
Obama’s Comatose Foreign Policy Guest Column | May 1, 2014
Iraq, Benghazi, Afghanistan, Crimea, Russia

Ontario Taking Cues From Greece Canadian Taxpayers Federation | May 1, 2014
Tax-and-Spend Budget Fails Taxpayers on Every Measure

CBS News President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, the White House deputy national security adviser

It is time to choose our side Doug Hagmann | May 1, 2014
It's time to choose our side not just for this battle, this war against our freedoms and the future of our country, but for the sake of the future generations

Obama Playing Politics With Keystone Pipeline

Depends When You Were Born Alan Caruba | May 1, 2014
America may be at a turning point. Social Security, Medicare are closing in on insolvency

A couple of products that may be right up your alley: Bose SoundLink Mini, Tunes for the tub, Abco Tech's Waterproof Wireless Bluetooth Shower Speaker

Toyota upgrades its Highlander gas and hybrid SUV Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | May 1, 2014
For people who enjoy the drive as much as they want efficiency and reliability. That's wonderful to see!

May:  Much to do, Little Time to do it Wes Porter | May 1, 2014
May gardening: Brown marmorated stink bug, female cockroaches, National Escargot Day

VIDEO “Four Dead in Benghazi” Lloyd Marcus | May 1, 2014
My fellow Americans, please watch this brief music video

You don't say.

“I don’t know how you can say this...."

So, so, very wrong.

America has gone the way of all democracies -- suicide

No Speech Can Fix This Heritage Foundation | May 1, 2014
Obama Foreign Policy in Spotlight During Protect America Month 2014

Professor Bengtsson has received many awards including the German Environmental Reward

General Shinseki - Veterans Summer Celebration Permit Robert L. Rosebrock | May 1, 2014
Anti-Veteran corruption at the Los Angeles VA

CNN’s “Chicagoland” Charade Roger Aronoff | May 1, 2014
Manipulation of reality, with an apparent political agenda, might be expected on a propaganda network like Russia's RT

Most of all, believe in success to achieve success!

The Peace Process is the Process of Blaming Israel Daniel Greenfield | May 1, 2014
The big peace lie killed the peace it was lying about. And now all that's left is protecting the lie, no longer for the sake of peace, but for the sake of the liars

So What if Cliven Bundy is a “Racist”? Selwyn Duke | May 1, 2014
Conservatives forgetting that the side defining the vocabulary of a debate, wins the debate, conservatives slavishly use the Lexicon of the Left

Benghazi Smoking Gun Exposed Arnold Ahlert | May 1, 2014
Newly released emails pierce the veil of Obama’s Benghazi cover-up

Lives Destroyed by Identity Theft and Data Breaches Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | May 1, 2014
Using a person’s information, thieves can create fake birth certificates, licenses, Social Security cards in order to apply for and receive government benefits, Credit cards in a victim’s name

Mob has tasted blood, they may develop a hunger for more. When nobody has a private life and no accusation requires real proof, the mob could come after almost anybody

Professor Obama's Personal Lens

Oh!  Look!  A Bunny… Jim Yardley | May 1, 2014
Mastery of the administration-MSM ability to sing in concert

Premier Wynne’s Sinking Ship Canadian Taxpayers Federation | May 1, 2014
Safe hands? Feels more like the cold hands of an undertaker

Cowboys and—Saturdays? Chris Robinson | May 1, 2014
Summer, Roy Rogers

Define Responsibility George Giftos | April 30, 2014
A million reasons not to support Hillary Clinton for president

Fredericksburg Dr. Brad Lyles | April 30, 2014
Fredericksburg is a deadly illustration of the effects of leadership that is dawdling, vainglorious, incompetent or ineffectual
