
Fred Dardick

Fred Dardick got a BS in Biology at Boston University and MS in Biology at Stanford University before deciding that science bored him. He now runs a staffing company in Chicago where he is much happier now.

Most Recent Articles by Fred Dardick:

Rahm Emanuel Throws Obama Under the Bus

Given the chance to fall on the Sestak sword for President Obama, Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel instead took off for Israel and left behind a note saying that Obama’s unpaid advisory job offer, as incentive for Democrat Joe Sestak to “avoid a divisive Senate primary”, was no biggie since past administrations practiced this type of sleazy politics all the time.
- Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Global War for Women’s Rights

imageLast week Attorney General Eric Holder appeared in hearings on Capitol Hill and, to the consternation of conservatives everywhere, was unable to acknowledge the threat that radical Islam poses to the security of the United States. In what can only be described as political correctness taken to previously unknown heights, Holder, an educated man, feigned ignorance to the struggle this nation has been engaged in since the 9/11 terrorist attacks perpetrated by radical Islamists.
- Friday, May 21, 2010

Obama’s Can’t Fail Way to Cut Healthcare Spending - Deny Services to Seniors

imageIndependent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) … remember the name. Sometime in the not so distant future, these are the people who will decide whether or not you qualify for knee replacement surgery, or if your expected lifespan is too short for that expensive heart medication, or you’re as good as dead, so why don’t you forget about chemo?
- Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wake up, America: Democrats aren’t Democrats Anymore, They’re Communists

And the so-called “moderate Democrats” are merely socialists. It wasn’t so long ago that much loved Democrat President John F. Kennedy told the nation in his inaugural address, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”, implying a sense of self sacrifice was needed by all Americans to keep the torch of freedom burning bright in a world filled with tyranny.
- Wednesday, May 5, 2010

30,000 Anti-Global Warming Scientists Can’t Be Wrong

Nature Magazine, the academic journal that introduced the world to X-rays, DNA double helix, wave nature of particles, pulsars, and more recently the human genome, is set to publish a paper in June that shows atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is responsible for only 5-10% of observed warming on Earth.
- Friday, April 30, 2010

Dick Morris: Bill Clinton Personally Orchestrated the 1993 Waco, Texas Tragedy

imageIt looks like somebody is going to have to update the Waco Siege page on Wikipedia. Apparently the whitewashed history that former President Bill Clinton would like us to believe regarding the 1993 federal assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, is missing important details regarding his own personal involvement. In response to Bill Clinton’s highly publicized linking of the Tea Party movement to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing in an op-ed piece for the New York Times, former Clinton adviser Dick Morris disclosed on Monday that it was Clinton himself, and not Attorney General Janet Reno, as Americans have been led to believe for the past 17 years, who called the shots during the 1993 botched invasion that led to the death of seventy-six people.
- Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Forget Cap and Trade: EPA Regulation of CO2 Emissions Will Begin in 10 Months

So much for the spectacle of Democrats and Republicans fighting their way through Congress over the future of Cap and Trade energy legislation. Thanks to EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson in little noticed press releases from March 29 and April 1, the “final decision” that “greenhouse gases (GHGs)” and “carbon pollution” will be regulated (taxed) by the federal government is complete and the imposition of “construction and operating permit requirements for the largest emitting facilities will begin.”
- Friday, April 2, 2010

Obama to Crush Economy with Massive CO2 Taxes as Early as Next Week

imageAbandoning all loyalty to the democratic processes this nation holds dear, President Obama has made the decision that getting energy tax legislation through Congress with the approval of the American people is just too much of a pain to bother with. Instead he will have the EPA declare as early as next week that CO2 is a dangerous global warming gas and will start regulating its emissions immediately. Obama’s promise to open up vast stretches of ocean on the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico to energy exploration is simply a ruse to soften up the public for soon to be announced draconian regulations. Similar to how Obama used the $50 million dollar study on healthcare companies competing across state lines to sell ObamaCare as a bipartisan bill, his recent decree allowing energy companies to explore (not drill, not produce energy from … just explore) new stretches of ocean for oil is also meant to be a trivial, yet impressive enough sounding carrot for conservatives right before he stuffs his Marxist trash down their throats.
- Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Audacity of Food Stamps and the Coming Great Obama Depression

