
Dan Calabrese

Dan Calabrese’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain Follow all of Dan's work, including his series of Christian spiritual warfare novels, by liking his page on Facebook.

Most Recent Articles by Dan Calabrese:

NFL to return to Los Angeles with not one, not two . . . but three teams?

I guess it would make up for lost time. And of course, there's no guarantee the National Football League approves even one team's application to move. But if the city councils who commit public dollars to stadium construction are any indication, there's reason to think the NFL could soon have as many as three teams calling Los Angeles home.
- Thursday, April 23, 2015

Saudis fear Obama has sent aircraft carrier to Yemen coast to sit there and do nothing

Whatever problems we may have with Saudi Arabia - and I know there are many - you have to give them this: They're serious about stopping Iran from propping up the militias threatening the regime in Yemen. The Saudis have been active in bombing militia supplies, and want the U.S. to back their play by preventing Iran from re-arming them.
- Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Phil Gramm on how and why Obama's policies have squelched economic growth

We argue all the time that Obama's high-tax, high-regulation, union-friendly policies have hurt the U.S. economy, but arguments about economic policy are tricky things. The other side will point to their own numbers. When they start talking about unemployment being down to 5.6 percent, they say they can't believe we're still criticizing Obama's policies. When they start talking about the deficit being down to $600 billion (!), they wonder what we think the problem is.
- Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Rand Paul (video): So why does Hillary take so much money from abusers of women's rights?

You already know a lot of this, but Paul offers two specific examples and something even better: Clearly, he's going to keep after the media for dogging Republicans on abortion and whatever else, while showing no interest whatsoever in the complete and obvious hypocrisy of Bill Clinton's Wife as she feigns concern for "women and girls" while taking money from the very people who keep them in bondage.
- Friday, April 17, 2015

Tampa Bay Times knew in advance about gyrocopter landing on Capitol grounds . . .

Tampa Bay Times knew in advance about gyrocopter landing on Capitol grounds
The next time someone posts a link from the fraudulent "fact checkers" at PolitiFact, know that their bosses at the Tampa Bay Times - which runs that propaganda web site disguised as objective journalism - observe no limits in their willingness to commit journalistic fraud for their own benefit. And that even includes covering up a crime they know in advance is going to happen so they can get a scoop.
- Thursday, April 16, 2015

Clinton Foundation: Come to think of it, we'll just keep right on accepting money from foreign governments

Surely you can relate to this sticky problem. Instead of having an actual job, you have this foundation and your high-flying lifestyle is supported by donations to the foundation - many of which come from foreign governments. But you're running for president of the United States, and some people think that all those donations from foreign countries might inappropriately influence your policies - perhaps because It's known that they already have.
- Thursday, April 16, 2015

Of course: Bill Clinton's Wife ignored a congressional inquiry about private e-mails two years ago

Of course: Bill Clinton's Wife ignored a congressional inquiry about private e-mails two years ago
The storyline was understood to be this: Some months ago, Congress asked about reports that Bill Clinton's Wife had used a private e-mail server to conduct her business as Secretary of State during her tenure from 2009-2013. It took several months for Mrs. Bill to respond, and when she did, she didn't private access to everything on her server. Instead, she printed copies of the e-mails she felt like sharing and deleted the rest.
- Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Great news: Raul Castro considers Obama 'an honest man'

Great news: Raul Castro considers Obama 'an honest man
Well this just warms the heart. A highly emotional Marxist dictator goes through a long list of grievances with American presidents for their horrendous crimes against the despotic regime that rules the socialist paradise.
- Monday, April 13, 2015
