
Mrs. Clinton is likely to not only be guilty of mishandling classified information but also of public corruption as well

New York Times Still Deceiving About Obamacare Roger Aronoff | May 27, 2015
Times is editorializing, and not reporting, in a front-page story intended to influence a Supreme Court decision

Your average left-winger agrees with this stuff and thinks Sanders is a genius

If the US House and US Senate had real Republicans in control, Barack Obama would be impeached and removed from office for Voter Fraud Based on Racial Profiling!

Tinkering with the law doesn't work in a free society.... Yeah... Working on that.

Five Reasons Government Debts Aren’t Like Mortgages Canadian Taxpayers Federation | May 27, 2015
Reason Five: Homeowners don’t force their kids to co-sign mortgages, governments do

"These were supposed to be dead spores anthrax, called AG-1," a defense official said.

Frazier's life was saved Monday by his K9 partner, Lucas, a black Belgian Malinois who police say chased the assailants down before they could slit Frazier's throat, according to the newspaper.

Before the crash that she blamed on speculators, Senator Elizabeth Warren made a bundle by flipping houses.

It "led to delays and crowding along all 31 miles of the A train, and forced thousands of Rockaways customers to use shuttle buses to get to work,” MTA New York City Transit President Carmen Bianco said in a statement.

This case of the Peruvian woman is just another example of how easy it is for noncitizens to vote in our elections

'Cuz it's a 'deal,' dontcha know.

Why Americans can’t buy some of the best sunscreens American Chemical Society | May 27, 2015
Hazy Outlook for U.S. Sunscreen Users

Nepal could benefit from earthquake-proof houses developed by Kibbutz Lotan from renewable materials and ancient techniques, a guest writer reports.

Two military apparel companies are leading the drive. Durham-based Ranger Up and Texas-based Article 15 each earmarked $250,000 for the project and are crowd funding the rest.

After the vote, the nation’s biggest abortion company applauded what it hailed as the defeat of the pro-life legislation.

European Power Plants Face Widespread Bankruptcies

A multi-tasking stent can measure blood flow, take temperature readings, release drugs and dissolve when it's no longer needed.

On Sept. 12, Blumenthal wrote in a memo to Clinton that the attacks were by “demonstrators” who “were inspired by what many devout Libyans viewed as a sacrilegious Internet video on the prophet Mohammed originating in America.”

Camp Lone Star — A Favorable Ruling? Gary Hunt | May 27, 2015
It does appear that when Judge Hanen does pick up his gavel, it will come down declaring freedom for KC Massey, and a quandary for the government

Pilots followed 'operational procedures' to restore power to the engines

Hillary the Arms Dealer Matthew Vadum | May 27, 2015
Clinton Foundation payola funds State Department approval of arms shipments to repressive governments.

Catholic groups involved in the activities of the World Social Forum as Pax Christi, Center of Concern, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Catholic Relief Services and CIDSE, an international alliance of Catholic development agencies

The Palestinian cause has brought their anti-Semitic racism to the pinnacle of world sport

To help improve sanitation in developing countries, scent scientists are figuring out how to keep public toilets smelling clean.

Expanding the code of life with new ‘letters’ American Chemical Society | May 27, 2015
Scientists have created a double helix out of six nucleotides, two more than what nature had devised.

Common Sense Doesn’t Need A Visa Dave Merrick | May 27, 2015
A backbiting serpent is strong at the helm after two consecutive terms given him by politically correct revelers and lazy people who wouldn't put down the remote long enough to get to the polls.

The detail hindsight forgets, and the fiction murky memories create

Mural honoring one if its apparent heroes: convicted cop killer, escaped convict and wanted terrorist Assata Shakur

Good Riddance to Letterman Daniel Greenfield | May 27, 2015
Mournful tributes piling up in his wake aren’t about him. Network television is dying. Letterman was one of its last national figures. Wait until network television dies its inevitable demographic death
