

Celebrating Our 41st Wedding Anniversary Lloyd Marcus | July 23, 2018
When I Look in Your Eyes

Rescue dog searches, finds missing dog stuck in mud

Rampage 4K disc a monster movie-lover’s delight Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 22, 2018
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Tron meets Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Spielberg’s 4K treat Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 22, 2018
Ready Player One

The Tradescants Wes Porter | July 22, 2018

Chinese Plant of Longevity Wes Porter | July 21, 2018
Elixir of Immortality

’Pologize, Dice! Jimmy Reed | July 19, 2018
Like cigarettes, Jaybird knew gambling can be addictive, and he made sure I never became a gambler by letting me gamble.

Why do I have so many kitchen gadgets? (VIDEO) American Chemical Society | July 19, 2018

Water may be key to understanding sweetness American Chemical Society | July 19, 2018
How we perceive different sweets depends on the types of sugar and saliva

Other allopathy plants include asters, goldenrod, ragweed, hawkweed, tall buttercup, and crown vetch

The Quick and the Dead a number one 4K disc with a bullet Jim Bray, CFP Automotive Editor | July 13, 2018
The Quick and the Dead is an unconventional Western and it works very well on many levels, with a compelling screenplay, terrific cast and an accomplished director

The Meaning of The Book of Revelation Dr. Robert R. Owens | July 13, 2018
I was always asking, “What’s it all about?”

Watch: Why stinky cheeses stink American Chemical Society | July 12, 2018
St. James Cheese Company in New Orleans, LA, Reactions explains why stinky cheeses stink

The Day Frantic Frankie Fay Flew Jimmy Reed | July 9, 2018
At the top of the page I wrote: the day frantic Frankie Fay flew.

A Kick in the Ash Wes Porter | July 8, 2018
A faint ray of hope: Journal of Integrated Pest Management outlines a set of four options for communities to choose from as they plan for the impact of emerald ash borer.

American Independence Won In The South James W. King | July 4, 2018
On Sept. 3, 1783 England granted Independence to each of the 13 sovereign American colonies

In a complex operation, the vessels, dating back to the Hellenistic period, were lowered 30 meters down on ropes to safety

Hosta to Replace Romaine Lettuce Wes Porter | July 1, 2018
• Dogs can detect agricultural diseases
• Crispy, crunchy--and edible--hosta
• Japanese knotweed 'can be eaten into submission'

Deaf puppy rescued from fifty-foot deep hole in Alabama Crews successfully pull the small dog to safety, must to the relief of her worried owners

The Peanut Lady’s Paradise Jimmy Reed | June 29, 2018
God bless America, my home, sweet home: the peanut lady’s paradise

Why is More Important Than How Dr. Robert R. Owens | June 28, 2018
Life is the essence of the universe: Science may try to tell us how but you see the why is more important than the how

Watch: Surströmming: The secrets of this stinky Swedish fish American Chemical Society | June 27, 2018

Elephant paints amazing pictures with trunk News on the Net | June 26, 2018
This talented 10-year-old elephant started painting when he was only one year old. A year later, its work was already being exhibited at the Chiba Zoological Park in Japan

The video of Poncho the police dog performing CPR and doing mouth-to-mouth on his officer has gone viral

God Has No Opinion and His Children are not Bigots Rev. Michael Bresciani | June 25, 2018
What is dignified about Philadelphia’s gay Rep Brian Sims posting a picture of himself flipping off Vice President Mike Pence and telling him to get out of the city?

Hydrangeas, the strange color-changing flowers (VIDEO) American Chemical Society | June 22, 2018
