers of the false-prophet Mohammed.

President to advance foreign-policy goals at General Assembly amid new challenges

Media thumps Trump, but polls show he’s winning big News on the Net | September 27, 2015
Much of the negative media attention has been built around a single poll in the immediate aftermath of the debate, by CNN/ORC.

The New Naqba Diane Weber Bederman | September 27, 2015
Catastrophe. Not just the displacement of millions of people who have suffered under the hands of barbaric terrorism by Islamists, but the refusal of Muslims the world over to care for their own while blaming others for the displacement

Canada revokes citizenship of convicted terror plotter Arthur Weinreb | September 27, 2015
Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act: Zakaria Amara is the first person to have his citizenship revoked due to conviction for terrorism, the government promises there will be more. The Conservatives of course have to be re-elected

Some of those career intelligence operatives who complained were bullied and forced to take early retirement, or the younger analysts just quit

You can usually tell what a man really cares about.

Germany: Migrants In, Germans Out News on the Net | September 27, 2015
The Death of Property Rights

The Pope with an Agenda Guest Column | September 27, 2015

Fox News no longer fair or balanced Guest Column | September 27, 2015

Israel’s democratic crisis Caroline Glick | September 27, 2015
In recent weeks various unelected forces have conspired to scuttle two senior governmental appointments

Your vote matters, here’s why Barry Jackson | September 27, 2015
Just how much the NDP is out of touch with reality, even delusional

The Trump Phenomenon Obie Usategui | September 26, 2015
I would like to suggest to the rest of the candidates that, maybe, just maybe, the time is ripe for you all to start cloning whatever it is that Mr. Trump is doing right, and kid yourselves not, he is doing something right

Agenda 21, One World Government, Pope Francis, Obama

Smoking gun evidence of what Hillary Clinton's separate email server was all about--keeping secret the corruption of her and her top staff

The U.N.‘s Parade of Dictators Claudia Rosett | September 26, 2015
Today, the U.N. is increasingly becoming a clubhouse for a rising new axis of dictators. In its menu of privileges for member states, the U.N. does not distinguish between democracies and dictatorships

Rebuilding a Conservative Movement Daniel Greenfield | September 25, 2015
Right now we're fighting a losing battle. We're trying to keep the tide out, when we must become the tide

Pope Francis’s Progressive UN Speech Avoids Confronting Islamic Jihad Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | September 25, 2015
Christians and other religious minorities are suffering genocide in the Middle East and parts of Africa directly as a result of Islamic jihad. They cannot afford to worry about the effects of climate change. They are in a daily battle for their lives

Media continue to ignore this administration’s decision to ally itself with radical groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, and how this endangers all of America

Obama Throws Christian Refugees to Lions Raymond Ibrahim | September 25, 2015
All the while, true Christian refugees, fleeing the same hostile Muslim forces being allowed to enter Europe and America by the thousands, are thrown back to the lions by the Obama administration

Utilizing suicide drones is an asymmetric strategy which both allows Iran to compete on an uneven playing field and poses a risk by allowing operators to pick and choose targets of opportunity over a drone’s multi-hour flight duration

Chinese Government Runs Circles Around Obama Institute for Energy Research | September 25, 2015
Climate Agreement is Good PR for China; Bad Deal for America

Trump exposes Fox News bias against Conservatives Jeff Crouere | September 25, 2015
Majority of Fox News commentators and guests seem to prefer anybody but Donald Trump. If this type of bias continues, it remains to be seen if conservatives -- the backbone of their audience -- will remain loyal to the network. Stay tuned

Vacation trip showcases benefits of some vehicle monitoring devices Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | September 25, 2015
The BlueDriver's $100 (plus the cost of your tablet or smart phone) has also paid for itself in knowledge and peace of mind

Mercedes ‘Benz’ the rules about small vans Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | September 25, 2015
If the production versions of the Metris turn out to be as good as the early samples we tried, Mercedes-Benz may be on to something

These people have sacrificed to stay true to themselves and their God and will be a powerful visual image of the religious discrimination flooding our nation under the guise of homosexual privileges

Islam teaches that faithful Muslim men will be rewarded with 72 virgins in Paradise after they die.

These two men, like them or not, will be at the cusp of the most formidable anti terror remedy since the onset of war in Syria when they meet this Monday at the United Nations

“Because every creature, particularly a living creature, has an intrinsic value, in its existence, its life, its beauty and its interdependence with other creatures,” Pope Francis said.
