
Caroline Glick

Chicago-born Caroline Glick, Center for Security Policy], is deputy managing editor of the Jerusalem Post. A former officer in the Israel Defense Forces, she was a core member of Israel's negotiating team with the Palestinians and later served as an assistant policy advisor to the prime minister. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, the widely-published Glick was an embedded journalist with the U.S. Army's Third Infantry Division. She was awarded a distinguished civilian service award from the U.S. Secretary of the Army for her battlefield reporting.

Most Recent Articles by Caroline Glick:

A beautiful friendship

Less than a week after he was inaugurated into office, President Donald Trump announced that he had repaired the US’s fractured ties with Israel. “It got repaired as soon as I took the oath of office,” he said.
- Friday, February 10, 2017

The evolving threat of jihad in the West

One of the most important stories related to the September 11 attacks was the one that was deliberately left largely untold. That story is the response of some Muslims in America to the massacre of nearly 3,000 people by Islamic supremacists in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. According to a Washington Post article published on September 18, 2001, in Jersey City, New Jersey, across the river from the destroyed World Trade Center, “Within hours of the two jetliners plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.”
- Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Trump way of winning the war

Unlike his predecessors, Trump is serious about winning. To do so, he is even willing to take the radical step of accepting Israel as an ally. The PLO is right to be hysterical.
- Friday, February 3, 2017

About the White House's announcement on "settlements"

The administration's statement Thursday regarding Israeli communities beyond the 1949 armistice lines is the most pro-Israel, pro-Israeli human rights statement ever published by an American administration.
- Friday, February 3, 2017

The lessons of Roosevelt's failures

Trump's executive order is far from perfect. But in making the distinction between the hunters and the hunted and siding with the latter against the former, Trump is showing that he is not a bigot
- Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Israel's moment of decision

Over the past week we were given new evidence of what many assumed for years. Former president Barack Obama and his administration weren't interested in bringing peace to the Middle East. They were interested in harming Israel.
- Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Netanyahu's shameless opponents

Over the past week, Israel was subjected to the diplomatic equivalent of a lynch mob in Paris. It received unexpected assistance from Britain, which twice in two days departed from its traditional anti-Israel stance and blocked the Paris conference's anti-Israel declaration from being adopted as the official position of the European Union.
- Friday, January 20, 2017

Obama's transparent presidency

President Barack Obama promised that his would be the most transparent administration in US history. And the truth is, it was. At least in relation to his policies toward the Muslim world, Obama told us precisely what he intended to do and then he did it.
- Friday, January 13, 2017

The IDF's new social contract

Sgt. Elor Azaria, who was convicted of manslaughter Wednesday for shooting a terrorist in Hebron last March, is a symptom of what may be the most dangerous threat to Israeli society today.
- Friday, January 6, 2017

Obama and Israel, strike and counterstrike

UN Security Council Resolution 2334 was the first prong of outgoing US President Barack Obama’s lame duck campaign against Israel. Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech on Wednesday was the second.
- Friday, December 30, 2016

Obama's war against America

In 1989, following her tenure as President Ronald Reagan's ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick described how the Palestinians have used the UN to destroy Israel.
- Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Israel and the rising new West

US President Barack Obama has but a month left in office. But he has a month left. And he is using it. In the days remaining, Obama is using the full authority of his office to advance his policies with the hope of rendering permanent his mark on American policy. Domestically, Obama is working to undercut the capacity of his successor, President-elect Donald Trump, to implement his plans of expanding domestic oil and gas exploration and development.
- Friday, December 23, 2016

A Trumpian Israeli initiative

US President-elect Donald Trump won’t even take office for another month, but he has already killed the status quo.
- Friday, December 16, 2016

Israel's first move with the Trump administration

Israeli officials are thrilled with the national security team that US President-elect Donald Trump is assembling. And they are right to be. The question now is how Israel should respond to the opportunity they present us with.
- Friday, December 9, 2016

Michael Flynn and Trump's foreign policy

In the US and around the world, people are anxiously awaiting US President-elect Donald Trump's announcement of his choice to serve as secretary of state. There is no doubt that Trump's choice for the position will tell us a great deal about the direction his foreign policy is likely to take. But the fact is that we already have sufficient information to understand what his greatest focus will be.
- Thursday, December 8, 2016

Castro's greatest victory

The Palestinians are loudly mourning the passing of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. PLO Chief and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas ordered flags in the PA to be flown at half-mast on Sunday to honor Castro. They are right to celebrate him. The Cuban Communist dictator, who murdered tens of thousands of his own people, imprisoned tens of thousands more, caused a million Cubans to flee their homeland, and transformed an island paradise into a water enclosed prison, was a key ally of Palestinian terrorists in their war to destroy Israel.
- Friday, December 2, 2016

The ADL’s new bedfellows

In an interview this week with the Australian media, Jordan’s King Abdullah became the latest Arab leader to express hope that President-elect Donald Trump and his team will lead the world’s to date failed fight against jihadist Islam.
- Friday, November 25, 2016

The Ellison Challenge

The Democratic Party stands at a crossroads today. And so do the Jewish Democrats. Out of power in the White House and both houses of Congress, the Democrats must decide what sort of party they will be in the post-Obama world.
- Friday, November 18, 2016

Israel in the Trump Era

The positions that Trump struck during the presidential campaign were sometimes inconsistent and even contradictory. So it is impossible to forecast precisely what he will do once in office. But not everything is shrouded in mystery. Indeed, some important characteristics of his administration are already apparent.
- Saturday, November 12, 2016

Checkmating Obama

In one of the immortal lines of Godfather 2, mafia boss Michael Corleone discusses the fate of his brother, who betrayed him, with his enforcer. “I don’t want anything to happen to him while my mother is alive,” Corleone said.
- Saturday, October 29, 2016
