
Congress, Obama and the way to defeat Hamas Caroline Glick | August 1, 2014
The US must join Israel in its goal of defeating Hamas

It’s time for lawmakers on Capitol Hill to return home with an ear to the concerns of Main Street

Fertigation, Notorious Neonicotinoids & Maca Wes Porter | August 1, 2014
August gardening: Sit back in the shade on patio, deck or under a tree and dream of gardens yet to come

Israel’s Endgame in Gaza Caroline Glick | August 1, 2014
War is an ugly thing. War with terrorist murderers who lack a shred of human decency is a very ugly thing

Taxing Carbon in the Name of Climate Change Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | August 1, 2014
The economy is “risky business” but even riskier when environmentalists are driving the debate to reflect the world as the globalists plan it to be

Ezra Levant told the crowd that Calgary is not Gaza. Give it time, Ezra, give it time

The only way to counter the profligate Democrat lies and distortions is in the two most dreaded words to the left - TERM LIMITS

TRAVEL FEATURE: France Tim Saunders | August 1, 2014
Les Hiboux is in an ideal location to be able to visit such places as Poitiers and La Rochelle

Scott Walker vindicated again Dan Calabrese | August 1, 2014
Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds signature law limiting power of public-employee unions.

Slavitt told lawmakers yesterday that he rid himself of any financial stakes in OptumInsight/QSSI, including stocks and investments

Israel, the Tea Party and the MSM Lloyd Marcus | August 1, 2014
MSM went postal on Israel; machine-gunning Israel with negative stories

Iraq and Syria: Millions of Christians, whose ancestral presence there predates current Muslim majorities by centuries, being wiped out

ObamaCare Disaster in California Arnold Ahlert | August 1, 2014
Premiums skyrocket 22 to 88 percent in 2014.

The UN Continues to Blame Israel for Everything Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | August 1, 2014
Israel’s “golden formula” to ensure its survival against jihadists determined to kill every Jew they can find and destroy the state of Israel if given a chance

EPA’s Misleading PR Campaign on Power Plant Rules Institute for Energy Research | July 31, 2014
Climate change, CO2 emissions, electricity prices, EPA, existing power plant rules

Persecution and Prayer Alert, Voice of the Martyrs

Latin America Disappoints B’nai Brith | July 31, 2014
Latin America's failure to live up to its diplomatic and cultural potential as they consistently choose to stand on the wrong side of history

"It's safer for everyone when drivers stay in the business rather than leaving and creating a void filled by new, inexperienced drivers."

Incivility, accepted and entrenched, is toxic to a political community

Chinese spy ships off the coast of Hawaii, “Millions and millions” of undocumented illegals expected in America soon after Labor Day via an Obama executive order, who’s got America’s back?

Two outrages — one overseas and one right here in Washington — to deal with today, with our president on the wrong side of the issue in both cases

Check and Mate Dr. Robert R. Owens | July 31, 2014
Europe committed suicide in two fratricidal world wars. We have allowed hubris abroad and greed at home to lead us down the same path.

Zombie GOP Bill Tried To Sneak Immigration Boost News on the Net | July 31, 2014
The bill’s sponsors said the bill was intended to speed up court proceedings needed to deport migrant youths from Central America

Obama It’s Time for Impeachment Dag Barkley | July 31, 2014
Pelosi, Cunningham, Boehner, Reid, Feinstein, Lee and others for allowing your seditious crap!

What gift would be appropriate for a community organizer who has parlayed a lifetime on the government dole into a King’s Ransom

Earth's average temperature has not risen in almost 18 years

Stop Funding Ecuador Guest Column | July 31, 2014
Stop the enticement to come here

Porous borders and disease Guest Column | July 31, 2014
We owe it to our children to do our best to protect them.

Dan Joseph

Hooray for Sheila Jackson Lee!
