
A.J. Cameron

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.

Most Recent Articles by A.J. Cameron:

Escaping an Invisible, Chainless Slavery!

While the OWS idiocy is ebbing, we are still under attack from those within our borders and our government who seek our demise. Due to both parents having served in WWII, I grew up realizing how damning Communism, Fascism, Marxism and Socialism are on the masses of those burdened and restricted under these ‘isms.’
- Monday, December 5, 2011

Thank you, Nancy Pelosi, for revealing who you and Congress really are!

We have just celebrated the uniquely American holiday of Thanksgiving and I wish to extend my sincere thanks to Representative Nancy Pelosi for here utterances of last week. They were as enlightening as they were troubling, and they offered a distinctive insight as to why Congress is held in such low esteem. The Pied Pipers of spiritual and financial poverty are imposing their immorality upon the American citizen, from the White House and both Houses of Congress.
- Monday, November 28, 2011

Barbarians Inside the Gate!

With the recent revelations of long-known abuses by members of Congress, it is obvious that modern-day Vandal, Visigoth and Ostrogoth barbarians have come to dominate both Houses of Congress. Instead of invading from outside our borders, these barbarians have been raping, pillaging and plundering the American citizen/taxpayer from inside the gateway to American unenlightened despotism.
- Monday, November 21, 2011

To Kill a Mockingbird - The Hypocrisy of the Cain Caning vs. the Holder Whitewash!

The fact that I am writing this reveals just how much is wrong with the leadership in this country. I’m no Atticus Finch, but even the most naïve individual should be able to realize that the fourth branch of the Federal government has focused its energy in an attempt to kill a modern day mockingbird, while protecting the illegal actions of Attorney General, Eric Holder, who, at best, is incompetent, but most likely, has lied. Has he no shame?
- Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Permanent Super Committee, unless . . .

Many people question the constitutionality of the Super Committee, for good reason. The challenge with the Federal Government is that most of what passes as ‘doing the peoples’ business’ in D. C. is unconstitutional, and the Super Committee threatens to become another in a long line of permanent, government-created logjams. To realize just how far our Federal government has strayed from its Constitutional authority, people must read the Constitution, the Amendments to our Constitution, and our Bill of Rights. Are you familiar with the Tenth Amendment?
- Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Fourth Branch of Government!

People can’t believe the traditional media is so blind and/or corrupt when reporting on political issues and personalities. I challenge everyone to think outside the box the in which the traditional media have restricted us, realizing that their roles have devolved from investigating and informing to obfuscating and deceiving.
- Monday, October 31, 2011

Where is the honor in D. C. for our Armed Forces?

A good CFP friend in Colorado Springs, CO, forwarded a short column written by Markeshia Ricks of the AirForceTimes.com on October 19th. It addresses the fact that the Defense Department is planning to cut the tuition assistance program by reducing the cap that the military pays for military education. Is there no honor in D. C. for those who serve to protect our nation?
- Monday, October 24, 2011

An Open Letter to the TEA Party & Conservative Independents!

When one door closes, seek another door you can open. As a conservative Independent, I have been very disturbed by the GOP debate process orchestrated by the big money and narcissistic puppeteers and the QE media. I have also been disappointed by the spotty performances of the true conservatives in the race. We have had six straight Presidential elections without a conservative on either ballot, and odds are that this number will grow to seven. Rather than getting upset about the situation, why don’t we take a different route towards rescuing our country from the far side of the stargate of D. C. insanity and destruction?
- Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Will the GOP ‘elitistment’ screw up a sure Presidential victory in 2012?

If you have read anything that I’ve written regarding the current occupant of the White House, you know that I’m not sure our Republic can survive the first term of the Agitator-in-Chief, let alone a second term. As crucial as it is to remove the AIC from office, I am very skeptical of the GOP ‘elitistment’s’ commitment to the American citizen/taxpayer/voter. Will the GOP ‘elitistment’ screw up a sure GOP Presidential victory in 2012, throwing the election to Obama?
- Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Our future belongs to the BOLD!

On the heels of Judi McLeod’s column discussing the potential usurpation of our constitutionally protected voting rights by rogue politicians, and after receiving several e-mails from trusted CFP friends, it is readily apparent that bold change is mandatory for us to escape the vortex of the sleazy, D. C. fraud and malfeasance that passes for ‘politics as usual.’ Many of us bemoan the insanity of what occurs daily in D. C., yet aren’t we just as guilty as those within both parties who continue to abuse and betray us?
- Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Which 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate will come clean & break from the pack?

