
News on the Net

News from around the world

Most Recent Articles by News on the Net:

Babe in the Bunker lands in the Pod

Here’s the BIG announcement everyone: you can now hear Barbara - - on a regular basis on a new, internet audio-website! 
 It’s thetalkpod.com. It just launched this week and special features are continuously being added to give you the kind of listening pleasure that you’ve lost in terrestrial radio.

- Saturday, August 16, 2014

IRAQ: Suffering Overflows as Militants Displace Thousands

Sources: World Watch Monitor, AFP Horror and chaos continue to abound in Iraq, as armed jihadists of the militant group "Islamic State" (IS, also referred to as ISIS) took over the country's largest Christian town, Qaraqosh, and nearby Christian settlements early on August 7th. Qaraqosh, a city of about 50,000 people in Nineveh Province, sits between Mosul and Erbil, the capital of the Kurdish region. IS took over Mosul in July, and many of the city's remaining Christians fled eastward to Qaraqosh, sometimes called the Christian capital of Iraq.
- Thursday, August 14, 2014

Navy orders Bibles removed from base hotels

The U.S. Navy has instructed housekeepers to remove Gideon-placed Bibles from every hotel room on its military bases after it received a letter from the atheist group Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).
- Monday, August 11, 2014

We The People, If We Can Keep It

Dear Captive of Government, You are a fellow Captive of government. We are all captives of government, because we have forgotten what truth makes us free. Government truth is qualified as to people, place and purpose. God’s truth is universal. It is a fundamental tenet of the Christian faith that obedience to God’s laws will make us free. God makes His laws easily known by writing them on every human heart.
- Monday, August 11, 2014
