
Whatever the reason, the GOP is quickly transitioning from its previous status as a party with a "deep bench" to one boasting a litany of antiquated failures who don't know when to walk away

Pentagon plans to arm Sunni fighters vs. ISIS News on the Net | May 28, 2015
Pentagon officials say, so far, 7,000 government forces and Kurdish peshmerga have been trained and another 3,000 to 4,000 are going through the training pipeline

OPEC Concede Defeat In Anti-Shale War

Changing that is the intent of lawmakers who propose to reform the process known in legal circles as civil asset forfeiture.

The Hillary Enigma Alan Caruba | May 28, 2015
I suggest that Hillary ceases to be an enigma if you just think of the Wellesley student who thought the best topic for her senior thesis was the book by a dedicated Communist, Saul Alinsky

>The Principle of Targeting in Energy and Environmental Policy

Obama Amnesty Stays Shut Down Matthew Vadum | May 28, 2015
Appellate court enforces the law, not the whims of a rogue president

And that gives them jurisdiction over it

Vox Features Yet Another Climate Science “Denier” Institute for Energy Research | May 27, 2015
Climate change, Obama, Vox

People aren’t born stupid George Giftos | May 27, 2015
Unless we find the way to stop this decline in morals and revive our Judeo-Christian values, our country and what was the American way of life will be heading toward extinction.

Santorum ran for the Republican presidential nod in 2012 but came up short to Mitt Romney.

“They commit rape, sexual slavery, forced prostitution and other acts of extreme brutality,”

Belton High School Principal Fred Skretta was talking about why he became a teacher when he suddenly veered off in an unexpected direction.

Full Disclosure For All! Leigh Bravo | May 27, 2015
Time to demand full disclosure before every newscast so the public is truly informed who is spoon-feeding them their news for the day

SAF Seeks Contempt Against DC For Stall In Wrenn CCW Case Second Amendment Foundation | May 27, 2015
“We cannot allow the District to perpetuate an environment in which government can decide which civil rights it cares to recognize,”

Senate Passes Anti-Sharia Law Bill News on the Net | May 27, 2015
The bill is now on its way to Governor Greg Abbott’s desk for him to sign.

Running on a campaign theme of “A New American Century,” Rubio told CBN that America is falling behind because of the Democrats’ policies on health care and debt

Like most pro-abortionists McDonough looks at clear-cut evidence and if it doesn’t support her more-abortions agenda, she minimizes what it says and then misrepresents what follows from it.

Conservatives must appeal to Americans' higher nature, touting education, hard work and the joy of personal achievement.

Meanwhile the blatant hypocrisy of Adbusters shines through on what Kalle Lasn prefers to call his latest campaign: “attack ads from the people of Canada”

Mrs. Clinton is likely to not only be guilty of mishandling classified information but also of public corruption as well

New York Times Still Deceiving About Obamacare Roger Aronoff | May 27, 2015
Times is editorializing, and not reporting, in a front-page story intended to influence a Supreme Court decision

Your average left-winger agrees with this stuff and thinks Sanders is a genius

If the US House and US Senate had real Republicans in control, Barack Obama would be impeached and removed from office for Voter Fraud Based on Racial Profiling!

Tinkering with the law doesn't work in a free society.... Yeah... Working on that.

Five Reasons Government Debts Aren’t Like Mortgages Canadian Taxpayers Federation | May 27, 2015
Reason Five: Homeowners don’t force their kids to co-sign mortgages, governments do

"These were supposed to be dead spores anthrax, called AG-1," a defense official said.

Frazier's life was saved Monday by his K9 partner, Lucas, a black Belgian Malinois who police say chased the assailants down before they could slit Frazier's throat, according to the newspaper.

Before the crash that she blamed on speculators, Senator Elizabeth Warren made a bundle by flipping houses.

It "led to delays and crowding along all 31 miles of the A train, and forced thousands of Rockaways customers to use shuttle buses to get to work,” MTA New York City Transit President Carmen Bianco said in a statement.
