
Gerald Hall

Gerald Hall is a contributor to Canada Free Press

Most Recent Articles by Gerald Hall:

"Real change" equals no change

A little over six months ago Canadians bought into Justin Trudeau's pledge of "real change" and gave him a majority government. It is becoming increasingly clear that Canadians voted in a government of misplaced priorities, Liberal values as opposed to real Canadian values and a commitment to the culture of death.
- Thursday, May 19, 2016

What about governing?

Six months since forming government Justin Trudeau's Liberals appear to be still riding high in the polls yet their remains the nagging question in the country's collective mind on how well the nation is being governed.
- Friday, April 22, 2016

What ever happened to the Hippocratic Oath?

If a nation or society can be judged by the way it treats its most vulnerable citizens Canada may no longer be the just and compassionate country it is imagined to be.
- Thursday, April 7, 2016

This is not a Charter issue

With significant opposition by a number of their own MP's the Trudeau government is justifying their support for an ill-conceived and dangerous euthanasia bill with the totally false claim assisted dying is a "Charter right." When the Supreme Court struck down Canada's assisted suicide act it was not giving activists the right to read into the Charter a "right to die." So when Liberal House Leader Dominic Leblanc glibly justified the Liberal decision as a "Charter of Rights" issue he was wrong.
- Saturday, February 20, 2016

Justin and Gerald

So just who is Gerald Butts? I am guessing the majority of Canadians do not know that he is an old Trudeau university buddy who is now the senior political adviser to our new Prime Minister and has had serious input into almost every policy Trudeau campaigned on in the recent election.
- Sunday, February 14, 2016

Yet more thoughtlessness

You really have to wonder how long it will take before Justin Trudeau learns that wisdom trumps impulsive bravado.
- Saturday, February 6, 2016

A view through rose colored glasses

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with his "sunny ways" philosophy likes viewing all things through rose colored glasses to avoid some of the stark realities which might upset this congenial if false view of today's world. Accordingly, he has decided naively to follow the world in lifting sanctions on Iran believing the so-called landmark deal between Iran and six leading world powers will actually prevent Iran from developing a nuclear bomb.
- Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Conservatives anything but dead

When Justin Trudeau in an interview with an influential BBC current affairs show in London right after his stunning election victory said "I left them in the dust" this was more impulsive optimism than reality.
- Saturday, January 23, 2016

We owe the Bennett's a lot

The death of Former British Columbia premier Bill Bennett saddened me and I am sure very many British Columbians. We lost not only a a savvy and hard working politician and businessman but a great Premier and a good man whose example inspired loyalty from those who knew him and worked with him and respect from his enemies. His contribution to this province in the ten year period he was Premier in the seventies and eighties was enormous. Bennett knew how to respectfully treat taxpayers' money. Current Premier Christy Clark said it well.
- Saturday, December 5, 2015

Christmas message never more relevant

In a speech Pope Francis delivered recently at St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, he said that Christmas this year will be a "charade" because the “world continues to wage war” and “we do not understand peace.” It is difficult to argue against the obvious facts of continuing war in the Middle East and other places and our inability as a race to understand and practice peace but it is untimely and untrue to demean Christmas as a false event represented as true, which is pretty close to the meaning of charade. I would argue the opposite. If ever a dark world needed a glimpse of light that light is in the wonderful message of Christmas.
- Monday, November 30, 2015

A Substantial Loss

I guess you could say the enemies of Stephen Harper won in their objective to get rid of him but you really have to wonder if this is a win for Canada in the long term. Justin Trudeau ran a very good campaign and is deserving of his win yet you get the feeling we have lost more than a good Prime Minister. Their are a number of significant voices that would say Canada's loss is also the loss of the free world.
- Friday, November 13, 2015

A promise made.....

The long waited waited Federal election has come and gone and we now have a new government and new Prime Minister. The tide came in for Justin Trudeau and went out for Stephen Harper as is the way of our democracy. The question now becomes whether or not the electorate made an intelligent decision that will ultimately prove good for the country.
- Monday, October 26, 2015

Statesman or Novice?

On October 19th, Canadians will go to the polls for perhaps the most important election in our history.
- Thursday, October 15, 2015

Be careful what you wish for!

If polls are correct, and given their recent track records in a couple of provincial elections this should never be assumed, Canadians want change in the coming federal election. Interestingly enough Americans seem to be even more vocal in their desire for change as they collectively vent their thorough disgust and exasperation with "the establishment" and in particular the mainstream media and politicians.
- Wednesday, September 16, 2015

More Judicial Activism

I hope Beverly McLauchlin and her fellow Supreme Court justices read the newspapers. A growing number of respected columnists have concluded that our Supreme Court is now politicized and rushing from one rash judgment to the next.
- Friday, April 17, 2015

In Defence of James Lunney

Vancouver Island MP James Lunney made a significantly courageous non-political decision to leave the Conservative Party of Canada and sit as an independent in the House because of his Christian beliefs.
- Friday, April 10, 2015

A judge who understands the Charter

For Canadians who value our liberty under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms a recent decision by Nova Scotia's Supreme Court will be both timely and refreshing. Justice Jamie Campbell dismissed a decision by the province's Barristers Society to deny Trinity Western University's law graduates the right to practice.
- Wednesday, February 4, 2015

More Hot Air

On a CBC show with Peter Mansbridge last week U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon chastised Canada for not doing enough to prevent climate change.
- Friday, December 12, 2014
