
One wonders when Obama will begin to "ratchet up the pressure" as he promised last year. My guess is "never." After all, he's already got his hands full pretending to deal with ISIS.

Video: Brutal attack caught on camera News on the Net | September 8, 2014
Couple beaten by gang in Springfield, MO

Video: Chris Kyle’s wife seeks retrial of Ventura case News on the Net | September 8, 2014
Taya Kyle's attorneys argue that the evidence presented at this summer's trial did not support the jury's $1.8 million award to Jesse Ventura for defamation and unjust enrichment

Video: Outbreak of respiratory infection in Midwest News on the Net | September 8, 2014
Mysterious illness starts with flu symptoms

Video: US airstrikes hit ISIS near Haditha Dam News on the Net | September 8, 2014
Strikes aim to keep ISIS away from dam's water, power generators

Right. That was the problem.

The heavens and the earth will pass away when God (not the "God particle") decides they're going to

There is no domestic strategy either Herman Cain | September 8, 2014
Not that we'd expect one from this bunch.

Media hound “Selfies’ like Obama and Cameron should be booed off the world stage, forced back to the work they were elected to do: Protection of the people of the U.S, Britain

The beheading of Palmira Silva and terrorism Arthur Weinreb | September 8, 2014
Serious violent crimes are ignored out of a fear of offending Muslims or of being seen as racist

United Nations, in reality it is the most corrupt international community on Earth

EPA’s phony “environmental justice” caper Paul Driessen | September 8, 2014
EPA’s real agenda: empire, control, and inverted justice for poor and minority families

On a fundamental level, IS may come to pose a challenge to the religious legitimacy of the house of Saud and its expression of puritan Sunni Islam

Hillary Clinton is battling climate change instead of terrorism

Homeschooling costs less than public education and produces better results

"Kids with no wheezing are having wheezing."

Mechanized infantry with tanks support on the move

The Science of Caffeine: The World’s Most Popular Drug - Reactions American Chemical Society | September 8, 2014
From drinks to jerky to gum, caffeine is everywhere

Obama and the ISIS Beheading videos Dag Barkley | September 8, 2014
Sorry meant to do that later

Arab Bank documents allegedly show that 12 Middle Eastern charities linked to Hamas and other radical Islamic groups transferred $32 million in cash to Arab Bank during the second intifada

Poor Little Rich Liberals Daniel Greenfield | September 8, 2014
They are impoverished in industry and suffer from severe poverties of honesty, decency and shame. Their fake poverty is as fake as their concern for the poor

Fox News’ Special Re-ignites the Benghazi Scandal Roger Aronoff | September 8, 2014
Eyewitnesses have spoken out about what happened in Benghazi. Threatens to haunt the left's strategy machine, which seems more concerned with spin than finding the truth

Washington Gridlock Matt Shipley | September 8, 2014
Repeal or otherwise abolish the 17th Amendment. We the people can restore a level of legislative harmony between the House and Senate

The Generosity Of Gander Jimmy Reed | September 8, 2014
The population of Gander —10,400 at the time — turned out en masse to care for 10,500 stranded travelers.

Police pension costs helped push Springhill to dissolution

Waiting for Josh Earnest to interpret the President Rolf Yungclas | September 8, 2014
Let’s pray that our reluctant Commander-in-Chief gets fully behind the efforts of those like the Kurds, who are willing to take the fight to the ISIS forces

Not even pretending to govern anymore.

Alberta Isn’t Warming Sierra Rayne | September 8, 2014
Despite apocalyptic predictions, the temperature of Wildrose Country is not increasing

Yes, I Blame White Liberals Lloyd Marcus | September 7, 2014
The stench of liberal racist low expectations

Executive Order Amnesty Guest Column | September 7, 2014
November Elections
