
Arthur Christopher Schaper

Arthur Christopher Schaper is a teacher-turned-writer on topics both timeless and timely; political, cultural, and eternal. A life-long Southern California resident, Arthur currently lives in Torrance. Twitter -- @ArthurCSchaper Facebook aschaper1.blogspot.com asheisministries.blogspot.com

Most Recent Articles by Arthur Christopher Schaper:

Keeping American Families Together: LA County for Trump Counter-Protests

Keeping American Families Together: LA County for Trump Counter-Protests "Families Belong Together" is just another iteration of the George Soros, anti-American, anti-liberty Left looking for any excuse to shut down reasonable debate and destroy the United States from within. This protest culture is alive and well in the Los Angeles, just like across the rest of the country.
- Sunday, July 1, 2018

US Senator Mike Lee: The Best Pick to Replace Anthony Kennedy on SCOTUS

US Senator Mike Lee: The Best Pick to Replace Anthony Kennedy on SCOTUS Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, the swing vote who would sway the court rulings pretty much any way he wanted, has announced his retirement. His departure has sparked incredible (wonderful!) panic from the left, and great elation from the right. But his retirement was long expected. Rumors swirled online and in print last year that he would step down after Justice Neil Gorsuch's confirmation.
- Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Plight of Our Border Patrol, Beyond Media Posturing and Politicking

The Plight of Our Border Patrol, Beyond Media Posturing and Politicking Protecting the homeland is the highest priority for our government, and the protectors of our homeland, the border patrol agents, deserve the highest respect. However, while the media plays up the pain and suffering of illegal alien parents placing their children in harm's way to break into the United States, the public hears very little about what our border law enforcement must face.
- Friday, June 29, 2018

Ammon Bundy, the Abusive Federal Government, and the Fight for Our Rights

Ammon Bundy, the Abusive Federal Government, and the Fight for Our Rights Last month, the Siskiyou County (one of the northernmost in the state of California) Republican Women Federated and Yreka Tea Party invited me a second time to their wonderful State of Jefferson. The people there really care about our country and the state of California, but most importantly they will stop at nothing to protect their rights.
- Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Rodman Factor: Trump’s Historic Meeting with North Korea

The Rodman Factor: Trump’s Historic Meeting with North Korea After the Singapore summit between President Trump and North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un, CNN news (?) anchor Chris Cuomo interviewed Dennis Rodman. Rodman had served as a de facto private citizen-ambassador to North Korea five times. He developed a friendship with the brutal Stalinist dictator, and that day he saw his efforts finally bearing out a slow but steady détente. The celebrity sensation, both on and off the basketball court, was sporting a MAGA hat, and was the ideal draw for a network which can't even make into the Top 25 ratings.
- Friday, June 15, 2018

Fighting Voter Fraud: California, Ohio, Virginia

Fighting Voter Fraud: California, Ohio, Virginia In the state of California, we have a voter fraud problem. Of course, the Democratic Party, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Congressman Elijah Cummings play the race card every time someone talks about ending voter fraud and voter registration incompetence.
- Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Another Strange Endorsement, or Trump vs. Trumpism in California

Another Strange Endorsement, or Trump vs. Trumpism in California A brief direct message on Twitter gave me the grave news I feared the most: President Trump endorsed John Cox, a Chicago-born businessman who carpet-bagged to California five years ago, for Governor of California. I am stunned, and it made me sick to my stomach. Full disclosure: I support Assemblyman Travis Allen for governor, the candidate who has been outspoken about his support for Trump and his agenda from the beginning.
- Sunday, May 20, 2018

"Dragon Energy" Kanye Goes MAGA: Democrats Don't Care About Black People

Dragon Energy Kanye Goes MAGA: Democrats Don't Care About Black People I haven't been a fan of Kanye West. I don't really care for rap. I didn't like the Rolling Stone cover which had featured him as some new aberration of Christ Jesus, either. Pretty arrogant stuff. He unfairly criticized President George W. Bush in off-hand, uninformed remarks following Hurricane Katrina's massive devastation in New Orleans: "President Bush doesn't care about black people." Those statements were unfair, to say the least.
- Tuesday, May 1, 2018

MAGA vs. DACA: How Trump Supporters Trumped Jimmy Kimmel on Late Night TV

MAGA vs. DACA: How Trump Supporters Trumped Jimmy Kimmel on Late Night TV Earlier this month, Jimmy Kimmel, the late-night talk show host with a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, wanted to host a segment with voters who oppose DACA. To find willing guests, ABC Casting had reached out to me and fellow Trump supporters to appear on the show. At first, I was reluctant. Kimmel uses every shame-inducing prop imaginable to attack President Trump in particular and conservatives in general. I reached out to friend and fellow activist, Robin Hvidston, director of We the People Rising, for advice. She encouraged me to go with her and four others: Chanell Temple, Wes Parker, Lorie Masonas, and Celeste Grieg. All of us know each in other conservative circles throughout Southern California.
- Monday, February 12, 2018

Ronald Reagan’s 107th Birthday--Why Are We Still Celebrating?

Ronald Reagan’s 107th Birthday--Why Are We Still Celebrating? After receiving three different emails to sign a card celebrating Ronald Reagan’s 107th Birthday, I asked myself: “Why are we still celebrating the Gipper?” He was a great President, but is the icon turning into a crutch for hiding from the fights of today?
- Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Election 2018: Blue Wave Rising or Falling?

Election 2018: Blue Wave Rising or Falling? GOP grassroots want men and women in elected office who fight back, who keep their promises, and pay attention to the basic needs of the Working Man on Main Street
- Saturday, November 25, 2017

Shame on Cut-And-Run Conservatives--Stand With Judge Roy

Shame on Cut-And-Run Conservatives--Stand With Judge Roy Rising accusations of sexual assault, abuse, and child molestation are (thankfully) bringing creepy Hollywood to its knees. We should rejoice, since these stories have been documented and released to the public at great length. But do we automatically stand by our men or our team when someone issues allegations against people whom we have trusted or look up to? Ben Shapiro has warned conservatives about partisan responses to allegations of sexual abuse. I agree.
- Thursday, November 16, 2017
