
Bravo, Donald Trump, for having the courage, moral fiber and guts to call it what it is

Donald Trump and his campaign manager are not perfect, nor are their detractors

Guilty Until Proven Innocent Robert L. Rosebrock | March 31, 2016

The centre left is in sharp decline across Europe News on the Net | March 31, 2016
Rose thou art sick

Arrest George Soros Matthew Vadum | March 31, 2016
Use existing criminal and civil laws to shut down his anti-American juggernaut

“ConventionFacts.gop is a tool for voters to learn about convention delegates, rules, and how the overall process works in a simple, easy to understand format,”

State police were holding a training exercise at the time the shots rang out

Pae went into a rage because he felt the flight crew was ordering him around, Ching said.

Google Chromecast helps turn dumb TV’s into smart ones Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | March 31, 2016
Depending on your needs and wants, Google's Chromecast could be the perfect solution for getting your content to your TV

Gov. Inslee Signs SAF-Supported Suicide Prevention Bill Second Amendment Foundation | March 31, 2016
“Hopefully there will be more collaborative efforts that focus on problems we can help solve together

Toyota’s biggest get updated for 2016 Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | March 31, 2016
The 2016 Toyota Tundra TRD Pro Series pick-ups start at $54,475 for the Double Cab model and $56,975 for the Crewmax.

Thanks to CFP, Megan Barth and Katy Grimes Guest Column | March 31, 2016

Michelle Field’s Agenda Guest Column | March 31, 2016

Nala, a rescue pitbull, had been terrified and trembling in her cage for days

The super cute video was uploaded by China Central TV Station today

American Fascists News on the Net | March 31, 2016
The Collectivists vs. The Individualists.

How Putin is out-maneuvering Obama in Syria Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | March 31, 2016
The Stop-and-Go Syrian Peace Talks

Rob’s hounding and harassment by the relentless politicians and mainstream media are over and at long last, he is at rest from all his cruel tormentors

18-year career marked with professional achievements and distinguished performance is over, just like that, because we can no longer say what we think. What a disgrace

Occurred at San Francisco State University on 3/28/2016

The collapse occurred in Bara Bazaar, a busy residential and shopping area in the city of approximately 4.5 million people.

Sen. Chuck Grassley is a sponsor of the "Separation of Powers Restoration Act of 2016," which would give more authority to courts, rather than administrative agencies, in interpreting statutes and regulations

Western Europe’s “Headache” Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | March 31, 2016
Simple politically correct euphemism, “Rom/Romani,” invented by progressives. is confusing and obfuscating history by design, misrepresenting the roots of an entire minority, the gypsies

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Liberty Counsel Offers to Defend North Carolina Law Liberty Counsel | March 31, 2016
The Attorney General's unjustified refusal is a disturbing commentary on modern legal ethics

The Least Transparent Administration in History Roger Aronoff | March 31, 2016
President Obama’s term has been marked by secrecy. He writes that over 250,000, or 39 percent, of FOIA requests were “either censored or denied.”

Surrendering to ISIS is the Only Way to Defeat It Daniel Greenfield | March 31, 2016
ISIS is not trying to be counterintuitive. It’s fighting to win. And our leaders are fighting as hard as they can to lose

Khamenei: Missiles are the key to Iran’s future Dan Calabrese | March 31, 2016
It's a great time to be a despotic tyrant who threatens your neighbors. And as Khamenei knows, to be quite open about it. Who's going to do anything?

f the Obama administration were serious about an “All-of-the-Above” strategy and job creation were a top priority, it would get behind Atlantic drilling and open access to all resource production

Is the DNC running the RNC? Judi McLeod | March 30, 2016
Trump and Cruz camp followers: Come in out of the weeds and go after your candidates demanding that they turn their energies on America’s biggest enemy: Hillary Clinton and the power-crazed Democrats
