
The new House rule would protect the retirement trust fund from being used as a piggy bank to shore up the disability trust fund

El Condor Pasa

Toyota 4Runner a go anywhere tool Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | January 8, 2015
4Runners start $38,310 for the base SR5 model. The Trail Edition ups the ante to $44,725 and the Limited (it limits the amount left in your wallet!) starts at $47,680 for the five seat version and $48,875 for the seven seater.

One of history’s most tragic human atrocities and largest scale genocides.

Told You So (back in 2005)

The government data, we believe, are artificial constructs designed by the Obama Administration to penalize fossil fuels and allow it to achieve by executive mandate what it cannot via Congress, such as a carbon tax.

California Just Started Another Insane Government Project Heritage Foundation | January 8, 2015
California’s struggling enough as is

Sleep drug helps car crash victim to talk again News on the Net | January 8, 2015
The man was in a coma for 40 days after his accident, then a "vegetative state" for four weeks

Any objective look at Huckabee's record as Arkansas governor or at his previous campaign for president suggests that he does not have what it takes to do that job.

"We're going to have a family conversation."

The Real Haters and Their Targets Cliff Kincaid | January 8, 2015
As incredible as it seems, an anchor for the terror channel Al Jazeera is hosting an upcoming “documentary” on “Hate In America.”

President Obie Daniel Greenfield | January 8, 2015
Ridicule a law enough and it stops applying. Demonize a defendant enough and he is guilty. Truth is nothing. Emotion is everything. The humanitarian creativity of the counterculture was egotism dressed up in philosophy

McConnell’s Veto-Proof Keystone Majority Arthur Christopher Schaper | January 8, 2015
Barack the Obstructionist cannot stop Keystone, if the Republicans can increase their coalition to 67 Senators

A Name on the Map Tabitha Korol | January 8, 2015
Adding Israel and her name to a map, which can then be defaced by the "offended" students, will not bring enlightenment to a world that is plummeting into darkness.

No more dead cops! Fredy Lowe | January 8, 2015
No More Dead Cops! The work slow-down continues. Peace in the City can only begin when de Blasio is gone from City Hall.

Sharp 45% drop in oil prices can trigger a larger financial market crisis and a recessionary contraction

While federal spending as a share of the economy may have declined since 2005, total government expenditures have increased

UNESCO designated Abu Hasira mausoleum is recorded as a historic Egyptian monument

Terrorists' crown-jewel target, New York City, has become more and more vulnerable under the leadership of Mayor Bill de Blasio

Muslims today are committing acts of terror on a daily basis. Terrorism is wholly representative of Islam

Vermont Yankee Closes After 42 Years Institute for Energy Research | January 7, 2015
Electricity prices, Nuclear, Vermont Yankee

How Did We “Fundamentally Change” So Fast? Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | January 7, 2015
The welfare mentality, dependency created, promoted by politicians has produced generations of adults living on the financial plantation of the Democrat Party

Remember that no matter what happens, the Creator still helps those with the backbone to help themselves.

Banking on Armageddon Klaus Rohrich | January 7, 2015
Rampant debt, self-destructive foreign policy, disregard for the will of the people add up to an impending doom -- A result of the will of an irresponsible political class

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Satire versus Kalashnikovs John Thompson | January 7, 2015
The attack on the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo

#JeSuisCharlie trends on Twitter following attack

So, President Nieto, since you view Obama’s unlawful acts as “very intelligent and audacious” when is Mexico going to follow suit by granting amnesty to all illegals in Mexico?

Letter to our WI Reps Guest Column | January 7, 2015
This is a representative democracy, not a fiefdom

President Francois Hollande said the attack was “without a doubt” an act of terrorism.

