
MUST SEE: Troopathon Guest List Released Move America Forward | June 23, 2014
1 PM to 8 PM PST on June 25th!

Hooray — Hennie’s Home! Jimmy Reed | June 23, 2014
A Rhode Island Red and Life on the Mississippi Delta

Containing Ontario’s Socialist Madness Tom Barak | June 23, 2014
Ideology and the pursuit of an elusive socialist utopia

"Liberals" have renamed themselves "progressives" in order to imply a constructive connotation to their destructive mission

Saddam’s WMDs: The Left’s Iraq Lies Exposed Arnold Ahlert | June 23, 2014
Where is the apology to the Bush administration?

Obama's Revolutionary Confessions of a Progressive, Cloward-Piven Saboteur

Corrupt, tyrannical government, fully aided, abetted by the Congressional Republicans, are working overtime to turn the country into a third world ghetto by using our taxpayer dollars against us

Creating a second Arab State in Mandatory Palestine-- in addition to Jordan - for the first time ever in recorded history - remains an illusion after fruitless negotiations spanning the last 20 years

Efforts to stop EPA overreach continue Rolf Yungclas | June 23, 2014
Reverse the effects of this whole ideological agenda that is nothing more than national suicide

Executive fiats in the other Washington Paul Driessen | June 23, 2014
Two western state governors intend to get low carbon fuel standards, by legislation or decree

Hillary’s War on Women Daniel Greenfield | June 22, 2014
The real Hillary despises women and identifies with the men who victimize them

What ever happened to the iron-willed, strong-of-heart real, honest-to-God REAL men and women that made this country great?

Saddam, the Good Old Days Alan Caruba | June 22, 2014
If Saddam was still the Iraqi dictator, he would never have permitted ISIS to exist. Now we must destroy it. No troops on the ground, just American air power.

Christians United for Israel

Passing Amnesty Would Be De Facto Approval of Obama’s grand scheme to destroy America as we know it!

The escalation of the internal conflict in Lebanon and the spillover of violence could bring the civil war in Syria deep into Lebanon

For the Right Diagnosis, Consult a Dog W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | June 22, 2014
A dog’s nose has 220 million cells to detect odours compared to our mere five million cells

UN Chief Lashes Out on the Syrian Crisis Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | June 22, 2014
One can understand Ban Ki-moon’s frustrations, but his prescription to forget about national boundaries is a naïve recipe for disaster

Taxpayer Funded Subsidy

The Unimpeachable President Al Kaltman | June 22, 2014
Obama promised that he would ignore Congress. He has kept that promise and he will continue to keep it to the detriment of American people, and the Constitution he swore to protect and defend

Intra-city light rail service connecting Downtown Las Vegas and the Speedway to help relieve gridlock on Interstate 15 North, and Las Vegas Blvd. during special events

Clearly, Obama's unlawful policies are a clear and present danger to the lives and well being of young, foreign children

We The People of Faith Judi McLeod | June 22, 2014
Obama taunts and mentally tortures We the People, not realizing that We the People are, in reality, have long been, We the People of Faith

When does Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fit into the European energy picture?

Obama draws meaningless line in Syria--Satan draws real lines in the minds of men

Sneaky Penguins Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | June 22, 2014
The Emperor penguin colony located near Pointe Géologie in Antarctica

Nancy Pelosi richly deserves to be ex-communicated from the Church!

Nouveau riche Chinese

Canadian tourist dollars William Bedford | June 21, 2014
U.S, customs
