
The only thing transparent about the Obama administration is its motives for hiding the truth

Repeal the RET, Now Viv Forbes | May 25, 2014
The costly RET can have no measurable effect on global warming

The Politics of Intolerance Gerald Hall | May 25, 2014
Justin Trudeau

General Khalifa Hifter is set to undo Obama's military intervention which put the Muslim Brotherhood on the road to taking over Libya

Instead of stepping out to honor this country's veterans, Obama blocked them from visiting memorials during the 2013 government shutdown

The Kerry negotiations are a textbook case on how not to build the trust required

Scandal Exhaustion Alan Caruba | May 25, 2014
Americans exhausted by the incompetence and wastefulness of an administration

Obama’s Most Serious Scandal Ron Lipsman | May 25, 2014
Obama pursues a centralized, government-controlled, amoral society, egalitarianism, multilateralism, collectivism and multiculturalism

Just Do Your Job, Get a Bonus Jim Yardley | May 25, 2014
Once you give a person a bonus for lackluster performance, they almost invariably feel that this bonus money is now a guaranteed part of their annual income

Hot Times in the American Southeast? Sierra Rayne | May 25, 2014
The National Climate Assessment's predictions for increasing extreme hot days differ widely from current trends

MSNBC Seeks to Discredit Benghazi Investigation News on the Net | May 25, 2014
If Democrats continue to take advice on politics from MSNBC, the partisanship they claim to be so offended by might help prevent the public from finding out the truth about Benghazi

Boomers Now Know the Pain of Arthritis W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | May 25, 2014
Don’t neglect to fight obesity. If you weigh 150 pounds, the pressure on the joints increases to 450 pounds on movement

America Has Come to a Crossroads Paul E. Vallely | May 25, 2014
Our government (all branches) of, by and for the people has lost control and has led us down a very destructive path of tyranny, corruption, cover-ups and deceit

Get him out of there Guest Column | May 24, 2014
To save the world from Obama's incompetence

North America is smothering under an airtight blanket of the marching propaganda of the Politically Correct-- even as important election campaigns are underway

High River, Alberta—The Cover-up Continues Dennis R. Young | May 24, 2014
CSSA Commentary:

The latest National Climate Assessment predicts a massive increase. Recent trends suggest no change

It is time to put in place the rules and responsibilities

The War on America’s Military Veterans John W. Whitehead | May 23, 2014
Waged with SWAT Teams, Surveillance and Neglect

Phil Robertson Refuses to be Intimidated Jeff Crouere | May 23, 2014
This is a man who cares for his fellow citizens and the plight of his country, not someone who is filled with hate

Levin BLASTS Dems Over Redskins Name Change News on the Net | May 23, 2014
Harry Reid Is The 'Donald Sterling Of The Senate'

The UKIP Dawn! David C. Jennings | May 23, 2014
Euro results hit Sunday Night with some pre-election polling showing UKIP headed for 1st place

But will they stand firm if the left turns up the heat?

Problems will be eliminated.

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...Because his racism was supposedly only directed at "one guy"

Why are we just hearing about this now!?!?

No good deed goes unpunished Sarge | May 23, 2014
Improper treatment of our veterans has been so tragically chronic it’s become dynastic in its history

EU To Speed Up Shale Development In Response To Ukraine Crisis

“The IRS should not attempt to regulate in areas beyond its expertise and authority

Obama and the hazards of a bad lie Dag Barkley | May 23, 2014
The VA: I'm Mad as... Ah, Hell!
