
Getting in another round of Golf?

Ces't la vie...

Charlie Hebdo, Climate Scepticism & Free Speech Guest Column | January 12, 2015
Climate Extremism & The Chilling Effect On Free Speech

Departing Eden Sarge | January 12, 2015
The American Political Landscape is a desert, a greater expanse than the Sahara; more barren than the Antarctic and colder toward its people than the Polar Ices.

Je Suis Jihad Frank Gaffney Jr. | January 12, 2015
“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

“If the GOP is serious about winning the fight in the Senate, we’ll begin to see pressure mount on red state Senate Democrats,” says Dan Holler

A Chinese woman captured a young swan appearing to commit suicide after the death of its mother

Voters slammed the likes of Bush and Clinton, seemingly seconding Brooks’ Sunday comment.

The Senate is expected to approve the construction of the 1,179 mile pipeline in a vote next week

Instead, Holder said that the U.S is at war with “terrorists” who “corrupt the Islamic faith” or use a “corrupted version of Islam.”

Downsizing America...Supersizing the Obama Police State

Obama and Cartoons of Muhammad Dag Barkley | January 12, 2015
Is that a Jesus tattoo inked on his forehead?

Jihadists’ Sword Proves Mightier Than Freedom’s Pen Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | January 12, 2015
Not defining the jihadist enemy in terms that are clearly based on their own self-professed Koran-based ideology is political correctness gone mad

The Engines that Drive the Jihad John Thompson | January 12, 2015
Arrest Jihad’s preachers and teachers today or kill four terrorists tomorrow… take your pick but decide quickly

A government fighting the wrong enemy Rolf Yungclas | January 12, 2015
The safety and security of our nation is more and more weakened as terrorism is treated as a law enforcement issue of isolated incidents

A little bit of intellectual honesty can go a long way

We could buy our own health care if government would just get out of the way.

Save the Snipe AND the Swamps Viv Forbes | January 11, 2015
We can save the snipe AND the Abbot Point wetlands by shifting the natural silt from port development further out to sea

The Vitamin D Bandwagon: Is it Ahead of the Science? W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | January 11, 2015
People living in higher latitudes show an increased risk of dying from almost all types of cancer, but particularly colon, breast, prostate and skin cancer.

Our Erosionist Leader George Giftos | January 11, 2015
The proprietor (Barack Obama) has given away the store, and we have nothing to show for it.

Dog Refuses to Leave Graveyard After Burying Puppy News on the Net | January 11, 2015
The dog was skittish and kept running away from people, but refused to leave the area.

How refreshing to hear a government authority acknowledge what is so very obvious

The reason liberals fight against applying absolutes to Muslims is because Muslims oppose western civilization.

Yet another young Coptic Christian girl, Sabrine Mushir (right), has been kidnapped in Egypt, from the village of Dalga.

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‘We All Now Look Like Terrorists Before the World!” Raymond Ibrahim | January 11, 2015
Adib asked his viewers, “Are you, as Muslims, content with the fact that today we are all seen as terrorists by the world?

As long as they do nothing to strengthen their lax immigration laws that allow Islamic terrorists over their borders, the leaders of Western nations have no place in protests

Our Muslim President Alan Caruba | January 11, 2015
No other American President has ever been so partial to Islam and Muslims as Obama and it is not beyond the reach of logic or the imagination that he too is a Muslim

2016 Election: American on the Precipice… Obie Usategui | January 11, 2015
Enormity of importance of the 2016 elections

We have seen how great the government runs internet-based systems; just look at healthcare.gov.

Letting My Freak Flag Fly—Again Jim ONeill | January 11, 2015
Oath Keeper Patch: Wordlessly making a statement supporting freedom, individualism, free speech, and anti-establishment views
