
Dennis Jamison

Dennis Jamison reinvented his life after working for a multi-billion dollar division of Johnson & Johnson for several years. Currently retired from West Valley College in California, where he taught for nearly 10 years, he now writes articles on history and American freedom for various online publications. Formerly a contributor to the Communities at the Washington Times and Fairfax Free Citizen, his more current articles appear in Canada Free Press and Communities Digital News. During the 2016 presidential primaries, he was the leader of a network of writers, bloggers, and editors who promoted the candidacy of Dr. Ben Carson. Jamison founded "We the People" - Patriots, Pilgrims, Prophets Writers’ Network and the Citizen Sentinels Network. Both are volunteer groups for grassroots citizen-journalists and activists intent on promoting and preserving the inviolable God-given freedoms rooted in the founding documents. Jamison also co-founded RedAmericaConsulting to identify, counsel, and support citizen-candidates, who may not have much campaign money, but whose beliefs and deeds reflect the role of public servants rather than power-hungry politicians. ​

Most Recent Articles by Dennis Jamison:

Can American Citizens Save the Government of the People?

Can American Citizens Save the Government of the People?The blood on the streets is crying out to the American people. How far will the killings go? Will the bloodshed push Americans beyond the tipping point into open armed civil war? Over the past week and weekend, blood was shed in clashes between Antifa and BLM terrorists and citizens who have had enough of the looting, burning and destroying businesses in the nation’s cities, not to mention the lame or zero responses by Leftist, Democrat leaders in Democrat-controlled cities and states. Additionally, the Leftists that showed up in D.C. forming angry mobs and harassing the people who were leaving the White House after the final night of the Republican National Convention, shows so little class that whoever planned it must have no moral clarity or dignity.
- Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Why Democrats Favor Lawlessness and Terrorism Over Donald J. Trump

Why Democrats Favor Lawlessness and Terrorism Over Donald J. TrumpLooking backward with the part of 2020 that is in the rearview mirror, it is quite amazing that as the United States plunged further into the new year, the Democrat leadership digressed further and further from rational thought or intelligent expression. The year began with the Democrat leadership siding with the terrorists who honored and praised General Soleimani. In fact, the American citizens received a prelude to what would be coming out of Democrats, for the entire year.
- Thursday, August 27, 2020

Reflecting on Democrats and a Convention of Hollow Word

Reflecting on Democrats and a Convention of Hollow WordLast week, the Democrat Party pushed out their version of truth, which normal people would call propaganda, but the words spewed out at their convention rang hollow. In fact, anyone suffering from a hangover due to the poisonous propaganda spread across the airwaves should be cured through a good dose of the GOP Convention this week. Yet, some of the propaganda that spewed forth from the “Demorants” at the convention is too hard to not comment on, too hard to pass up, especially speeches given by Hillary Clinton as well as Barack and Michelle Obama.
- Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Innocent Lives Being Lost Demands Greater Justice, Not Less!

Innocent Lives Being Lost Demands Greater Justice, Not Less!Little 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant did not stand a chance. His two sisters, ages 7 and 8, should have never ever witnessed the bizarre execution of their innocent brother right before their eyes. Cannon’s parents should not have to lose such a precious part of their lives to senseless violence.
- Saturday, August 15, 2020

Democrat Leaders’ Plans: Violence vs. Voting?

Democrat Leaders’ Plans: Violence vs. Voting?The recent violence in Portland, Oregon, supported by Mayor Ted Wheeler and Governor Kate Brown is a definitive demonstration of Democrat condoned violence. The recent violence in Seattle, Washington, and the staged takeover of a portion of the city proper, initially ignored by Mayor Jenny Durkan and Governor Jay R. Inslee, shows blatant indifference toward anarchistic and terrorist-oriented violence. However, the new efforts of Durkan and Wheeler, along with four other Democrat mayors who are asking Congress to restrict the deployment of federal forces to their cities, smacks of state- condoned terrorism at the expense of the majority of the residents in their cities.
- Monday, July 27, 2020

