
News on the Net

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Most Recent Articles by News on the Net:

Judicial Watch: Obama Administration Withholds Draft Whitewater Indictment of Hillary Clinton

WASHINGTON, -- Judicial Watch announced today that it is asking a federal court to order the National Archives and Records Administration to release draft criminal indictments of Hillary Clinton. In its motion for summary judgment, the National Archives claimed that "the drafts involve a significant [Clinton] privacy interest that is not outweighed by any public interest...."
- Monday, March 28, 2016

Top UN Post for Canadian Prof Who Blames West for Islamist Terror

GENEVA, — Amid intense pressure and a flurry of letters sent from Arab and Islamic states, the South Korean president of the UN Human Rights Council, Choi Kyonglim, today cancelled his decision to postpone the appointment of a new monitor charged with investigating “Israel’s violations of the principles and bases of international law.”
- Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Victor Martinez and son have no problems with Tigers

Lakeland, Fla. – Adam LaRoche’s tense squabble with the White Sox, spawned by a club’s sudden discomfort with LaRoche’s son, is a problem foreign to the Tigers and Victor Martinez.
- Friday, March 18, 2016

Palestinian Terrorist Kills American Veteran, Wounds 12 Innocents in Latest Attack

TaylorA US Army veteran, Taylor Force, was murdered yesterday. Taylor was not killed on the battlefield or by a mugger, he was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist in Israel. Taylor's wife was severely injured in the attack and remains in critical condition. Please keep her and the 11 other innocents stabbed yesterday in Israel in your prayers.
- Friday, March 11, 2016

ACORN, Obama Campaign-linked voter registration removed prior to OH Primary

HOUSTON, TX. -- True the Vote (TTV), the nation's leading voters’ rights and election integrity organization, today announced details surrounding its effort to help Cuyahoga and Franklin County officials in Ohio remove more than a thousand duplicate voter registrations ahead of voting in 2016.
- Thursday, March 10, 2016

Video shows two camera angles of LaVoy Finicum shooting

In a video shown at a Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office press conference today, the aerial FBI video of the LaVoy Finicum shooting has been synced with a cellphone video Shawna Cox recorded from within Finicum’s truck.
- Wednesday, March 9, 2016

How to get a handle on potential risks posed by fracking fluids

The latest skirmishes over hydraulic fracturing in Florida and California are, at their core, about water. Many fracking-related spills have been recorded, and opponents say that such incidents pose unacceptable threats to water supplies. But the issue is fraught with uncertainties. Scientists review what's known about the fluids in ACS' journal Environmental Science & Technology and conclude that a comprehensive assessment of potential risks requires full disclosure of fracking fluid contents.
- Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Church Collection Plate Goes Digital

Dylan Ciamacco, 25, first went to the Los Angeles outpost of international megachurch C3 as a teen. His mom thought a lot of the young people there—in skinny jeans, chunky sweaters, and leather jackets—dressed like him. He’d emerged recently from a “sick” (as in awesome) atheist phase, he says, mocking himself, and was looking to go back to church.
- Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A Message the U.S. President Should Take to Cuba: No to Impunity

“See you in Havana!” With those glib words, President Obama announced on February 18th that he and the First Lady will travel to Cuba this coming March 21st. But, when the leader of the world’s most shining democracy makes his official visit to the island ruled by a criminal military dictatorship, he should take seriously fundamental values of our great nation.
- Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Confronting the Unthinkable: Women and Child Suicide Bombers in Northern Nigeria

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In a new report issued today from The Fund for Peace, a Washington, D.C.-based NGO, explores what may be driving Boko Haram’s increased use of women and children as suicide bombers in northern Nigeria, including detailed recommendations to the international community on how to better understand and confront this tragedy.
- Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Ontario budget fails to address province's urgent needs, threatens economic growth

TORONTO - The National Citizens Coalition is deeply disappointed by the content of the Ontario provincial released today. "Kathleen Wynne's Liberal government has completely failed to address the needs of the province with this budget," says Peter Coleman, President and CEO of the National Citizens Coalition. "They have also made a farce of the public consultation process by ignoring the input and advice of Ontario's taxpayers."
- Thursday, February 25, 2016
