
“We’re going to go back to enforcing labor laws. I’m going to make sure that some employers go to jail for wage theft and all the other abuses that they engage in,” Clinton announced to an applauding audience.

The Supreme Court and States' Tenth Amendment Rights

We Became One Jimmy Reed | September 10, 2015
My fellow Americans, I became you; you became me. On that tragic day stamped indelibly in our memories, we became one

Dems gonna be Dems

The quandary Sarge | September 10, 2015
We’re seeing the repetition of history almost daily. Where Hitler coiled like an insane Rattlesnake striking and killing whatever it attacked

Cracking Up: UK Greens Fracture Over Fracking Guest Column | September 10, 2015
Green U-Turn Major Setback For Anti-Fracking Campaigners

Russia’s Reconciliation Efforts in Syria INSS | September 10, 2015
It seems that Russia is determined to protect its interests in Syria and is preparing for all possible scenarios in that arena

What Would Be Different If ‘Reid Were in Charge’?

Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked News on the Net | September 10, 2015
“The cancer was within the senior level of the intelligence command,” one defense official said.

New close up images of the aircraft show the GE90 engine appears to have exploded inwards toward the fuselage

Remembering Chris Stevens: an Ambassador Betrayed Robert Klein Engler | September 10, 2015
According to Dante, Treachery is the Ninth Circle of Hell. This last circle is dedicated to those people who betrayed their loved ones, friends, countries, and no doubt, ambassadors

Understanding the Increases in Education Spending in Public Schools in Canada

Governments still hiding many facts and overlooking 4,666 Charter Violations!

Opposition to ORPP hits a new high News on the Net | September 10, 2015
The more Ontarians learn about the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan scheme, the more they oppose it

" . . . reports are being manipulated to fit a public narrative"

Hillary Waxes Contrite, Says, “I AM SORRY”! John Lillpop | September 10, 2015
What else would one expect from the world’s most notorious congenital liar?

Birthright citizenship

Inconceivable! Jim Yardley | September 10, 2015
How many different ways can politicians misuse the words immigrant, emigrant, migrant, immigration, and migration when the five words mean completely different things?

Putin, Obama and Iran: a choice in the absence of choice Alexander Maistrovoy | September 10, 2015
Obama’s deal with Iran opened "Pandora's box" not only in the Middle East, but also in Europe

So far, 12 states have responded to the Planned Parenthood videos and launched investigations into their abortion and organ harvesting business

Indian Muslims Issue Fatwa Against ISIS! John Lillpop | September 9, 2015
These sort of steps need to be taken by responsible Muslims throughout the world to change the image of Islam!

We dug through some public data to solve the mystery.

The folly of Green subsidies Guest Column | September 9, 2015
The possibility for mischief is endless

California Assembly approves right-to-die legislation News on the Net | September 9, 2015
Modeled after an Oregon law enacted in 1997, California’s aid-in-dying proposal generated passionate, often deeply personal, debate among lawmakers that cut across party lines

Support Canada Free Press


Alzheimer’s disease may be infectious, study suggests News on the Net | September 9, 2015
Disturbing possibility raises questions about certain surgical procedures

“It won’t, not unless men get their act together, have their power taken from them and behave themselves.” Bindel responded.

Terrorist-linked CAIR calls on the administration to "bring them here"

Football Helmets: The Last Line of Defense? (video) American Chemical Society | September 9, 2015
To kick off this football season, Reactions looks at everything that goes into a football helmet and how chemistry helps keep players safe.

Kim Davis will rest with her family and return to work on Monday.

“Sen. Kaine is joining a mob of gun prohibitionists who are trying every scheme imaginable to discourage people from lawfully buying and selling firearms,”
