

SAF Sues City Of Seattle For Violating Public Records Act In Gun Tax Probe Second Amendment Foundation | September 8, 2016
The city simply cannot be allowed to adopt a tax on the exercise of a constitutional right and then stonewall the public and the press about that

Fom inside Kafarya & Foua. The true face of starvation.

Celebrating our heroic police officers Lloyd Marcus | September 8, 2016
Blue Lives Matter celebration

Thug Love isn’t Police Reform Nadra Enzi | September 8, 2016
Loving thugs isn’t police reform, it’s police removal

Appeals Court Rules That Non-Serious Convictions Do Not Erase 2A Rights Second Amendment Foundation | September 7, 2016
Winning firearms freedom, one case at a time

Overcoming evil anti-police rhetoric with good Lloyd Marcus | September 7, 2016
We should have been honoring police who protect us everyday

Are Police Obsolete? Nadra Enzi | September 6, 2016

The Weakening of Wilayat Sinai INSS | August 31, 2016
Egypt , Islamic State

Time to put fear-mongering away Diane Weber Bederman | August 30, 2016
Leave your racist, xenophobic, fearmongering behaviours behind in the countries from which you fled

Persecutions span different ethnicities, languages, locales: One thing alone binds them: Islam--whether the strict application of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture born of it

Blue Lives Matter / All Lives Matter Lloyd Marcus | August 30, 2016
The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe

So long as recidivist thugs continually terrorize their neighborhoods, rhetoric about keeping guns out of the wrong hands is just political lip service

Are Nonstop Muslim Atrocities the “New Norm”? Raymond Ibrahim | August 25, 2016
For the fact remains: unlike natural disasters—earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and the like—we actually do not need to "live with" Islam

Tayeb is neither a "moderate" nor a "radical." He's merely a Muslim trying to be true to Islam. Put differently, he's merely a messenger

Blind eye

Reign of Raze-ism Nadra Enzi | August 20, 2016
The Milkaukee riots frightened the Right's pundits with amoral advocacy of crime as unassailable privilege.

Let's come together on this and send a huge love letter to our brave men and women in blue

Blue is a Civil Rights Color Too Nadra Enzi | August 18, 2016
It's high time we realize blue is a civil rights color too. Lives will be saved when we do

Britain’s leading Islamofascist agitator Anjem Choudary

It's a wonder America still exists when we entertain such ignorant notions

No more pretending not to know what it is.

Hey media, they're "riots" not "protests"

I see Second Amendment people Matthew Vadum | August 10, 2016
Left doesn’t care about facts so the lie that Donald Trump urged “Second Amendment people” to whack Hillary Clinton is likely to stick around

One Way to Unite with Cops Today Nadra Enzi | August 7, 2016
Someone is scripting urban civil war. I suggest writing urban civil unity into existence.

Their future national character and very existence may well depend upon their self-determination

“If Obama really wants to leave office as a humanitarian,” Gottlieb said, “he should pardon all gun owners from his anti-gun executive orders.”

Muslims have been slaughtering Muslims on any number of justifications and rationalizations from the start: So what can the open non-Muslim--such as the Western infidel--expect?

Korryn Gaines: Madwoman or Martyr? Nadra Enzi | August 3, 2016
A disturbing trend in Black extremism has methodically been escalating to mass assassination of police and now, possible use of mother/child matryrdom operations

How to end radical Islam Guest Column | August 2, 2016
Islam needs its own Council of Nicea, or its internal forces of darkness could control its destiny

SAF Slams Apple Execs For Changing Handgun Emoji Second Amendment Foundation | August 2, 2016
“Maybe gun owners should think twice about buying any more Apple products,” he concluded, “unless they include a rotten Apple emoji.”
