
Maybe because it is? Nah, that can't be it. Nothing's his fault.

Illegal immigration crisis Guest Column | June 13, 2014
Cloward/Piven strategy

New Indian Government To Speed Up Coal Development

TEA Party is an attitude Herman Cain | June 13, 2014
Tea Party is an attitude, and Tea Party people do have an attitude!

WSJ OpEd calling global warming ‘unproved science’

As news of Ishag’s plight spread, members of Congress joined forces in condemning the Sudanese government

Video: Veterans Call for Firings, Funding at VA News on the Net | June 13, 2014
"Find the people that are responsible and fire them."

Letter to Congressman Waxman - Emergency Shelter for Veterans

Assessing The Tea Party Influence:  Graham vs. Cantor Arthur Christopher Schaper | June 13, 2014
Conservatives: Unify and Coordinate

Hezbollah and Israel’s Lawyers-in-Chief Caroline Glick | June 13, 2014
This is a recipe for disaster

Paul Krugman Shows Why Conservatives Should Never Support a Carbon Tax Institute for Energy Research | June 13, 2014
Obama administration's tightening of fuel economy standards

Who Lost Iraq? Arnold Ahlert | June 13, 2014
Why Obama and the Democratic Party own the crisis in Iraq

Quite a commentary on the Obama presidency: Surrender and wasting of 4,500 American lives is considered an achievement!

Media reports of overcrowded holding facilities, contagious diseases, and sexual activity by the unsupervised teenagers

Obama on Al Qaeda over-running Iraq Dag Barkley | June 13, 2014
Removal of troops pre-mature...

Corporate Welfare-fest is Just Wrong Canadian Taxpayers Federation | June 13, 2014
Government’s corporate welfare-fest

Launching air strikes against ISIS a no-brainer Jerry Philipson | June 13, 2014
President Obama needs to stop dithering and equivocating and order the air strikes immediately, before it's too late

And many happy returns!

It’s time to stop accepting our current incarceration system as the status quo

NIGERIA: Christian Communities Ravaged by Militants News on the Net | June 12, 2014
Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

This press scrutiny of claims by the gun prohibition lobby is long overdue

President Chris Christie? Alan Caruba | June 12, 2014
Gov. Christie is what you see and what you hear

Did Hell freeze over, or is he auditioning for a real network?

Advancing Jihadists warn of “account to settle” in Baghdad as 500,000 forced to flee Mosul

Toyota RAV4 worth a first - and second - look Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | June 12, 2014
Familiarity breeds contempt? In this case, familiarity breeds content(ment).

This Darbee edition of the BDP-103 continues that fine tradition, and the Darbee capability is definitely worth the extra hundred bucks

Iraq: Christians Join Massive Exodus from Mosul Christian Newswire | June 12, 2014
Mosul soon will be emptied of Christians

It’s as if Obama wants them to pour into America
