
Dennis Jamison

Dennis Jamison reinvented his life after working for a multi-billion dollar division of Johnson & Johnson for several years. Currently retired from West Valley College in California, where he taught for nearly 10 years, he now writes articles on history and American freedom for various online publications. Formerly a contributor to the Communities at the Washington Times and Fairfax Free Citizen, his more current articles appear in Canada Free Press and Communities Digital News. During the 2016 presidential primaries, he was the leader of a network of writers, bloggers, and editors who promoted the candidacy of Dr. Ben Carson. Jamison founded "We the People" - Patriots, Pilgrims, Prophets Writers’ Network and the Citizen Sentinels Network. Both are volunteer groups for grassroots citizen-journalists and activists intent on promoting and preserving the inviolable God-given freedoms rooted in the founding documents. Jamison also co-founded RedAmericaConsulting to identify, counsel, and support citizen-candidates, who may not have much campaign money, but whose beliefs and deeds reflect the role of public servants rather than power-hungry politicians. ​

Most Recent Articles by Dennis Jamison:

The War has Come - Agreement and Cooperation are 'Essential' Tasks in Reclaiming our Republic!

The War has Come - Agreement and Cooperation are Essential Tasks in Reclaiming our Republic!In July of last year, I offered a perspective in an article entitled 'The Value of Agreement and Cooperation in the Coming War’. There are many in America who are aware we are in a war, and then there are many who are clueless with regard to such a perception. Such a statement is not intended to be judgemental of the clueless. But, for those still unaware of the war, recent events are good indications of major tremors or disruptions of the relative cultural calm and social fabric. But, it may be that only now, after all of the violence that has torn communities and the nation apart, more people are becoming fully cognizant of ‘the war.’
- Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Democrat Leaders: Religious Liberty is Non-Essential, but Violent Rioting is Essential

Democrat Leaders: Religious Liberty is Non-Essential, but Violent Rioting is EssentialJoe Biden, that modern miracle of meaningless political rhetoric, was strongly applauded by the mainstream media for mocking President Donald Trump in a speech the other day. Biden mocked President Trump for holding up a Bible in front of the historic St. John's Episcopal church (adjacent to the White House) after walking across Lafayette Park.
- Thursday, June 4, 2020

Activist-Driven Anarchy Knows No Bounds

Activist-Driven Anarchy Knows No BoundsThe loss of loss of a single life can truly affect many, but how a life is lost will affect many in different ways. American citizens were capable of watching in dismay as the riots over one man’s unjust and tragic death could instigate so much mayhem and destruction. Death in itself can be unjust, for many tragic reasons. People whose lives have been claimed by the COVID-19 can be seen in such a way. In another sense, the recent, yet untimely, death of the Christian apologist, Ravi Zacharias, at 74 years of age, could be considered unjust. Ravi Zacharias lost his battle with cancer even though he had vitality and had a strong spirit to serve God and all the people he encountered.
- Monday, June 1, 2020

United “We the People” Shall Stand -- United We Preserve Our Freedom!

In the wake of Memorial Day weekend, usually less a solemn time of year, Americans in days past, would look forward to the beginning of summer. Normally, only a passing flash of a distant memory would be revived through a parade, or a simple ceremony, or even just meeting an old veteran with stories of sacrifice in time of war. Memorial Day is hard because it was born from the death of hundreds of thousands of Union servicemen.
- Thursday, May 28, 2020

Memorial Day 2020: Have those who Fought for Freedom, Died in Vain?

