
He suffered broken eye sockets, a broken nose, broken ribs and a brain bleed.

Earlier this year, the Department of Justice said it would not pursue civil rights charges against Zimmerman in the 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford.

Skelos and his son Adam were arrested last week on charges of corruption.

Arizona Navy Vet Gets Guns Back, Thanks Second Amendment Foundation Second Amendment Foundation | May 11, 2015
SAF had intervened in the case of Glendale resident Rick Bailey early last month, taking on funding of the case and working with Chandler, Ariz., attorney Marc J. Victor

Hint: Her initials are Marilyn Mosby.

The Death of the Green Energy Movement Heritage Foundation | May 11, 2015
Oil production from 2007-2014 grew by more than 70 percent and natural gas production by nearly 30 percent.



A lie is a lie is a lie Guest Column | May 11, 2015
Too much press –waste of ink

Is Medicaid Expansion Still Voluntary? Guest Column | May 11, 2015
National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius

Dr. Carson, I know you are smart, very smart, but you know medicine. You need very smart people to advise you on energy policy now, before you address the topic any further.

McConnell argued that he is a “realist” about the things that can be accomplished under Obama

Those on the east coast may remember NYC reservoirs in the Catskills being depleted to crisis levels. At one point NYC drained the Ashokan reservoir to “Zero” to emphasize the water shortage.

Cameron Names Shale Advocate Amber Rudd As Energy Secretary

“I think our governor has forgotten about Broome County,”

Cameron’s play book Guest Column | May 11, 2015
Fixing the mess caused by the labor party

Who are they kidding? If anyone wears the pants in the Clinton family, it’s Hillary.

When are Americans going to realize that the Islamists do not need any provocation? When are we going to start acting like we are at war? A good first step would be to stop inviting Muslims to immigrate to America.

Perhaps the problem is too many auditors, reviewers and assessors chasing too few programs

Gentilly mom charged in teenager's stabbing death

From Freedom to Bondage Douglas V. Gibbs | May 11, 2015
If we abandon Godliness, we will surely abandon liberty, for without morality, we are incapable of freedom

Two cops murdered in Mississippi traffic stop Dan Calabrese | May 11, 2015
National media ignores story since it doesn't fit racist police brutality narrative.

Jeh Johnson is emblematic of the insanity and complete idiocy of the Obama p-residency

Why is the U.S. downplaying or denying attacks against Christians?

The left promises us collective security through civil rights while taking away our freedom.

NSA telephone metadata program

More lawlessness from the IRS Herman Cain | May 11, 2015
Almost 1,600 of their employees willfully failed to pay taxes, and many kept their jobs anyway.

Report: Obama lied about bin Laden raid News on the Net | May 11, 2015
“This series of self-serving and inaccurate statements would create chaos in the weeks following,

Only argument against the tyranny of radical Islamic terrorism comes not from the Obama administration but from a handful of brave citizens and the careful aim of police
