
Cameras... and creative editing, of course

The liberals say Ontario rates are competitive: Randy Hillier questions Minister on Electricity Rates:

Social Services Minister Helena Jaczek should support the call to re-strike the Estimates Committee

Hard to believe, but your eyes don't lie to you.

Are the DHS and FBI trying to protect troops or only to depress and demoralize them? Is this how the DHS can keep active duty soldiers from sending messages of Christmas hope to their families?

The World’s Climate Change Mafia Meet in Peru Alan Caruba | December 2, 2014
Whatever Barack Obama has to say about “climate change” (formerly known as “global warming”) is a lie. It would be nice to have a President and a government we could trust.

3-D printers bring microscopic structures to life (video) American Chemical Society | December 2, 2014
The Breakthrough Science series

The final nail.

Egypt today is not in conflict with Israel, yet entry of systems into the region could have precedent-setting consequences beyond the operational significance

"21st century policing"

Democrat Party Boss and Opelousas Mayor Don Cravins, Sr. urges Democrats to commit voter fraud at Senator Mary Landrieu event.

Each dog that graduates and becomes a healer for a human through the Warrior Canine Connection gets its name in a very special way.

Two ways to strengthen neighborhoods Guest Column | December 2, 2014
The ranting and raving of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson

Tesla’s cousin, the TOMAHAWK! News on the Net | December 2, 2014
DUBUC MOTORS SLC is determined to electrify mobile transportation through connected green cars. A NEW OFFSPRING IN THE FAST GROWING MARKET?

OPEC is largely unable to restrict supplies and control oil prices because its members have a strong incentive to cheat and increase oil production above their quotas.

Gruber at Congress Dag Barkley | December 2, 2014
Americans are stupid....Sorry, I meant to say gullible

On the First Day of Christmas . . . Wes Porter | December 2, 2014
Top of the list for residents of Ontario are Scots Pine and White Pine – the latter also being the provincial tree, although in England it is known as Weymouth Pine

The Damage from a Canadian Carbon Tax Sierra Rayne | December 2, 2014
Given the uncertainties and experiences in other regions, carbon taxation in Canada is currently far too risky

Still Debunking the Benghazi Debunkers Roger Aronoff | December 2, 2014
Reliable sources: None of the Republicans on the committee agreed with these findings, or were even given adequate time to review them

The Case for a Carbon Tax is Much Weaker Than You Think Institute for Energy Research | December 2, 2014
Proposed U.S. carbon tax is unjustified on its own terms; one doesn't have to be a "denier" and question the underlying assumptions about physical climate change.

The Kindergarten Booties Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | December 2, 2014
Having seen the insidious welfare dependency under crony capitalism and under socialism/communism, I seriously doubt that I could change an elderly person’s mentality of addiction to government handouts, even handouts not worth having

Six years and counting.

Media Matters for the Left:

'Mr. and Mrs. Suddenly Christmas'

Support Canada Free Press


Stoking the race riot flames

Economic Freedom of North America 2014


Why hire citizens? They're so pricy!

Oops. There goes the narrative.

Enough With The Ferguson Pandering Lloyd Marcus | December 1, 2014
Every opportunist thug wreaking havoc in Ferguson should be arrested. Period!
