

Trying to capitalize on that tragedy to push an anti-gun agenda

War: What is it Good For Dr. Robert R. Owens | March 29, 2013
I am a supporter of our troops. I believe they are patriots and America’s best. It is not the bravery or skill of our troops that I question; it is the imperial foreign policy which sends them

If Rand Paul is looking for something to filibuster, how about aid to Egypt?

Congress is currently considering a variety of gun control measures introduced by Democratic lawmakers

The Constitutionalists are back.....

Obama creates jobs: Gunmakers hiring like crazy Dan Calabrese | March 26, 2013
Maybe he should threaten to ban other American-made products too

Feel free to avoid Carrey's new ultra-violent movie, coming this summer!

More embarrassment for Bloomberg’s anti-gun mayors group Second Amendment Foundation | March 25, 2013
“Mayor Bloomberg should be more interested in the conduct of MAIG members than trying to pry into the personal lives of gun owners or soda drinkers

Nullification Against Gun Control Douglas V. Gibbs | March 22, 2013
Second Amendment Protection Act

Radical leftists spent the last 50 years infiltrating the Democrat Party, conservatives placed their trust in Republican Party leaders who, incrementally and through attrition, were becoming big-government statists


SAF defends women’s right of self-defense at United Nations Second Amendment Foundation | March 21, 2013
Genuine concerns that any international gun control treaty would ultimately strip individual firearms rights from people all over the world.

How about a hyperbole ban?

Senate Assault Weapons Ban Dies Arnold Ahlert | March 20, 2013
Even with the ban as a separate issue, Feinstein faces an uphill battle in getting her measure passed

Disarming American citizens, Obama style Doug Hagmann | March 19, 2013
The machinations of the Obama regime within the inner workings of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty must not be underestimated

Cannot blame “Evil Republicans” for shooting down your silly attack on the Constitution!

Why the NRA is Right about Hollywood Selwyn Duke | March 19, 2013
Brutalization and desensitization

William Van Cleave, the Cold War’s Unsung Hero Frank Gaffney Jr. | March 18, 2013
Strategic Defense Initiative

Government vs. People:  Who can keep us safe? Dr. Richard Benkin | March 17, 2013
Terrorism in India, Muslims, Hindus

Gun Control Mirroring Health Care Reform Erik Rush | March 15, 2013
It is time to commit one way or the other: capitulation to a dysfunctional, deviant, totalitarian America, or a life-or-death fight for our liberty

Things get testy when Cruz dares to question Feinstein's Constitutional knowledge

"We need to ban politicians who assault our rights"

Shadow of the Gun Daniel Greenfield | March 14, 2013
Gun-free zone, Pacifists, The dreaded assault rifle or weapon of war or killing machine of mass death actually kills rather few Americans

Don’t worry, they’ll find a way around that pesky 2ndAmendment.

Mark Dice

Stoos Views' Ace Reporter Hugh Betcha's Exclusive Interview

Playing for Keeps on Gun Control
 Erik Rush | March 9, 2013
It is time to play for keeps, because the Marxist in the White House in exercising undue influence over their legislative process in order to compromise their liberty

Damaso Lopez Nunez

Thanks, Dems, problem solved!

How science debunked the ancient Aztec crystal skull hoax American Chemical Society | March 6, 2013
French antiquities dealer Eugène Boban played a major role in sparking public fascination with the skulls
