
Doug Patton

(Editor’s note: Doug Patton passed away on February 27, 2014. He will be greatly missed.) RIP Doug Patton – beloved husband, father and columnist Doug Patton was s a freelance columnist who has served as a political speechwriter and policy advisor to conservative candidates, elected officials and public policy organizations.

Most Recent Articles by Doug Patton:

Sex, Lies and Government Schools

"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next." — Abraham Lincoln It is no secret that government schools across the United States have become indoctrination centers for the spreading of a social gospel that is anathema to the values of the majority of American parents. Public education is largely run by union bosses and liberal school boards protecting incompetent educrats who push an agenda that has nothing to do with teaching children how to think and everything to do with teaching them what to think. Hitler, Stalin and Mao would be proud.
- Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bachmann Knows Her Constitution

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann has proven once more that she is no lightweight in the contest for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. But you are not likely to hear that view from any of the vacuous talking heads on the network news. It doesn’t fit their template.
- Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Romney A Weak Front Runner

Are you tired of the media and the Republican establishment proclaiming Mitt Romney the "front runner" for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination? If history means anything — and it means little to many these days — it tells us that the person leading the field at this point is rarely the eventual nominee, especially when that candidate's lead is as anemic as is Mitt Romney's.
- Monday, June 20, 2011

PDS Has Consumed the MSM

Rush Limbaugh has been saying for some time — at least since John McCain put Sarah Palin on the 2008 GOP presidential ticket — that one can always tell whom liberals fear most by the lengths to which they will go to destroy that person. I include in that sweeping indictment today's vacuous, narcissistic, so-called mainstream media, which has been selling its collective soul to the political left for decades now, but which completed the sale when it became a wholly owned subsidiary of Barack Obama's never-ending presidential campaign. Obviously, no person since Ronald Reagan has frightened the political left in this country as has Sarah Palin.
- Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ryan-Rubio, Now That’s the Ticket!

Bill Kristol has always struck me as an aspiring Fox News version of George Will, a kind neoconservative Republican who would inevitably endorse a Mitt Romney or a Tim Pawlenty or a Newt Gingrich. Oh, sure, he has said some nice things about Sarah Palin in his capacity as a commentator, but having worked in the George H.W. Bush administration, it just seemed logical that he would support the establishment candidate who wouldn't rock the Beltway boat too far in either direction. It seems I was wrong.
- Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Can We Trade Barack for Bibi?

Let's just get it out in the open right now. I would like to trade Barack Obama for Benjamin Netanyahu. I know, I know, Netanyahu was not born in the United States, but then…well, let's not open that can of worms again. The bottom line is that the Israeli prime minister is one of the premier leaders in the world today, while Obama is one of the premier aspiring dictators. Ask yourself; wouldn't you honestly prefer an Israeli conservative to a Muslim sympathizer?
- Sunday, May 22, 2011

I like Mike, but it doesn’t matter now

Ever since he first announced his intention to seek the presidency last time around, I have made no secret of my admiration for Mike Huckabee. On the national stage, I had come to believe that Huckabee was a moral and political giant among pigmies. I even wrote in late 2007 that I agreed with his then-campaign manager and former Ronald Reagan aide, Ed Rollins, that Huckabee could well be the heir to the legacy of the Gipper himself. I had hoped that the former Arkansas governor would run again in 2012. Last Saturday night on his Fox News program, he informed the world that he would not.
- Monday, May 16, 2011

Thank You, Mr. President

The world's foremost terrorist is dead, and it seems that thanks are in order. When a leader is deserving of praise, it is only right that those of us who opine on the nature of such things should give credit where credit is due. So I would like to say thank you, Mr. President. Yes, that's right. I would like to say thank you to the man responsible for getting Osama bin Laden. That man is George W. Bush.
- Monday, May 9, 2011

We Need New Definitions of Rich and Poor

"Contentment makes poor men rich; discontentment makes rich men poor." —Benjamin Franklin Much has been written about the Greatest Generation, and with good reason. They grew up during the harsh years of the Great Depression; then, just as they were reaching adulthood, they were asked to save the world from tyranny — which they did, even though many of them were still teenagers.
- Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama Seems Incapable of Loving America

