
Poll Finds Terrorism Top Issue in US Following Deadly Attacks Heritage Foundation | December 14, 2015
Flags surround a makeshift memorial outside the government building where Syed Farook and wife Tashfeen Malik shot and killed 14 in San Bernardino, Calif.

NYT/CBS Poll Shows Majority Rejects Gun Prohibition Agenda Second Amendment Foundation | December 14, 2015
In the days since the San Bernardino terrorist attack, hordes of people have bought firearms – many for the first time – and are filling out paperwork to carry firearms for personal protection

For some unknown reason he’s still saying five years when one of those years has already passed.

The Charlie Hebdo attacks last January and the Paris attacks last month were a tragic wake up call for France

Growing resentment towards her asylum policies

You suck. Vote for me.

We're gonna love 'em to death! Before or after you take away our guns?

Apparently the optics of gunned-down people are less of a problem. Oh, and ban guns!

CTF Appeal to Canadians: Won’t You Please Help a Needy Corporation? Canadian Taxpayers Federation | December 14, 2015
Taxpayers Federation staff take to the street in Toronto and Ottawa to seek donations for corporate welfare regular Bombardier

And What Can You Do About It?

Turn off the news, settle down with your loved ones, and turn on a Christmas movie that reinforces your faith in humanity

The Non-Binding Paris Deal And Its Implications Guest Column | December 14, 2015
After Paris: China’s New Coal Boom In Asia

ISIS Sharia board: Kill babies with Down Syndrome Dan Calabrese | December 14, 2015
Oral fatwa.

This Nashville Deli Is Closing In Part Because of Obamacare Heritage Foundation | December 14, 2015
Tom Loventhal, owner of Noshville Authentic New York Delicatessen, said he will be closing his deli's midtown Nashville, Tenn., location in part because of the cost of complying with Obamacare's employer mandate

Do We Really Need More Jihadists? Frank Gaffney Jr. | December 14, 2015
America must admit what so many of its leaders refuse to say: Jihad and the hateful ideology of shariah that undergirds it are problems we must address, and must address now.

S.C. State Guard Commander promoted to Major General News on the Net | December 14, 2015

Where Trump is Wrong on Muslim Immigration Selwyn Duke | December 14, 2015
They're not just radical. They're radically insane

Are statin news stories hazardous to your health? Patrick D Hahn | December 14, 2015
Patient on statins thinks about stopping his statin: Should go and see a doctor and discuss it--get a balanced view of what are the positive sides of this medication to prevent heart disease, death, a balance to what might be potential side effects

Hamas indiscriminately targeted Israeli civilians throughout the conflict with extensive rocket fire and willfully sought to draw the IDF into battle in a prepared urban stronghold amid the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza

Much of it due to ObamaCare

76th Anniversary of “Gone With The Wind” Calvin E. Johnson Jr. | December 14, 2015
December 15th marks the 76th anniversary of America’s long cherished and favorite movie Gone With The Wind

Suppress Shooters’ Islamist Ties, Obama Ordered Matthew Vadum | December 14, 2015
How the Radical-in-Chief ordered federal officials to mislead the public about the Jihadist massacre in San Bernardino

The only good news is that it will never be ratified

The Parisian Follies Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | December 14, 2015
Obama administration’s zealous pursuit of a nice-sounding climate change agreement has led the United States into a sucker’s deal

COP 21—Canadians fleeced, again Klaus Rohrich | December 14, 2015
Offer the chance of a lifetime for the likes of Justin Trudeau, Kathleen Wynne, Rachel Notley and John Tory to fleece taxpayers like sheep in the spring

COP21 Throwing Humanity to Symbolic Ravening lions Judi McLeod | December 14, 2015
UN delegates were failing to save the world from a man-made global warming that doesn't exist, loved ones of the San Bernardino innocents butchered by an Islamic terrorism many world leaders claim doesn't exist

Another con job by the administration and the media Guest Column | December 14, 2015
Paris "agreement"

Obama Declares Jihad on Sun! John Lillpop | December 13, 2015
Barack Obama: The Jihadist messiah who conquered the sun through stupidity and lack of transparency!

Make America Great Again: Tell Lindsey Graham to Go to Hell Arthur Christopher Schaper | December 13, 2015
His lack of political and moral courage, plus his all-out desperation to promote himself, disqualify him from further influence or merit

Jesus Joins the NRA Matt Barber | December 13, 2015
The Bible is clear. Christians may – indeed we should – arm and defend ourselves against evildoers.
