

Remember, our weakness lies in our diversity

Illegalophilia and Islamophilia Daniel Greenfield | June 29, 2017
After some frantic efforts to obscure the identity of the killer, the lights, cameras and agendas will move on. But unless the law trumps the left’s illegalophilic love, the illegal alien killings will continue

Egyptian police become terrorists: Attack Christianity Dr. Ashraf Ramelah | June 27, 2017
Slogan found on the entrance to the building of the Egyptian police: "Police are at the service of the people"

What difference does it make? The difference between enforcing the law and our willingness to put up with the cover up

SCOTUS DENIES REVIEW, ALLOWS SAF’S BINDERUP WIN TO STAND Second Amendment Foundation | June 26, 2017
“We cannot allow government to simply deny constitutionally-delineated rights on such flimsy grounds”

• Obama administration allowed guns to fall into the hands of criminals
• Justice Department lied about it just to further their anti-gun agenda

• Most ‘crime guns’ are NOT ‘domestically sourced’
• RCMP Inspector Chris McBryan is wrong to claim they are

Don't mess with the Maple Leaf

'Motive unknown'

Who are the terrorists?

Israeli cyber specialists uncover the newest nefarious scheme for stealing network data

Most Middle Eastern countries crushing Christians are a war zone. Little can be done by the individual to effectively counter it. In Egypt, a state clearly in violation of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, a tourism boycott is now in order

No Allah Please, We’re British Daniel Greenfield | June 20, 2017
There’s no Allah in London or Orlando. Just mysterious deaths whose motives remain a mystery

A GOOD WEEK FOR GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS Jeff Crouere | June 18, 2017
While liberals lament our “gun culture,” the real story of the week is that guns, in the hands of the right people, save lives

The capture ended a three-day manhunt for Georgia prison escapees Donnie Rowe and Ricky Dubose, who are suspected of murdering two corrections officers, Sergeants Christopher Monica and Curtis Billue

Moderates and Radicals in Islam and the Left Daniel Greenfield | June 16, 2017
Expose the false moderates who are driving this process for what they are

The real test is how many elected Dem officials after this will reject the rhetoric and branding of the “Resistance”. How many of them will have the courage to condemn it?

Latest Updates: Shooter Captured, ongressman Roger Williams was also shot,

The horse's mouth

Maybe now the anti-gun rights Democrats will support everyone’s right to carry a firearm for self-defense

And his Facebook page celebrates a certain senator, it appears.

Identified Shooter posted Anti-Trump material on his Facebook-- Assailant is now dead

This amounts to being forcibly dispossessed of private property

90 years of spreading a lethal and evil ideology, it is time to step up, identify the threat, separate the notion of good versus evil. Designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization to further the battle against radical Islamic terrorism

This sad case illustrates why the nation is dealing with so many intelligence leaks to the media

The noose tightens, the clock is ticking and Jason Chaffetz will get to the bottom of this. Don’t forget Jason has an ace up his sleeve, Trey Gowdy is also on the committee investigating Obama

When Is Enough, Enough? Ray DiLorenzo | June 10, 2017
Since we almost never hear from the peaceful Muslims, and with the radical Muslims able to carry out their attacks almost at will, one has to strongly suspect that the radicals are driving the agenda.

SA intercept leaker sympathized with terrorists Daniel Greenfield | June 10, 2017

“I want to burn the White House down and go live in Kurdistan”

Is Reality a winner? Not so much David Hogberg | June 7, 2017
Prison beckons the new Chelsea Manning wannabe

Piers grills London Mayor Pt.2: Tolerance-at-all-costs
