
Illegal minors Guest Column | July 30, 2014
Why are we providing illegals this high dollar roof over their heads?

Affordable Care Act implementation

Hollywood looks at Heaven - and doesn’t make fun of it! Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 30, 2014
Heaven is for Real: Written intelligently in a manner that treats Christians as real people, good people, rather than the twisted stereotype we're forced to endure so often.

Camry hybrid: a good car that’s green Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 30, 2014
There's a reason why the Camry has been a top seller traditionally and this new version is the best one I've driven

But can she afford birth control?

Apparently, guns are pretty good for self-defense. Go figure.

More than 37,000 concerned Americans have already called on the Civic Center to cancel the sacrilegious black mass

Israel, Hamas and Obama’s foreign policy Caroline Glick | July 30, 2014
The Israeli Left has been Obama’s ace in the hole since he first ran for office, fresh from the pews in Jeremiah Wright’s anti-Semitic church

Obama refuses to arm Ukraine Dan Calabrese | July 30, 2014
New sanctions tougher, but include nothing to stop Putin's aggression.

The most effective way to rein in Obama’s imperial presidency isn’t impeachment hearings

New wound-closure tech helping to heal Guest Column | July 30, 2014
TopClosure, invented by an Israeli plastic surgeon, allows for quickly and temporarily closing skin over an open wound in an emergency setting.

Five Industries Worried About Peak Oil Guest Column | July 30, 2014
Doomsday predictions of civilization having to survive without electricity, or planes being grounded are one thing, but petroleum is a heavy component of many more industries than that.

The father of one victim said he was “angry and frustrated” that his son’s body has not been repatriated 12 days after his death.

More Climate Hysteria Down Under Sierra Rayne | July 30, 2014
Since 1900, annual rainfall in almost all of southern Australia has increased, not decreased

The Carbon TAX Scam Alan Caruba | July 30, 2014
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is vital to all life on Earth, but most particularly to every piece of vegetation that grows on it

Never before has Americans been subjected to such an unrelenting streak of disgraceful and antithetical controversies, political havoc and chaos

Count Down to Impeachment Tom Barak | July 30, 2014
Obama or Biden: I'd rather take a dummy than a dictator

Joe Biden is a Vile Little Man Lloyd Marcus | July 30, 2014
Biden and his fellow Democrats cavalierly throwing “race grenades” whenever it serves their political purpose

Energy Poverty Coming to America; Coal Shuttered for “Clean” Power Institute for Energy Research | July 29, 2014

Middle East and Iraq’s Christians under attack Dr. Walid Phares | July 29, 2014
The People of Nouwn

Government Agency Faces Heat for Blocking New Sunscreen Heritage Foundation | July 29, 2014
Out-of-control regulation is compromising the health and safety of Americans

Justifed because Gaza is small

Responsibility, consciousness, industriousness, equality, discipline, and devotion by government decree cannot be forced

Chalk one up for religious freedom.

Gaza Flotilla Terrorists Set Sail Again Arnold Ahlert | July 29, 2014
Turkey revives its jihadist attack on Israel.

U.S. at the breaking point

Is there a second Reagan who will clean up Obama's mess? Or is the mess beyond the capabilities of even a Reaganesque figure?

What In The World Are They Thinking? Jim Yardley | July 29, 2014
Did we elect complete idiots?

Climate Alarmists Never Quit! Alan Caruba | July 29, 2014
Billions Wasted to Combat Global Warming
