
Babies may get diabetes in utero Guest Column | October 30, 2014
A significant study by Israeli, American and Swedish researchers pins the blame for type 1 diabetes on a virus contracted by mothers during pregnancy.

Business News

Wind and solar power systems provide less than four per cent of Ontario’s power but account for 20 per cent of the cost paid by Ontarians

Is this for real, or is this story a part of a SNL skit about the Obama Ebola failure?

ObamaCare replaced, budget balanced . . . and this from "obstructionists"?

Be Consequential Dr. Brad Lyles | October 30, 2014
Third in the "Fortune Favors the Bold" series

Average media and political research institutions, most of which have a progressive bent, apply data manipulation to churn out polls that continue to bolster democrat gains

We Didn’t Fight For This News on the Net | October 29, 2014
Calvin Atwood on the Bergdahl Swap

Obama and the Chickensxxx comment Dag Barkley | October 29, 2014
Netanyahu sends his love sir

Violent Crime in the US Has Declined Rapidly. What Happened? Heritage Foundation | October 29, 2014
The spread of New York–style policing and increased incarceration are better, but by no means exclusive, explanations for the national crime drop

Because we don't have enough problems.

Epic Escape: Champagne Wishes News on the Net | October 29, 2014
Naples, Florida: Feb. 28, 2015, starting at $18,000 three/nights.*

Class IV felony retroactively didn't happen

The Water Moccasin Sarge | October 29, 2014
Progressivism has moved forward in a slow and stealthy manner similar to a snake

Houston Mayor Withdraws Subpoenas of Pastors Christian Newswire | October 29, 2014
Emergency Delegation Commends a Good Decision

Art news: Andrew Matheson Tim Saunders | October 29, 2014
A prominent British ceramicist has a flash new website.

“The Obama Administration continues to put Christian businesses and ministries in the crosshairs

Someone should enlighten Omar Albach and Company that propaganda, especially when carried by the mainstream media, is anything but “good”

Obama’s Amnesty Travesty Alan Caruba | October 29, 2014
Steve King predicts Obama will “violate the Constitution, break the law and grant executive amnesty.”

Another beheading, this time in New York Dan Calabrese | October 29, 2014
60-year-old woman decapitated by 30-ish assailant who then jumps in front of train.


Does Hillary Clinton Hate Business? Heritage Foundation | October 29, 2014
Clinton says she didn’t actually mean what she said. But actions speak louder than words

The coalition’s war against IS helps President Assad because it means easing the pressure on the Syrian regime.

Might that be how we got saddled with you? Giddy-up!

‘Electronic skin’ could improve early breast cancer detection American Chemical Society | October 29, 2014
Using a silicone model of a breast and embedding objects representing lumps, scientists have successfully tested an electronic skin that can accurately "feel" and image lumps much smaller than those detectable by manual exams.

Scientists are narrowing down the list of product ingredients we're exposed to the most.

Ann Widdecombe: The Climate Change Rebels Were Spot On

The Middle East’s strange bedfellows William Bedford | October 29, 2014
Real politik

Why plants don’t get sunburn American Chemical Society | October 29, 2014
Plants make their own sunscreen to protect them from damaging ultraviolet rays.
