
As far as Obama is concerned the notion of Good vs Evil is just another conspiracy theory

Retired NASA Scientists Take on Pope Cliff Kincaid | June 8, 2015
Their verdict: the pope is risking his moral status and his credibility

Barack Obama: Born Again Jew Daniel Greenfield | June 8, 2015
The Judaization of Obama is the last effort by a discredited ideology to fool its followers into believing that its anti-Jewishness is Jewish.

Jihadists of tomorrow Tabitha Korol | June 7, 2015
Anti-Semitism among these German-Muslim students has become critical and life-threatening, and continues as they fail to integrate into their host society.

One Screwed up Jenner-ation Matt Barber | June 7, 2015
In today’s America, it’s “The Emperor’s New Clothes” meets George Orwell. We must all pretend that a man in a dress who has some surgical work is magically a woman – a courageous “hero,”

"Greenland has gained half a trillion tons of snow and ice since September," Goddard writes.

Forget Edward Snowden... a chilling new book by the BBC's top security expert lays bare the biggest internet hack in history

'This is illegal and is called extortion'

Tories need to spend more time going after Mulcair and forget about silly Justin

Which should we support? The real community-benefit organization or the faux service agency run by government and quasi-government? Our decision can make a true difference where we live

Gopher Gate Exposes VA Fraud and Corruption Robert L. Rosebrock | June 7, 2015
Things are worse .... much worse!

"I still can't believe it happened," said Bob Baffert, at 62 the second-oldest trainer of a Triple Crown winner.

Dog born without eyes is changing lives (video) News on the Net | June 6, 2015
Smiley is a therapy dog that spends quite a bit of time helping mentally ill and disabled patients in the small Canadian town

Putin and Buffett’s war on U.S. pipelines Paul Driessen | June 6, 2015
Billionaires use secretive foundations to finance anti-pipeline protests – and get even richer

Once harvested, the data can be used to glean details about key government personnel and potential spy recruits, or to gain information useful for counter­intelligence

To date, painstaking casualty analyses by Israeli sources – Hamas is refusing to produce a full list of its fatalities – indicate approximately 1,100 civilian casualties in Gaza

The AP has traced some of Italy's missing money to an import-export company owned by the Chinese government.

Spain in the Eye of the Storm of Jihad News on the Net | June 6, 2015
"Turkey is the Seven-Eleven of false passports." — Spanish agent working on a human trafficking case.

Webb County Sheriff Martin Cuellar (KWAY'-yahr) tells the Laredo Morning Times that out of five shots believed to have been fired at the helicopter, two are confirmed to have hit their target.

Apparently when Democrats break traffic laws–even when they cause accidents and injuries–violations of traffic laws aren’t of interest to the Times.

Suffers 'life threatening' injuries in the stands

Obama Administration Cover-ups Continue Roger Aronoff | June 6, 2015
President Obama’s administration has blocked more than half a million Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests in the last six years...

Obama’s Electric Vehicle Dream Dies Institute for Energy Research | June 5, 2015
The electric vehicle market may not be the only transportation pipe dream of President Obama’s that the country will not be able to comply with

A few Liberal scandals and broken promises recap News on the Net | June 5, 2015
They promised not to raise taxes; failed to stop the waste of taxpayers’ dollars

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Through fast-track, Congress would be pre-clearing a political and economic union before a word of that arrangement has been made available to a single private citizen.”

Parents demanding school chief’s removal after she took group to Smitten Kitten for sex education class.

The official says security was bumped up Friday afternoon but has returned to normal at the White House.

Teacher's extra-credit assignment draws anger and concern over racy topic

Rand Paul’s ISIS Delusions Arnold Ahlert | June 5, 2015
Why Democrats, not GOP hawks, are to blame for the rise of the Islamic State.

The more the merrier in GOP Presidential Race Jeff Crouere | June 5, 2015
Only a conservative can defeat Hillary Clinton, spare the nation a de-facto third Obama term and begin to reverse the damage of the Obama years