The BLM-Biden-Obama Bandwagon

The BLM-Biden-Obama BandwagonIf Joe Biden is the best the Democrat Party has to offer their constituents as the best candidate for POTUS, Democrats are in serious trouble. But, are they? Except for the seemingly endless investigations into the Deep State coup d’état, and except for the recent autocracy of Democrat governors of states imposing their unconstitutional lockdown mandates on their residents, and except for the major ineptitude of the Democrat mayors of major cities in the United States in handling, or enabling, the Marxist insurrection currently underway, it seems their candidate may be doing just fine. He may be the best foot forward for the Democrats in 2020. Those concerned with his apparent ineptitude and grip on reality must look at the bigger picture.
- Friday, July 24, 2020

Revealing the Moral Bankruptcy of BLM

Revealing the Moral Bankruptcy of BLMThe blatant violence in a majority of cities in the United States in the wake of the murder of George Floyd was supposed to be the moral foundation for protesting the wrongful murder of George Floyd. But, this is an illusion. A horrible illusion. If all Black Lives Matter, where are the serious nationwide protests over the 20 million+ black babies that have been killed since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision? There is no one in the Black Lives Matter terrorist organization that has even uttered any credible concern over the genocide of aborting black babies. Likely, they would not because both Black Lives Matter and Planned Parenthood are funded heavily by George Soros, and even an evil house divided cannot stand. But, this is an absolutely blatant hypocrisy and it demonstrates zero moral integrity.
- Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Reflections on the French Revolution: A Model for U.S. Civil War?

Reflections on the French Revolution: A Model for U.S. Civil War?Contrary to the romanticized European notions and the intellectually fraudulent myth that the French Revolution was a victory for a people striving for freedom, the truth is finally coming to light. The holiday normally celebrated in France as a revered holiday, known as Bastille Day, being the spark that ignited France’s march to freedom is an illusion. Unfortunately, European Marxists had long held that the French Revolution was a real victory for the people--the proletariat. Yet, after centuries, French writers are beginning to honestly look at this tragic European history as a failure to provide freedom in France.
- Thursday, July 16, 2020

BLM Violence Reminiscent of the Storming of the Bastille

BLM Violence Reminiscent of the Storming of the BastilleToday is the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille, a public holiday in France more casually referred to as Bastille Day. This dramatic event in French history is looked on with as much respect and reverence in France as Americans view the colonists taking on the British troops in the “shot heard ‘round the world.” However, contrary to the romanticized image, the people that seized the Bastille were not endowed with altruistic ideals and tempered by principled actions. They were motivated by fear, as well as primitive desires to unleash pent-up anger and frustration. Also, more practical concerns by “shadow” leaders aimed to seize any weapons the mob could capture.
- Monday, July 13, 2020

There Is No Expiration Date on God-Given Rights!

There Is No Expiration Date on God-Given Rights!This year’s Independence Day celebrations were tainted by the poisonous divisiveness of political posturing since it is an election year. But, 2020 is unlike any other election year-- it represents a turning point in the history of the United States of America. What exists at the heart of all of the nasty division, which may not be easily seen with all of the anarchists and Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioting across the country, is the core of the battle for the soul of America. It is likely that America’s legacy further into the 21st century, and possibly its future survival, will be decided from the outcome of this election. That is not an exaggeration. Already anarchists and Marxists are attempting to abort history through tearing down the statues of historical figures. Yet, tearing down the statues represents “symbolic” actions aimed at much bigger targets. Such targeted statues were not only national heroes--heroes of the ending of slavery, heroes who fought to preserve the Union, but also religious symbols-- such as tearing down statues of white Jesus, as commentator and BLM advocate Shaun King demanded in June:
- Thursday, July 9, 2020

BLM: A Morally Bankrupt Front for Democrats and Destruction

BLM: A Morally Bankrupt Front for Democrats and DestructionA recent article in Townhall, from writer Kevin McCoullough, breaks down 600 murders in six major cities in just six weeks. He briefly explains the decisions of the Democrat city mayors to defund their police forces. From another serious article in Townhall, ten of the 600 people murdered were innocent children killed just since the beginning of July. The tragic report details the murders of ten innocent kids. Their stories are heartbreaking. Where was BLM to protest the black children who were senselessly murdered? Black lives matter? Where were the marches? Where were the protestors in the cities where such senseless killings took place? One man in Minneapolis with a criminal background was murdered and the whole nation is in an uproar. Ten innocent children were murdered and not a peep out of BLM, or Democrat supporters of BLM. Who cares?
- Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Current Battle for America’s Soul began with the Declaration of Independence

