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Forecasting expert says polar bear models critically flawed

Excerpt: Professor J. Scott Armstrong of the Wharton School says, “To list a species that is currently in good health as an endangered species requires valid forecasts that its population would decline to levels that threaten its viability. In fact, the polar bear populations have been increasing rapidly in recent decades due to hunting restrictions.
- Friday, May 9, 2008

Global warming set to fan the HIV fire

Source: The Age Climate change is the latest threat to the world's growing HIV epidemic, say Australian experts who warn of the "grim" outlook in the fight against the infectious disease.
- Saturday, May 3, 2008

Global warming skepticism may end hurricane pioneer’s forecasts

Excerpt: By pioneering the science of seasonal hurricane forecasting and teaching 70 graduate students who now populate the National Hurricane Center and other research outposts, William Gray turned a city far from the stormy seas into a hurricane research mecca. But now the institution in Fort Collins, Colo., where he has worked for nearly half a century, has told Gray it may end its support of his seasonal forecasting.
- Monday, April 28, 2008

Hurricane expert reconsiders global warming’s impact

[Note: A prominent hurricane scientist (MIT's Kerry Emanuel) has publicly reversed his view on global warming's impact on hurricanes. This is a very important new development in the climate debate. First, 2007 turned out to be the "tipping point" for global warming fears, 2008 continued appears to be the year of vindication for skeptics as many prominent scientists reversed their climate views and more and more skeptical scientists speak out and new data debunked man-made climate fears. Now another major scientist reconsiders his views on a significant aspect of man-made climate fears. MIT's Kerry Emanuel's views on hurricanes and global warming have been prominently cited by Gore and other promoters of climate fear. With the new evidence based data flowing in, it is no wonder Gore is being forced to spend $300 million to attempt to once again scare the public. An Oscar, a Nobel and a compliant media all proved woeful at convincing the public to believe in Gore's "climate crisis." ]
- Monday, April 14, 2008

Polar Bears Potential ESA Listing Called ‘Regulatory Monster’

Excerpt: “It would be a mistake to list the presently healthy and sustainable polar bear populations as a threatened species under the ESA. Such action will produce a variety of adverse consequences including (1) creating an ESA listing precedent that opens Pandora’s Box in the form of other unwarranted listings that will diminish resources available for bona fide wildlife conservation and recovery efforts, (2) setting the stage for new rounds of litigation and judicial activism to turn the ESA into a regulatory monster of unprecedented proportions, and (3) harming existing successful polar bear conservation and management programs
- Thursday, April 3, 2008

Boxer Waves White Flag on Lieberman-Warner Climate Bill

Washington DC - Environment and Public Works Committee Chair Barbara Boxer conceded today that the Lieberman-Warner global warming cap-and-trade bill would be pulled if “weakening amendments” are added during the scheduled June 2008 floor debate.
- Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Coming of a New Ice Age

Yet another dissenter of the church of global warming. Gerald Marsh is a retired physicist from the Argonne National Laboratory and a former consultant to the Department of Defense on strategic nuclear technology and policy in the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton Administration.
- Sunday, February 24, 2008

‘Authoritarian form of government’ needed to solve global warming

Excerpt: the authors of a new book, The Climate Change Challenge and the Failure of Democracy, go much further, claiming that global warming can be effectively dealt with only by "an authoritarian form of government." In an article promoting the book, co-author David Shearman praises China's recent ban on plastic shopping bags, expressing special admiration for its authoritarian quality. "The importance of the decision," he writes, "lies in the fact that China can do it by edict and close the factories."
- Thursday, February 21, 2008

NYC Mayor Bloomberg compares climate change to terrorism

Excerpt: "So long as there's no penalty or cost involved in producing greenhouse gases, there will be no incentive" to meet targets set by international institutions, the mayor told the General Assembly. "For that reason, I believe the U.S. should enact a tax on carbon emissions. "Terrorists kill people. Weapons of mass destruction have the potential to kill an enormous amount of people," Mr. Bloomberg told reporters after addressing the U.N. General Assembly, but "global warming in the long term has the potential to kill everybody."
- Tuesday, February 12, 2008
