
News on the Net

News from around the world

Most Recent Articles by News on the Net:

UKRAINE: Oppression of Christians Escalates

Source: Release International Since the political uprising began in Ukraine, pro-Russian separatists have taken control of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of the country. The takeover has resulted in an escalating frequency of attacks being made against Christians residing within these areas, including the recent seizure of an evangelical church in Donetsk.
- Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hackers Can Steal Data Wirelessly From PCs That Aren't Even Online

When governments, utilities and corporations need to protect their most sensitive data, they create what's called an air-gap network. It involves storing information on computers that are never connected to the Internet, an extreme method of isolation designed to prevent any chance of data leaking out.
- Thursday, November 20, 2014

Parents Tasered, Sprayed, Handcuffed—as Kids Watch

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends: On November 14, 2014, Home School Legal Defense Association filed a federal civil-rights lawsuit against Chief Sheriff’s Deputy David Glidden and Sheriff Darren White of the sheriff’s department of Nodaway County, Missouri. The suit charges Glidden and White with unlawfully forcing their way into the home of HSLDA members Laura and Jason Hagan on September 30, 2011, in violation of their Fourth Amendment rights.
- Thursday, November 20, 2014
