
Dan Calabrese

Dan Calabrese’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain Follow all of Dan's work, including his series of Christian spiritual warfare novels, by liking his page on Facebook.

Most Recent Articles by Dan Calabrese:

Wife of Bill Clinton stuns nation by announcing presidential bid of her own

This should tell you something. As I watched it, I thought at first it was a really long YouTube ad that you couldn't skip past, because there was no hint of Hillary in it. It's just all these people talking about what's going on in their lives. (Notice the hat tip to gay marriage by the recent convert Hillary?) She doesn't show up until near the very end, and don't think there's not a reason for that.
- Monday, April 13, 2015

GOP releases 'Stop Hillary' video in advance of some announcement that's apparently coming

I'm not usually a fan of videos like this, and I can't say this inspires me to call it an exception to the rule. I get what they're trying to do. They're trying to create an atmosphere of negative noise so you can hang that air of negativity on a candidate. I guess I just don't like the technique as opposed to a substantive case. But that's me. What do you think?
- Sunday, April 12, 2015

Hillary in 2007: Hey, the president can't be making Iran policy without Congress

You might ask this question: Why would she say this in 2007 knowing full well that she'd be running for president the following year, and presumably expecting to have an excellent chance of being elected? Why start chipping away at popular support for the executive's powers when her goal and perhaps her expectation at the time would have been to acquire them for herself and use them to her heart's content?
- Saturday, April 11, 2015

You know it's funny, the White House and Iran don't agree on anything about the U.S./Iran 'agreement

Are the jokes writing themselves at this point? Because I don't want to pile on if it's entirely unnecessary. Even when the framework-for-an-agreement-for-a-set-of-principles-for-a-kind-of-sort-of-deal was announced last week, anyone could see that Iran could never be trusted to stick to the terms of the deal - and that the end result of that was not in any way what Obama and Kerry wanted people to think.
- Friday, April 10, 2015

Memories Pizza announces its plans for that $842,000 you gave them

Memories Pizza announces its plans for that $842,000 you gave them
The owners of Memories Pizza would have been fully within their rights to keep every penny of the $842,000 donated to them by supporters through the astonishing GoFundMe campaign that followed the attacks on them by gay activists and their media allies.
- Thursday, April 9, 2015

Obama on NPR: Sure, this Iran deal only delays the inevitable

You thought the nuclear deal with Iran was "historic" and would keep the Iranians from getting the bomb, right? OK, you didn't actually think that, but you thought the Obama Administration was at least willing to claim as much to put a happy face on such a horrendous pile of crap, didn't you? Turns out even Obama himself is now admitting the deal does no such thing. Even assuming Iran's complete cooperation with all the supposed terms, even assuming no cheating, even assuming they allow inspections when our side says they're warranted, even assuming no covert sites spinning centrifuges like crazy . . . and these are all very big assumptions, we're still looking at a nuclear Iran probably some time in the next decade.
- Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Exciting career opportunity for North Korean women: Join Bowl Cut Jr.'s 'Pleasure Squad'

On the one hand, I guess you have to give it to Seth Rogen and James Franco for nailing this in The Interview. The basketball court scene had the Pleasure Squad to a T. On the other hand, how much credit do they deserve for something so seemingly obvious, especially when you consider that it's basic sophomoric humor and they surely would have put it in whether they thought it was true or not?
- Friday, April 3, 2015

Indiana caves

Indiana caves Christian bakers, florists, photographers, etc. lose legal protections in 'clarification' of RFRA.
- Thursday, April 2, 2015