Democrats made history all right this weekend, but not the kind they think they voted for. While they may actually believe their healthcare bill will usher in some sort of new golden age in which Americans, immigrants and unicorns live together in perfect harmony, back in the real world the only things their monstrous healthcare bill will accomplish is the loss of millions more sorely needed jobs and transformation of what has been a terrible, but temporary recession, into the Great Obama Depression.
- Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How the Democrat Abortion Dilemma Kills Healthcare Reform

It was only a few months ago the House of Representatives faced the real possibility of healthcare reform failure. Lacking the support of Bart Stupak and his 11 pro-life colleagues, Pelosi couldn’t find enough votes to pass the legislation.
- Thursday, March 11, 2010

Obama forms “Rapid Response Teams” to “Forcefully” Influence Congress

I like to keep myself up to date with the goings on over in Obamaland. One of the ways is by being on Obama’s Organizing for America email list. They sent out the below email Saturday afternoon outlining their latest assault on America, the formation of "Rapid Response Teams" to “forcefully” influence votes in Congress.
- Monday, November 16, 2009

Democrats Fiddle Healthcare while the Economy Burns

Ignoring the economic plight of 1 in 6 Americans who are out of a job or underemployed, Democrats in the House of Representatives played Nero this past Saturday and voted to socialize one seventh of the U.S. economy.
- Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Obama Healthcare Reform is (Almost) Dead

10 months, 5+ versions, thousands of pages, hundreds of thousands of words and millions of headaches later … and the freakin’ bill just won’t die.
- Friday, November 6, 2009

Obama Condemns 10% of America to Never-ending Poverty

Vice President Joe Biden had some pointed words about the economy this week. He quoted his grandfather when he said “When the guy in Minooka's out of work, it's an economic slowdown. When your brother- in-law's out of work, it's a recession. When you're out of work, it's a depression.”

“Well, it's a depression - it's a depression for millions of Americans, through no fault of their own.”
- Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sacrifice 350 Million People to Save 45,000?

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) called it a holocaust - the death of approximately 45,000 Americans each year due to a lack of health insurance. While his choice of words is reprehensible, and blaming the situation on Republicans absurd, the statistic he is referring to does beg a very interesting question: Why put a system at risk that provides quality healthcare to 350 million Americans on an effort that may only directly benefit 45,000 individuals?
- Friday, October 2, 2009

Obama: From Savior to Leftist Windbag in Nine Months

Blindly following the “can’t fail” left-wing playbook since gaining the White House - massive government spending, gigantic tax increases, no nukes - and habit for being dishonest with the American people, President Obama has stretched his credibility to the breaking point and people are taking notice.
- Saturday, September 26, 2009

If Obama Were Pinocchio His Nose Would Be Visible From Space

After greatly angering a large percentage of the American public over the past few months, President Barack Obama is finally ready to articulate in detail during a joint session of Congress next week exactly what he has in mind for the future of American healthcare.
- Monday, September 7, 2009

Obama Throws His Grandmother under a Bus, Again

imageWhat’s the deal with Barack Obama selling out his own grandmother every chance he gets? In another example of Obama’s lousy attitude towards the woman that raised him since he was 10 years old, the New York Times this weekend recalled an interview in which he criticized his grandmother, Madelyn Durham, for electing to undergo hip replacement surgery despite being terminally ill:
“I don't know how much that hip replacement cost… (I don’t feel) society making those decisions to give my grandmother, or everybody else's aging grandparents or parents, a hip replacement when they're terminally ill is a sustainable model.”
- Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Typical Democrat: Don’t Bother Me With the Details

I’ve recently exchanged emails with a good friend and Obama healthcare reform supporter from the city of Chicago, let’s call him Keith. Keith is a die hard liberal who is quite typical of the area. No matter the argument, no matter the situation, the Democrats always right and the Republicans are always wrong.
- Sunday, August 16, 2009