The Current Battle for America’s SoulIn July of 2016, I posted an article entitled: “Reflecting on three battles sparked by the Declaration of Independence.” It was in the heat of the 2016 presidential campaign, and Americans had just celebrated their fun Fourth of July festivities. In that year, it seemed important that citizens realize the coming battle that is currently unfolding since that time, and rapidly accelerating since the outcome of that pivotal election. That year, as in this year, many potential voters recognized that it was a critical, pivotal election. It was in 2016, and it is in 2020.
- Thursday, July 2, 2020

Antifa, BLM, Frederick Douglass, and Defense of the Constitution

Antifa, BLM, Frederick Douglass, and Defense of the ConstitutionAmerica has been on fire in the past month and it has not because of June heat. The fires across the nation have been ostensibly instigated in protest over the murder of George Floyd. Yet, the actual peaceful protests over the murder of George Floyd ended long ago. What has morphed from the legitimate protests over Floyd's murder is a very different creature. Violent rioting  that has been prolonged over a widespread area is not representative of spontaneous demonstrations of anger over police brutality. It bears no resemblance to genuine concerns of American citizens regarding the killing of a Black man at the hands of a White police officer.   
- Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Defeating the Mantra of Institutionalized Racism with Personal Emancipation

Candice Owens and the Blexit movementThis past week, many Americans may have become familiar with the traditional holiday of "Juneteenth," although it is not a recognized major holiday for all Americans. When President Donald Trump announced he was changing the date  of his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma out of respect for "Juneteenth," many people may not have known what he meant. Yet, it is   a legitimate holiday and essentially a celebration of freedom. The holiday is known by other names like Emancipation Day or Freedom Day, and is certainly deserving of a more substantial place in U.S. history. 
- Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Reflections upon Juneteenth and "White Guilt"

Reflections upon Juneteenth and White Guilt, Tim KaineThis past Tuesday, Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) proved himself to be an utter embarrassment to the good people of Virginia in a speech he gave in the Senate by his claim that the United States “created” slavery and “didn’t inherit slavery from anybody.” Senator Kaine was giving a speech in support of the Justice in Policing Act of 2020, a bill that Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA.) jointly introduced into the Senate. Tim Kaine may want to check reputable history books rather than relying primarily upon the pious propaganda from the New York Times’ “1619 Project,” which is an outright distortion of American history.
- Saturday, June 20, 2020

Juneteenth vs. Institutionalized Racism

Juneteenth vs. Institutionalized RacismFreedom, if it is to be preserved, demands a serious commitment to responsibility that accompanies the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. Without any sense of responsibility, Freedom disintegrates within the civil society and eventually leads to chaos. This is what American citizens are witnessing across the country due to the outright promotion of lawlessness. It is extremely important to note that the current state of lawlessness did not start with the George Floyd murder and ensuing peaceful protests over what many people witnessed by viral distribution of the video of his death. The outright promotion of lawlessness began immediately after Donald J. Trump was elected president.
- Thursday, June 18, 2020

United, America Will Survive All Three Phases of Treason

United, America Will Survive All Three Phases of TreasonTreason and tyranny are ancient and succeed due to deception and ignorance based upon lies and mental laziness. However, tyranny endures well in a culture of fear due to viable threats, the demonstration of physical force, and outright violence. What Americans and the entire world are seeing in this time is an attempt at overthrowing the United States of America. The worst enemy is the internal enemy because those ones once trusted, are different from who they appeared to be in a different time, or in a different light. America now has to deal with the domestic enemies in our midst whether we want to or not, whether we like it or not.
- Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Nation's Cancer is Not Systemic Racism, But Corrupt and Criminal Governments

The Nation's Cancer is Not Systemic Racism, But Corrupt and Criminal GovernmentsThe mental pollution of propaganda blaring constantly from the mainstream media is a genuine disservice to humanity. The propagation of the narrative that it is okay to kill and destroy other people’s livelihoods in the name of justice is an unjust and insidious endeavor in and of itself. The MSM is currently nothing more than a source of lies and purposeful pollution of the public sentient. What the MSM and other “radical” mental manipulators are spewing across the airwaves and in some social media realms these days is intended to justify previously orchestrated chaos and violence against common people. There is no justice that can be derived from mob justice, period. And, it moves society backwards to an age when it was an eye for an eye, a life for a life.
- Thursday, June 11, 2020