Memorial Day 2020: Have those who Fought for Freedom, Died in Vain?In recent years, Memorial Day in the United States was just another holiday for American citizens to enjoy fun things people did over the three-day holiday weekend, which also marked the unofficial commencement of summertime. It was not considered too seriously across the social spectrum. This year is different. This year citizens are coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic, the various reactions to the virus and repercussions, and realities in states where Big Brother is cracking down on conservatives, and patriots, and people of faith, for the sake of “public health and safety.”
- Monday, May 25, 2020

Despot-like Government Shutdowns: Only One Threat to Religious Freedom 

Despot-like Government Shutdowns: Only One Threat to Religious FreedomThis past Sunday a wave of churches across the country opened for in-person worship services. It was part of an effort called "Peaceably Gather Sunday" where ministers and their respective congregations were seeking to hold a middle ground in balancing health and safety concerns against the coronavirus and still hold worship services without restrictions. These citizens are seeking a more religious path to deal with the shutdown of businesses, life as we have known it, and the threats to basic civil liberties--especially the right to worship God. People are also truly stressed over the loss of their jobs and their livelihoods, and their faith oftentimes gives them hope. 
- Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Showdown over Religious Freedom via COVID-19 Church Shutdowns

Showdown over Religious Freedom via COVID-19 Church ShutdownsDemonstrations of average citizens, not DNC or Soros’ paid protestors, continue to express just how fed up citizens are of lockdowns that may have moved well past their purpose in many states and localities across America. Several “Democratic” governors are showing their true colors as they cannot resist exercising their executive power over hairdressers, ministers, and the regular people of faith. Prisoners are allowed to go free from prison; yet, the people of faith are prevented by law to leave their homes to go worship God. Several thousands of years ago, that same scenario played out between an all powerful Pharaoh and a simple shepherd named Moses.
- Saturday, May 16, 2020

Moving Beyond COVID-19 into Freedom--or Illusions of Freedom?

Moving Beyond COVID-19 into Freedom--or Illusions of Freedom?There were “stirrings” all across the land of the “Free” on May 1st, a day that was taken over by the Communists to commemorate the Haymarket Riot in Chicago on May 4, 1889. But, the stirrings, or demonstrations were not due to Communists, but citizens who are fed up with the lockdown.
- Thursday, May 7, 2020

Practice Safe-Distancing from MSM Parroted Chinese Propaganda

In mid-April, after many officials in the United States started raising concerns about the origins and responsibility for the COVID-19 Newsweek posted an opinion piece by Kerry Brown, who seemed to be making every effort to qualify as a Chinese propagandist. Mr. Brown wrote as if he were well-informed about the issues surrounding the origins of the COVID-19 Pandemic, but his article revealed more about Brown than about the realities relating to China and the origins of COVID-19. Newsweek is not the same calibre as it was before it was sold by the Washington Post for $1.00 to Mr. Sidney Harman.
- Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Accountability for Death and Destruction

As the people of the world confront the COVID-19 Pandemic going into the fifth month of dealing with this deadly virus, it is undeniable that America, as well as the rest of the world, is held captive to a virus that is incredibly contagious, and people are requested to, or required to, obey their respective local governments’ methods of limiting the spread of this strain of the coronavirus. Yet, because the majority of the people of the world have such a focus on the pandemic, and due to the internet a connected or interrelated focus on the pandemic, there is now common cause among all of the people of the world.
- Tuesday, April 21, 2020

All America's Enemies are not Created Equal

All America's Enemies are not Created EqualAs the COVID-19 pandemic consumes the health and takes the lives of thousands upon thousands of our fellow human beings, the "news" of this global tragedy also takes a toll upon innocent people. In this time, people who operate media outlets are either of two fundamental mindsets: they can be either people of faith or people without any serious faith. The people of genuine faith seem to promote hope and sincerely seek ways to be of help to solve problems -- even to solve the spread of the disease -- even to find a real cure for the disease. The people without any serious faith promote fear and fan the fear into flames of panic within the minds and hearts of those who have the audacity to hope for a victorious outcome. 
- Monday, March 30, 2020

“Toxic-Media Avoidance” is Prescribed to Survive the Pandemic

This may be one of the weirdest St. Patrick’s Day in our nation’s history, aside from when it may have been celebrated, or at least remembered, during wartime. If anyone would have predicted a year ago that the world would be in such a predicament on St. Patrick’s Day this year that it would have to be canceled, many people would have thought they would have had too much green beer and they needed to go home and sleep it off.
- Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Democrats Leaders: Just Different Degrees of Socialists

