
64 percent want Congress to simply restore the subsidies. They cannot do that

If you're outraged, you're part of the problem.

Tell me again why we're paying for PBS?

Refreshing Honesty from James Hansen on Climate Policies Institute for Energy Research | January 28, 2015
California, climate change, inverventionist, James Hansen

ARPA Canada’s Legal Counsel André Schutten was encouraged by today’s decision

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Dag Barkley | January 28, 2015
Do we shoot him for desertion or do another prisoner swap?

“It is a proven model for Medicaid reform across the nation,”

A compound in hops, which is an ingredient in beer, could help protect brain cells from damage.

U.S. Settles Suit Over Misuse of West L.A. Veterans Campus Robert L. Rosebrock | January 28, 2015
Join us for our 358th consecutive Sunday Rally to "Save Our Veterans Land" and to "Bring Our Homeless Veterans HOME."

The Doomsday Clock Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | January 28, 2015
Don’t you think the current “order of the day” of blaming nearly everything under the sun on climate change or carbon dioxide is a bit over the top?

TouchéMedical is developing a low-cost ‘smart’ patch pump designed for patients of all ages with diabetes, Parkinson’s and other chronic conditions.

More wind power will increase hydro rates Guest Column | January 28, 2015
“We are calling on the Government of Ontario and the IESO to make a sober re-evaluation of the damage current energy policy is doing to our economy

Islam and Terrorism: A Futile Debate INSS | January 28, 2015
The existence of so many contradictory sources means that “correct” definitions of authentic Islam are the subject of controversy and disputation

Terrorists William Bedford | January 28, 2015
"Radical Islam poses a real, direct threat to the West, including Canada." (Conrad Black, Jan. 24):

“Taxing college savings accounts would have created disincentives for those who save for college in favor of the federal government directing college spending, lending and handouts

Eyeglasses that turn into sunglasses — at your command American Chemical Society | January 28, 2015
A new kind of glasses go from clear to shaded on command.

An Auschwitz Anniversary Alan Caruba | January 28, 2015
Auschwitz is not some place that existed a long time ago. It was yesterday

Refineries challenge EPA plan to cut emissions American Chemical Society | January 28, 2015
Refineries and petrochemical manufacturers could face new emissions limits.

Wynne Is Promising More Debt, Not Less Canadian Taxpayers Federation | January 28, 2015
If Canadians tried this trick with their mortgages, they would default and lose their houses. Governments, on the other hand, simply raise taxes in an attempt to raise more money

Lies And Deception In Ukraine’s Energy Sector Oilprice.com | January 28, 2015
Rising Taxation, Corruption in the Energy Sector

Obama’s Economic Shell Game Guest Column | January 28, 2015
Simply put, a lot of Americans can’t—and won’t swallow such economic spin of mammoth proportions, either from the media or from our President

Whatever the case, Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore. And Middle America will continue shrinking until we as a people find a heart, a brain and some courage

Detecting chemical weapons with a color-changing film American Chemical Society | January 28, 2015
Scientists are developing thin films that change color from white to blue in response to chemical weapons.

Film narrator: Obama’s missed calling A. Dru Kristenev | January 28, 2015
The American public should encourage Obama to take up a new occupation as a voiceover artist

Raising the capital gains rate will put a stranglehold on risk taking and available capital

Evilution of Veterans’ Rights Joanna Rosamond | January 28, 2015
Veterans have to deal with malevolent creativity of idiocrats, disrespectful comments about their mental health from “experts”, offensive comments from Hollywood

Hats off to Mrs. O. for refusing to bow to Islamic bigotry as concerns women and their bare faces.

Christie’s “middle” way politics just won’t get him into the White House. It certainly won’t get him past a GOP primary.

Down in flames.
