
Liberals 20-year plus failed hydro experiment Guest Column | April 26, 2015
Contact Bob Chiarelli for the answer

Top Scientists Start To Examine Adjusted Global Warming Figures

Israel cannot ignore the recent development, but it must also avoid creating a serious crisis with Russia.

Canada should not be bullied by this tyrant (Obama)

Bruce Jenner, Get Real Judi McLeod | April 26, 2015
Whether he wears high heels or not, Jenner’s still what his Creator made him--a guy.

Gay Marriage: A Trojan Horse Movement James Simpson | April 26, 2015
Cultural Marxism, Cultural Terrorism

Domestic foreigners: our contradictory Senate A. Dru Kristenev | April 26, 2015
Which entrance into this nation is illegal? The natural journey down the birth canal or the unnatural, contrived crossing of the border?

An age in which the Attorney General was held in contempt of Congress. An age in which the Attorney General refused to prosecute an IRS manager who willfully used the IRS against political opponents of Barack Obama

Sunny and ADORABLE BABY HORSE!!! News on the Net | April 25, 2015
Adorable Baby Horse Tackles Woman For A Hug

A deep divide within our government Guest Column | April 25, 2015
Electing people with good intentions but without the necessary training or track record

Modern coal-powered generators produce clean silent heat, light and power for homes, schools and industry, with zero chance of carbon monoxide accumulating indoors.

No he hasn't. His "time" is life, and that needs to mean something.

Between terrorism and verbalized threats, I think Mr. Bandow's justifications need a little more work before people actually listen to him, or assign any value to his opinions

K-12 Education is a Crooked House Bruce Deitrick Price | April 25, 2015
Common Core is a repackaging of all the bad ideas from the last 75 years but now locked-in by federal regulation

United Nations’ Negotiating Text Ignores UN Science Institute for Energy Research | April 25, 2015
Emissions, social cost of carbon, United Nations

It’s Time for Eureka, California! Arthur Christopher Schaper | April 25, 2015
The natural resources remain, the people have the skills and the strengths. Now they need to work together to establish the rule of the law, individual liberty, limited government, and respect and submission to the United States Constitution.

Make no mistake: the war everyone fears is already here

Consolation Following Lynch Confirmation Arthur Christopher Schaper | April 24, 2015
The answer to this disappointing outcome? Keep fighting, keep demanding the right votes, the proper vision, the full respect for the Constitution. A New Media has arisen to ensure just that.

Republican leaders ignore Conservatives again Jeff Crouere | April 24, 2015
Republican leaders refuse to take the gloves off, and are doing nothing to promote conservatism, so their true agenda must be to facilitate the continuation of liberalism.

Today hundreds of patriots turned out to support the American Flag at Valdosta State University.

Death by drone of an United States aid worker Guest Column | April 24, 2015
We don't negotiate for hostages but we do for traitors

The more we develop with fossil fuels and increase our wealth and standard of living, the more we can inoculate ourselves from the ravages of nature.

How Haiti earthquake helped enrich the Clintons News on the Net | April 24, 2015
Bret Baier reports in 'Fox News Reporting

Levin: Clintons ‘Must Be Prosecuted’ News on the Net | April 24, 2015
What needs to be toppled, Mrs. Clinton, is you, and your husband, and Obama.”

Aaron, in an exclusive interview with The Daily Signal on Sunday, said the state of Oregon is attempting to “obliterate” his family.

The lawless Attorney General’s perfect successor

The DNA Deniers in the Media Cliff Kincaid | April 24, 2015
The DNA deniers are on the march, making serious inroads into the national Republican Party

This the most divisive and culturally destructive issue to face America since the Supreme Court's abortion decision in Roe v. Wade.


Flawed projector shows warranties can work when companies care Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | April 24, 2015
A tip of the hat to a company that did what it said it would to keep one customer happy, quickly and efficiently. Way to go, Epson.
