
Kudos Operation Wild, Wild East!. Nadra Enzi | February 1, 2015
New Orleans: Operation Wild Wild East is welcome good news- kudos to all involved!

Bill Whittle: Racial Racket Ball News on the Net | February 1, 2015
Bill Whittle shows the history of this Racial Racket Ball, leading back to its inventor, Jesse Jackson. It's a long, long way from these racial grievance hustlers to the subject of SELMA.

The Bowe Bergdahl Charade Obie Usategui | February 1, 2015
Enemies that self-perpetuate the cannons of destruction now permutating all facets of our lives

Groundhog Day Greetings from the Great White North Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | February 1, 2015
Weather, Neonics, Gas Prices, Plagues, Climate Change

U.S. Constitution Exceptions Clause, and Gay Marriage Douglas V. Gibbs | February 1, 2015
States can simply nullify unconstitutional laws and rulings, for how can they be forced to follow these federal laws and rulings if they are illegal from a constitutional point of view, in the first place?

Will America return to being that "shining city on the hill" where achievement is respected, both on and off the field?

Goodbye hip replacements… hello grow-your-own bones News on the Net | January 31, 2015
Doctors claim jab can regenerate damaged tissue after one injection

Our American Revival News on the Net | January 31, 2015
Scott Walker ad

The global villain, as portrayed in newspapers and on TV, is none other than the Jewish soldier, or the Jewish settler. They are the heirs to the Jewish banker or Jewish commissar of the past.

GOP's dynamic duo of deflation: John Boehner and Mitch McConnell

Obama's meddling in the elections of other countries is proof positive that the Fundamental Transformation of America has gone to his head

How Do We Get Back to Where We Were? Dr. Robert R. Owens | January 31, 2015
As a Historian I always believe even a little history might help push back the darkness swirling around us

Obama’s Executive Overreach at It Again: This Time, It’s ANWR Institute for Energy Research | January 31, 2015
Executive Overreach, Obama, Trans-Alaska

Obama’s team in Israel to defeat Netanyahu Barry Shaw | January 30, 2015
If Obama’s efforts help defeat Netanyahu another question to be asked is, can Israel survive the damage of an Obama presidency?

Taxes, Taxes, Everywhere Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | January 30, 2015
The only guarantees in life are death and taxes. Death follows life and taxes follow you everywhere like an incurable disease

National Defense Consultants, Providing clients with military analysis ranging from geostrategy to special operations; counterterrorism; Gound, Naval, Air combat

Likely source of the stonewalling came from the State Department—and Secretary Clinton—herself

Bachtell, 58, is playing the long political game and he has a strategy, he said.

“This is not the first time a Bloomberg-funded gun control lobbying group has played fast and loose with facts

Will Mitt Romney’s patriotic act resonant with other dangerous RINOs, like Jeb Bush, in sufficient force to save America in 2016?

Unnamed 'Right to Life' Group will March Instead

The hero in the fight against "mindless austerity".

Blood suckers Sarge | January 30, 2015
This is no more egregious than any other cyber-scam conducted to pocket-pick the American people than the rise and disappearance of so many Political Action Committees (PAC) foisted upon the American people on a daily basis

The Greening Of The Vatican

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Common water vapor Guest Column | January 30, 2015
RE: Temperature and Carbon Dioxide Revisited

“Sometimes it’s kind of like making sausage. You have to do it one step at a time,” Rep Fleming said of repealing Obamacare

Washington Times Interviews Raymond Ibrahim on Muslim Persecution of Christians

In 2016 only a presidential candidate who inspires, pleasantly educates and boldly articulates Conservatism will do.

Cap Black Adopts American Flag Motif Nadra Enzi | January 30, 2015
American flag: Ongoing effort to encourage disaffected urban youth not to self-identify as outcasts, a choice powering violent crime and depression

Who are you? ...And why should I care about your problems?
