
A. Dru Kristenev

Former newspaper publisher, A. Dru Kristenev, grew up in the publishing industry working every angle of a paper, from ad composition and sales, to personnel management, copy writing, and overseeing all editorial content. During her tenure as a news professional, Kristenev traveled internationally as a representative of the paper and, on separate occasions, non-profit organizations. Since 2007, Kristenev has authored five fact-filled political suspense novels, the Baron Series, and two non-fiction books, all available on Amazon. Carrying an M.S. degree and having taught at premier northwest universities, she is the trustee of Scribes' College of Journalism, which mission is to train a new generation of journalists in biblical standards of reporting. More information about the college and how to support it can be obtained by contacting Kristenev at cw.o@earthlink.net. ChangingWind (changingwind.org) is a solutions-centered Christian ministry. Donate Here

Most Recent Articles by A. Dru Kristenev:

Accusing Trump of tyranny is projection of Biden policy

Accusing Trump of tyranny is projection of Biden policyThroughout President Trump's first campaign and first term the democrats have consistently accused him of every scheme they have perpetrated, what you've heard referred to as "projection"--projecting onto another exactly what you're doing. This is what the Russia hoax was, a projection onto Trump of what Hillary Clinton actually did and proven through continuing evidence dumps. It has occurred with the election where democrats initially accused Trump of instigating voter suppression when overwhelming proof is mounting that the electronic voting and tallying, along with the inundation of illegal mail-in ballots, demonstrate that the democrats have done what they tried to pin on the president.
- Friday, November 13, 2020

Time to talk proof not pandering

While average media outlets can't ingratiate themselves fast enough to a hypothetical Biden presidency, proof of blatant fraud is being uncovered on every level. Trouble is, the tendency to make news all about the one delivering it isn't lacking on either side. Not that the majority of Americans care what the fawning cable and network talking heads have to say. They are turning off Fox News by the droves the way they abandoned CNN, NBC, CBS and the rest of the alphabet soup networks years ago.
- Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Lectured by leeches who argue with themselves

Lectured by leeches who argue with themselvesThe past four years of misinformation fueling a full-fledged attack against this country is culminating in this election. The final presidential debate was demonstrative in exactly how far the democrat party (embodied by former Vice President Joe Biden by his own assertion during the first debate) will go to discredit President Trump and conservatives who support him.
- Sunday, October 25, 2020

Invoking the seven tell-tale signs to separate political parties

Invoking the seven tell-tale signs to separate political partiesPolitics was always meant to be evaluated by moral standards, though it's been discouraged in the current climate besetting this election cycle. Except for the left, that is, which paints conservatives in its own likeness, expecting republicans to behave civilly during the process of excoriation according to a skewed concept of morality. This column is intended to defy republican history of attempting to play by rules of courtesy that democrats and their lackeys insolently ignore.
- Monday, October 12, 2020

Idolatry Turns From Cash To Covid

Idolatry Turns From Cash To CovidAs most states lift mask requirements for conducting everyday life, there are still millions of people succumbing to the press' pressurizing headlines conveying fear of a virus that has been proven to have a 98% recovery rate. They are unwilling to remove their masks even while driving alone in their cars, so terrorized have they become of a 1.5 micron virion that most masks cannot guard against.
- Saturday, October 3, 2020

Presidential debate: Who doesn't know what they're talking about?

The presidential debate never had the opportunity to become a debate. It was a free-for-all of misstated statistics, reiteration of debunked “quotes” and unchallenged falsehoods emanating from the democrat candidate. Chris Wallace, who insisted on claiming the office of moderator didn't live up to the title he kept invoking. He spent his time baiting the president with repeating incorrectly reported “news,” attempting to pin racial tensions, Marxist rioting, alleged arson-lit fires consuming the West, and pandemic woes on President Trump's policies.
- Thursday, October 1, 2020

Government habitually inflates disasters, hides adverse consequences

Government habitually inflates disasters, hides adverse consequencesIn the usual way that government authoritarians strive to never let a crisis go to waste, as we recall Rahm Emanuel's words, when it comes to natural (and unnatural) disasters, it's a numbers game. Don't be deceived, to them it is a game... a power game which, if the average citizen listens to the pervasive narrative, one where the people are the losers emotionally, economically and intellectually.
- Thursday, September 17, 2020