Democrats Leaders: Just Different Degrees of SocialistsLast week a number Democrats took center stage, and a number exited the stage as they exited the race to become the Democrats’ nominee for POTUS. As the leaders of the “Democratic” Party consolidate their power, Americans look on in awe at what is now a two-man race within the Party to officially nominate them as their choice for POTUS. It is wise to put this into serious perspective regarding the 2020 election. And despite all the illusions of elusive rhetoric and the stale Party propaganda, the choice the Democrat Party is pushing upon the citizens for their “ideal candidate” for president is between two, old white men.
- Monday, March 9, 2020

Democrat Dilemma in 2020: A Civil Rights Straightjacket

Democrat Dilemma in 2020: A Civil Rights StraightjacketSince it is still “Black History month,” and since the 2020 election season is now in full swing, it is important to revisit the past to understand the contemporary dilemma of the Democrat Party. Resting easily upon the myth that the Party had somehow changed from their stifling and trampling of Civil Rights in the Old South to becoming the main political party that champions the rights of all, the Party was able to elect a black man president of the United States in 2008.
- Tuesday, February 25, 2020

President’s Day -- Forever Changed By Leftist Haters

President’s Day -- Forever Changed By Leftist HatersContrary to popular confusion, there is no such federal holiday as President’s Day. The popular holiday used for three-day weekend diversions, is actually a federal holiday to officially honor George Washington, although his date of birth occurs on February 22nd. State governments have created the illusion of a President’s Day for other presidents, but the nationwide law creating the holiday is not a celebration of various American presidents. Nevertheless, since the 2016 presidential race there has been a great deal of clarity for the American public about presidential election politics, which has now led to the “Not My President’s Day” mentality of recent years.
- Monday, February 17, 2020

Are Democrats Liable for Hate Crimes Due to the Impeachment?

Are Democrats Liable for Hate Crimes Due to the Impeachment?When the Senate acquits President Donald J. Trump of the bogus crimes fabricated by the Democrat leadership and fanned to a frenzy by the national mainstream media, one has to wonder whether such a blatant attempt to “kill the king” should be ignored. Where’s the “Justice” Democrats to demand justice that the Trump smear campaign was unjust?
- Monday, February 3, 2020

Manager Adam Schiff's Words Ring Hollow, and His Party's Actions Will Incur Judgment

Manager Adam Schiff's Words Ring Hollow Last week, on day five of the Senate impeachment debacle, Congressman Adam Schiff gave his concluding remarks to the senators and all present, as well as to millions of viewers all over. In his offensive remarks, he happened to quote Abraham Lincoln’s conclusion of his State of the Union address in 1862. Schiff's' preferred portion was this:
- Monday, January 27, 2020

Vision from Martin Luther King, Jr. as Democrats Still Resist Voting Rights

Vision from Martin Luther King, Jr. as Democrats Still Resist Voting RightsIn reflecting upon the celebration of the value of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in 2020, and all kinds of people do, a serious examination of history would help citizens to be clear about the dangers to voting rights in this millennium. It may also prove helpful in dispelling much confusion about the political accountability for suppression of the vote by the “Democratic” Party in the Deep South and throughout the United States today.
- Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A New Year - New Hate for President Trump

A New Year - New Hate for President TrumpOver the past year, Democrat leaders had increasingly revealed their true colors as they pursued a political strategy of “Kill the King” through their variations on the theme. However, in the grand scheme of their nefarious plans, the stage by stage escalation of the premeditated coup d’é·tat against our Constitutional Republic may be entering its final stages
- Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Trump is to the Democrats what Soleimani was to America

Trump is standing for AmericaLast week, after Iranian master terrorist General Soleimani was taken out in a surgical strike, most of President Trump’s enemies came out to criticize the actions. When an intelligent person observes the flak that President Trump received from his enemies, it is incongruous with reality.
- Monday, January 6, 2020