If a Presidential candidate isn’t willing to expose all of the fraud and malfeasance that is being done at the expense of the American citizen/taxpayer during the campaign and debates, he/she won’t be able to do so after being elected to the office. Someone must come clean with us during the campaign and make a huge break from the pack of candidates.
- Saturday, October 1, 2011

The attack of the Bilderbergers!

Within the GOP and amongst conservatives, there have been questions regarding how the GOP debates have been conducted. Many are concerned about the types of questions being asked by the moderators of the debates. There are also concerns that some of the candidates are not being given the same opportunities to present their views as the two ‘front runners.’ It is time to realize how the Bilderbergers are orchestrating the debates and the media coverage in attempting to control the outcome of the Presidential election of 2012 in much the way they have in past elections, both here and throughout the world.
- Sunday, September 25, 2011

An open letter to the Super Committee!

I will acknowledge to you that I question the Constitutionality of your committee, and I believe it to be a cowardly attempt to thrust even more of a ‘Jabba the Hutt’ Federal government upon a disenfranchised and an unrepresented electorate. With this established, there are only specific actions that you can take that will reveal an earnest and forthright effort to rein in Federal government abuse, of which you are members.
- Monday, September 19, 2011

Elmer Gantry-in-Chief!

Because of his narcissistic, thuggish ‘rule,’ the President’s poll numbers and stature are diving in parallel with his premeditated crushing of our economy. He is hoping he can dupe enough Democrats, regressive-Progressives, Independents, the media, union thugs, Hollywood brats, eco-Nazis, ‘’registered’ illegals ,’ racists against Americans of Euro decent, anti-Christians, anti-Semites and the undereducated long enough to steal a second term in order to drive the final nails into the coffin of the United States of America.
- Thursday, September 15, 2011

9-11-11 – An opportunity for a Positive Pivot Point!

9-11 is a challenging day on so many fronts. Ten years have passed since the cowardly acts of fanatical zealots dramatically changed our world when they took advantage of our open society to attack us. While much has changed since that fateful and fatal day of 9-11-01, have we become better, both individually and as a nation?
- Sunday, September 11, 2011

Labor Day – The shallowest of American holidays!

With summer coming to an unofficial close, Americans are taking advantage of a three-day weekend to celebrate Labor Day. As with other American holidays, many Americans have lost focus of the original intent of the holiday. Of all our national holidays, Labor Day may be the shallowest of holidays because of the hypocrisy celebrated over this weekend.
- Sunday, September 4, 2011

Vetting the candidates for the 2012 election

We are less than one year from the 2012 primary election. Assuming the current regime hasn’t totally usurped our Constitutional government by then, this will be the most important primary election in our nation’s history, leading to the most important general election in our nation’s history. It is readily apparent that the major parties’ and media’s vetting of candidates is flawed, so it is incumbent upon all who love our country to do for themselves what is our right and what others have abdicated.
- Monday, August 29, 2011

The huge financial icebergs lurking beneath the surface!

With the hull of our passenger-liner economy gored like the Titanic, there aren’t enough lifeboats to save those whose work and financial lives have been forced overboard into choppy seas. A number of ‘experts’ say that many of those unemployed and in their latter 50s may never find gainful employment again. With the ramifications of our tepid economy upon individuals and families, there are huge financial icebergs lurking beneath the surface of the choppy seas!
- Thursday, August 25, 2011

Shadowing those working in the shadows in Kansas!

With all of the duplicitous actions, misrepresentations and half-truths/half-lies concerning the ill-advised acceptance and return of the Early Innovator Grant for the surreptitious implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PP & ACA), a/k/a, ObamaCare, many people’s truth antennas have been raised. An increasing segment and an increasingly informed public will be shadowing anything that the Kansas state government does regarding health-care issues within the state, especially in relation to any attempt to impose a government exchange within the state.
- Friday, August 19, 2011

Baseline Budgeting BS!

If you are fortunate enough to be gainfully employed, or operating your own business, wouldn’t it be awesome to factor in a seven-to-eight percent pay raise, increase in income, or net profit each and every year? How about having this type of an increase, regardless of the economy, people’s ability to pay, or even your performance? At the risk of sounding like Al Gore, this is the basis of baseline budgeting, and why it is BS?
- Wednesday, August 10, 2011