Negating American history – BLM/Antifa embody ISIS on U.S. soil

Negating American history – BLM/Antifa embody ISIS on U.S. soilIt wasn't that long ago that ISIS swept across Syria and Iraq, bulldozing historical shrines in an effort to eradicate the past. The purpose was to replace history with its own version that would legitimize its claim to govern and control the social order. Taking a sledgehammer to statues, annihilating significant archaeological sites, burning down and bombing ancient churches and other religious monuments is a tactic of the profane and the soulless.
- Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Indeed, we are enemies of Pelosi's communist state

Get it straight. Nancy Pelosi is the true "domestic enemy" who has trampled on her Oath of Office. The current speaker of the House is consistently disregarding the Constitution that she swore to uphold, demanding that it be overridden, overwritten and ignored.
- Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Tin foil hats, amulets rule America's response to WuFlu

Tin foil hats, amulets rule America's response to WuFluSuperstition has reached new heights reminiscent of the Middle Ages. Showing up as discrimination, it's not only unchecked racism dividing the nation, striking deeper into the culture is the required fashion accessory that serves as much purpose as a tin foil hat or a garlic amulet – the facemask.
- Sunday, August 9, 2020

Business Education Hijacked by Anti-Capitalist Marxism

Business Education Hijacked by Anti-Capitalist MarxismEducation took a drastic twist with the turn of the century. In the works for decades, the very definition of education underwent major overhaul, completing the transformation of teaching into indoctrination. Education majors watched how programs that once imparted methods of teaching subject matter to pupils refocused on implementation of redefined language – words and phrases corrupted over time to condition thought processes instead of encouraging an exchange of ideas. Retooled teacher training stressed class management techniques (crowd control) and appeasing students and/or parents to avoid litigation. Teaching straightforward content such as math, history, grammar, spelling, etc. got lost in the shuffle.
- Friday, July 24, 2020

Have we been had? Unmasking the disease delusion

Have we been had? Unmasking the disease delusionAs states hunker down once again, forcing citizens to don face coverings in public, it's become clearer with every waking hour that the China Coronavirus emergency is based on skewed and distorted statistics. Anecdotal stories of false reporting of Covid-19 cases are a dime a dozen. Personally, the incident described in my last column, where a woman with seasonal allergies was reported as a positive case by a doctor who didn't bother to listen to her, turned out to be exactly what has been pooh-poohed by the mainstream press. The patient was forced to undergo testing for the virus which confirmed that she was negative, yet did that change her being tallied as a positive case? No. Once a health professional (and I apply the term loosely) makes a report of a positive case, based on no evidence whatsoever, there is no recanting and subtracting that individual from the compiled statistics.
- Friday, July 10, 2020

Today's Dystopian Healthcare When You Have Covid Even When You Don't

Today's Dystopian Healthcare When You Have Covid Even When You Don'tThe line has been crossed. Government guidelines have overtaken and undermined the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm. Medical professionals need to read it again. We knew it was coming when the institution of the fascist Obamacare – the Affordable Healthcare Act went far beyond its socialist boundaries – compelled medical personnel to make impertinent and unrelated lifestyle queries, gun ownership among them.
- Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Suspicion, isolation, rejection, submission – how the West was lost

Suspicion, isolation, rejection, submission – how the West was lostIf anyone was thinking that the pandemic was a real threat to humanity, the current calculated riot reaction to any spark, which the George Floyd tragedy provided, proves it to be a concocted crisis from the getgo. Opportunistic anarchist mobs in the streets, half wearing masks, half not, climb over each other to burgle pharmacies for oxycontin and steal merchants blind. Are they concerned about a puny virus with a 99% recovery rate? Hardly. And now the World Health Organization let the cat out the bag that asymptomatic people don't spread the virus.
- Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Separation of church and Church

Separation of church and ChurchThe secular world is seeing its desire come to fruition--cracks in the fabric of the Church. Centuries of division among Christians is evidenced in the numerous denominations that have formed around differing doctrines. For some reason, the current pandemic, as labeled by government authorities, has opened another rift that secular society will exploit.
- Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How far are we from open revolt?

It might be said that we are already there. Enough Americans are frustrated by the overcautious restrictions government is enforcing due to a virus that indicators show a better than 98% recovery rate in the United States.
- Friday, May 15, 2020