Do forty percent of Americans really hate their country, or are they just too self-absorbed, apathetic and/or obtuse to recognize the loathing Barack Obama displays for the United States of America? Forty seems to be the percentage of people, give or take a few, who still express their approval of this president and his policies, in spite of the disdain he shows both for them and their country.
- Monday, April 25, 2011

Beltway Elitists Mock Trump at Their Peril

I remember when Ross Perot announced his intention to run for President of the United States. All many people knew about him was that he was a diminutive, self-made billionaire from Texas who had fought for American POWs who had been left in North Vietnamese prison camps.
- Sunday, April 17, 2011

‘Tis the Season to be Angry

"Congress shall create a Tax Code weighing more than the combined poundage of the largest member of the House and the largest member of the Senate, plus a standard musk ox." -Article I, Section VI of the Constitution of the United States (according to "Dave Barry Hits Below the Beltway") It's that time of year again. Dig out those receipts showing every possible legal deduction. Find all those canceled checks proving that you paid all those doctor bills last year. Add up the mileage for all those business-related trips you took. Put it all into a shoebox, take it down to a $300-per-hour CPA firm and hope they get it right this year.
- Monday, April 4, 2011

Newt Takes Lame Excuses to a New Low

Perhaps I have been too busy to notice, but I have not seen much from the late-night comics on one of the best sources of comedy material provided for them in a long time. It just seems like such great fodder for spoofing by Leno, Letterman, Conan, etc. I'm talking about Newt Gingrich's explanation for cheating on his first two wives.
- Monday, March 28, 2011

The 9,000 Pound Elephant in the Living Room

Financial advisor Dave Ramsey put forth an interesting scenario recently on his nationally syndicated radio call-in program. Taking a hypothetical phone call from John Q. Public and his wife, We the People, in one brief illustration Ramsey demonstrated that no one in Washington, D.C., is really serious about cutting spending.
- Monday, March 21, 2011

The Other 48 Should Follow Nebraska and Maine

In 2008, Barack Obama won an electoral vote in, of all places, Nebraska. How could this happen? After all, the Cornhusker State is one of the reddest states in the country. No Democrat had won an electoral vote in Nebraska since Lyndon Johnson creamed Barry Goldwater coast-to-coast in 1964. In fact, in the 2004 race between George W. Bush and John Kerry, a greater percentage of counties went to Bush in Nebraska than in his home state of Texas. So how did a far-left Democrat like Barack Obama pull an electoral vote out of Nebraska?
- Tuesday, March 15, 2011

If I Had to Pick a Candidate Today…

If I had to pick a conservative Republican presidential candidate who could beat Barack Obama next year, whom would I choose, John Kasich, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romey, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush
- Monday, February 14, 2011

I will Never Vote for another Bush or McCain

I rarely say "never." It is as inane as saying "always." Of course, there are times when these two words are the only ones that work. And in this case, I mean it. I will never vote for another Bush or another McCain.
- Monday, February 7, 2011

And That’s Why You Don’t Elect Novices or Idiots

As another Middle East nation — Egypt — hurls into political chaos, the crack foreign policy team of Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are about to show the world once more just how out of their depth they are. This isn't the first time.
- Monday, January 31, 2011

From Roe vs. Wade to West Philadelphia

It was morbidly appropriate that the very week when our nation was observing the sad anniversary of the infamous 1973 Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision, which created a constitutional right to slaughter unborn babies, a macabre story broke about the discovery of an abortion mill officials are describing as a "house of horrors."
- Monday, January 24, 2011

Liberals Hate Free Speech Unless It’s Theirs

Ever since a violent, evil lunatic decided to shoot innocent people in a public place in Tucson, Arizona, hand-wringing liberals have been vilifying everyone but the violent, evil lunatic himself. They have tried to blame Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, the Tea Party and the NRA. I'm sure some of them are even trying to figure out how to pin it on George W. Bush.
- Monday, January 17, 2011
