
White liberals are bad for America’s public safety health- so bad in fact that I as a sane American Black keep them away from any self-defense, public safety or homeland security discussion

Surfs Up: My Support For Waterboarding Nadra Enzi | December 12, 2014
CIA, enhanced interrogation-- A surf's up

The Immorality of War Sarge | December 12, 2014
We can aspire to be above the other animals in the kingdom, but there’ll always be an individual who will band with others of like thinking and they’ll seek our destruction.

Norway’s Oil Decline Accelerating Oilprice.com | December 12, 2014
Norway may need to begin building a post-oil economy sooner than it thought.

Through talent pipeline management, we can achieve truly demand-driven education and workforce systems to help create opportunities for individuals, ensure a steady flow of qualified workers to enable allow businesses to thrive and grow

More Hot Air Gerald Hall | December 12, 2014
The only fact in the climate control debate is that the truth doesn't matter

'Deadlock' Time As Annual Climate Ritual Nears Its Peak

Mark Kessler - Coming Out of the Closet Part 4 Gary Hunt | December 12, 2014
A hornet's nest had been stirred up by Kessler, and it appears that he attempted to undo the damage he had brought upon himself

After the UN completes their humanitarian effort to transfer thousands of refugees from Syria

Leftist Lynch Mobs from Ferguson to Rolling Stone Daniel Greenfield | December 12, 2014
America is a nation of laws, not of racist lynch mobs. Its trials are based on facts, not on narratives. The presumption of innocence matters more than the narrative and the social justice hashtag.

House Speaker John Boehner got help from President Obama in rounding up votes for the spending bill.

CNN Won’t Stop Lying About “Police Violence” Cliff Kincaid | December 12, 2014
And you can be sure that CNN will also be there, giving Sharpton more unwarranted publicity.

Racial Divide and Distrust Guest Column | December 12, 2014

On to the Senate.

So Just How Stupid Are Liberals Anyway? Jim ONeill | December 12, 2014
Don't be lulled into complacency by their stupidity--they can be vicious and crazy as well. I would no sooner turn my back on a liberal than a rabid dog

Accordingly, from my home to yours, let the non-PC violation of all time bless your day with the Godly greeting, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Lift the inhumane medical and logistical siege

Canada’s puny military William Bedford | December 11, 2014
We need look no further than Australia for a military role model

The incredible lightness of college morality Klaus Rohrich | December 11, 2014
I am given to wonder if in the very near future all of us will be relegated to speaking Arabic, as a large number of our young people can't seem to distinguish good from evil

Why Social Security Hurts Society and Isn’t Secure Dr. Robert R. Owens | December 11, 2014
This so-called insurance meant from the beginning not merely compulsory insurance it also meant compulsory membership in a unitary system controlled and enforced by the state.

U.S. Oil and Nat Gas Reserves Up in 2013 Due to Hydraulic Fracturing Institute for Energy Research | December 11, 2014
EIA, natural gas, oil, oil and gas production, proved reserves

We Will Never Know the Actual Rate of Sexual Assault Sierra Rayne | December 11, 2014
The U.S. Department of Justice reporting on this topic is unscientific and irresponsible

Skeptics Cleared Off Stage

Government Spending Bill Faces Uncertain Fate Heritage Foundation | December 11, 2014
“Refusing to even try to stop Obama’s amnesty now is not acceptable,” says Heritage Action’s Russ Vought.

Clueless 00:00.

Please have an enjoyable non-denominational secular giving season and winter celebration.

Gruber, Feinstein and the consequences of deceit Tom DeLay | December 11, 2014
If you truly wanted a symbol of how our elected leaders mislead us, it’s an easy choice: Go with the Gruber hearing over the Feinstein report.

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

“I am stunned that Dan Satterberg’s office cut this deal with the thug who had previously done time for the killing of Edward ‘Tuba Man’ McMichael in 2009,”

Dianne Feinstein and CIA Interrogation tactics Dag Barkley | December 11, 2014
I had grave concerns...
