
Arthur Christopher Schaper

Arthur Christopher Schaper is a teacher-turned-writer on topics both timeless and timely; political, cultural, and eternal. A life-long Southern California resident, Arthur currently lives in Torrance. Twitter -- @ArthurCSchaper Facebook aschaper1.blogspot.com asheisministries.blogspot.com

Most Recent Articles by Arthur Christopher Schaper:

Democrat Joe Manchin: I Like the Koch Brothers

Despite the virulent, yet vacuous rhetoric flowing out of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, that the Koch Brothers are un-American, and despite the impression Reid intends to impose, that the Democratic Party is dead-set against the Koch Brothers' buying American politics, one Democratic US Senator, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, actually likes the Koch Brothers, and his publically distanced himself from the Senate Majority Leader's dead-on-arrival smear campaign against them.
- Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Democrats Getting High on Koch

Speaking of the Koch Bros (or, as you spell it here, "Kock"--must be Freudian, eh, Artie?), here's some stunning hypocrisy from America's sleaziest billionaire bros:
- Friday, April 11, 2014

Horror Stories of ObamaCare: State Exchanges

A growing number of state legislatures have confessed that their attempts to create statewide health care exchanges have failed, and now desire to return the responsibility to the federal government. Limited government advocates may fear that the states are giving up their power. On the other hand, the whole insurance exchange folly was a federal mandate which has done nothing but push the limits of what the federal government should be doing in the first place.
- Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Democratic Legislators Behaving Badly

Democrats are behaving badly this year, when they should be minding their manners, lest their 2014 shellacking shake them all the more.
- Friday, March 28, 2014

The "If You Like. . ." Legacy of the Obama Administration

President Obama likes to make promises. He wants to assure people that they will be able to keep whatever they already have, yet at the same time expand the power of the state, contrary to the Constitution and at the expense of the individual.
- Monday, March 24, 2014

Rebirth of Liberty in Democratic Rhode Island?

From unconstitutional municipal codes to behind-the-scenes political maneuvering, combined with a statehouse sending its citizens and public integrity to the outhouse, heavily liberal-statist Rhode Island may not be immune to the conservative backlash sweeping the nation, and even the world, despite eighty years of Democratic dominance.
- Thursday, March 20, 2014


The Democratic minority in the House of Representatives is shaming Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa for shutting down a committee hearing in February 2014, and thus preventing ranking member Elijah Cummings from asking a question, when he really wanted to launch into an indictment against the Republican majority in the House.
- Sunday, March 16, 2014

Democrat Sink Sinks: Jolly's Win Jolly for GOP (and USA)

In a bellwether special Congressional race, a long-time aide for a long-time Congressman, a flawed (and former lobbyist) Republican David Jolly faced off against Florida’s 2010 Democratic gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink to finish out the term of recently deceased Bill Young, who had represented the district for forty-two years, the longest serving Republican in the House of Representatives.
- Friday, March 14, 2014

God Bless the Koch Brothers!

According to most entrenched and committed liberals in the United States, including the diminished mainstream media, the Koch Brothers are the greatest evil since the Death Star and Darth Vader, and they represent everything that is wrong with democracy.
- Sunday, March 2, 2014

Centinela Valley: Call for the Demise of School Boards

A progressive invention, public district school boards (in theory) would allow respected (?) members of the community to represent the societal (read, public) interests of the voting community. Numerous accounts have exposed the folly, failure, and corruption of school boards (Los Angeles Unified, NYC) but a LA working-class suburban school districts, Centinela Valley Union High School District, displays everything wrong with the school boards in and of themselves.
- Thursday, February 27, 2014

Left-Wing Politico Inadvertently Exposes Union Autopsy

Politico, a left-leaning news aggregate source, cannot ignore the continued decline of the Modern Labor Movement, hastened by market forces in the private sector, prodded along by concerted grassroots effort, both of which are fighting back against collective bargaining units, which have bought politicians and tied up entire cities with sclerotic regulations, plus unsustainable pensions and benefits at the expense of future generations.
- Tuesday, February 18, 2014
