
Temperature and Carbon Dioxide Revisited Jack Dini | January 29, 2015
Sadly, the networks' bias on climate change has been happening for decades

Without Obama We would Never Know…. Leigh Bravo | January 29, 2015
The American people have been lied to over and over and over again by this President and members of the Democratic party.... It's time for a change

The American Sniper culture war Col. Bill Connor | January 29, 2015
‘American Sniper’ gives hope that the America we know will win out in the end.

Bank of Montreal Should Withdraw Its Attack on Christians Dr. Charles McVety | January 29, 2015
Corporate Discrimination

Securing America W. Thomas Smith Jr. | January 29, 2015
National Defense Briefs:

2016: Scott Walker versus The Establishment Douglas V. Gibbs | January 29, 2015
It has been a long time since we've seen any candidate that truly stood with the Constitution. What we need is another Calvin Coolidge. . . and his name is Scott Walker

Obama’s version of “tax reform” is unrealistic and firmly rooted in his vision of middle class economics, wealth redistribution

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Obama ad nauseam Alan Caruba | January 29, 2015
Between a President who lies about global warming, climate change, a Congress composed mostly of lawyers who are clueless about the actual science, the best we can hope for is a Republican Party determined to rein in the EPA

Sly anti-Semitism Barry Shaw | January 29, 2015
You can see it where ever you look. It’s in the media. It’s in public statements by politicians and diplomats. It’s on the campus, and it’s chanted in street demonstrations

Once again, Obama’s immature, anti-Semitic hatred of Netanyahu trumps the vaunted “coolness” once falsely attributed to The One

Most parents are powerless to influence the quality of their child’s education.

Tudor Gardens unveiled in New Zealand at Hamilton Gardens Travel New Zealand | January 29, 2015
Carved mythical beasts perched on green and white striped poles are seen throughout the garden

Mercedes-Benz creates a nice new ‘cute ute’ Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | January 29, 2015
The GLA isn't meant as a serious off roader, which makes it pretty much like most of its competition, but for those looking for a classy, premium SUV that won't break the bank, the GLA deserves to be on your list of test drives.

Acer monitor brings 4K UHD performance to the desktop Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | January 29, 2015
A monitor such as this Acer obviously isn't for everyone. But if 4K performance is important to you, this is a good place to start your due diligence.

Taliban is not a terrorist organization? Guest Column | January 29, 2015
Obama justification of the Bergdahl swap

Obama Funding the Anti-Bibi Campaign Matthew Vadum | January 29, 2015
How your tax dollars are being used in the drive to oust Netanyahu — and weaken Israel.

Sons of Liberty: A Review Nelson Hultberg | January 29, 2015
Sam Adams, John Hancock, Paul Revere, and Dr. Joseph Warren are eternal archetypes of what is required as human beings to live freely and justly.

Even before the sharp decline in oil prices, global demand for oil was growing at a rate of 1 million barrels per day per year.

Brand new rights for illegals?

In charge.

After Obama Visit, India To Double Coal Output Guest Column | January 29, 2015
Europe’s $100 Billion Green Energy Mistake

China, India

The bill will affect other regulatory agencies in addition to the FDIC, and would also provide a legal basis for citizens to take action against banks or regulatory institutions.

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The First Amendment is Dead News on the Net | January 29, 2015
The first amendment is dead; long live the reign of sensitivity. Ben Shapiro explores how Americans have forfeited their fundamental rights in the name of political correctness.

Obama’s “Leading from Behind” has U.S in full retreat James Jay Carafano | January 29, 2015
it is not fair to label Mr. Obama’s approach as “leading from behind.” He often takes the initiative to address foreign policy problems. It’s just that what he is doing is not working.

Mullahs’ regime stuck in epicenter of crises Heshmat Alavi | January 29, 2015
Unveiling human rights violations in Iran has increased to the regime's already boiling crises and added to its complications

Islam Has a Problem (and I am Not Saying This Myself) Arthur Christopher Schaper | January 29, 2015
From secular reports to Muslim accounts, to atheistic philosophers' questions and comments, and the research, statistics, and accounts

Every girl’s life matters to Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett only so long as those lives can be exploited for publicity

The Media, Hollywood and the Pro-life Cause Cliff Kincaid | January 29, 2015
Abortion industry and its defenders in the media are doing their best to keep the sacred value of human life suppressed, by outright ignoring it.
