
Armand C. Hale

MSgt. Armand C. Hale retired from the U.S. Air Force, has served his country for over 23 years, His many tours of duty included Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. He has a degree in business & management, and has written a book about his experiences in the country of Qatar. You can purchase his book at Amazon and Lulu Books

Most Recent Articles by Armand C. Hale:

The Guy Just Can’t Stop!

The news websites are just humming with all the hype on Barry's "tax the rich" and how "everyone must sacrifice" to lower the debt. Well, let's think about this. (JMJ)
- Saturday, September 24, 2011

Call the monarchy’s bluff

To the American People...you are being duped. Really! You are being duped by a narcissistic, smoke- blowing, socialistic con man with only one thing in mind...to create chaos in order to give himself dictatorial powers to do whatever he wants. Super Congress? Nyet. Another name for the Politburo and another avenue to usurp our Constitution. Thinking he can up the debt limit on his own without Congressional Approval? Beliefs of a dictator not a President. Continue to violate the Rule of Law as these past 2 years have consistently shown. It must lead to the path of out of office.
- Friday, July 29, 2011

America’s next election in 2012

It is coming and the powers to be are beginning to circle the wagons to decide who will be the frontrunner for the White House. The media is spitting out their leftist/communist rhetoric and saying trying to unseat a sitting President is near impossible. Don't believe this dribble, particularly with this so-called "chosen one".
- Friday, March 11, 2011

The Second Most Pivotal Moment In History!

The American election of 2010 will become one of the most pivotal moments in American political history. The public has finally met face to face the specter of the true motives and purposes of the Socialists-Marxists-Communists masquerading as “liberals” for the past two years. The repudiation of Obamanomics by the voting public is the very first salvo of a long and permanent watch for believers of the Republic against the Communists Imperialist forces imbedded in America. Believers of the Republic are relegated to permeate watchdog status as the result of the specter of Communism in the U.S.
- Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Send an Uncompromising Message

As Nov 2 approaches, voters must look at the impact of any vote this election. They must also look at what has transpired these past two years along with the direction this country is headed.
- Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Slapping America’s face

I heard last night Senator Harry Reid of Nevada plans on attaching the "Dream Act" to the defense bill. The Dream Act can't stand on its own and get through the congress, so he is going to attach it to the defense bill. If one doesn't vote in favor of the defense bill, then one is not voting to support our troops in combat. Exactly what is the correlation between the defense bill and the "Dream Act"? Nothing! This is what is wrong with this government and these long-term ingrained politicians who only do things to further themselves.
- Thursday, September 16, 2010

Documents “Embarrassing” to the President

"A career officer in the U.S. Army acting as a judge in the prosecution of Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin ruled the military is no place for Barak Obama's presidential eligibility to be evaluated. The acting judge ruled in a hearing regarding the evidence to be allowed in the scheduled October court-martial of Lakin he will be denied access to any of Obama's records as well as any testimony from those who may have access to the records.
- Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Assault On Our Sovereignty

Recent events surrounding the immigration issue with Arizona has divided this nation even further. Regardless of whether one is pro or con, it is still an issue within the U.S. and its citizens.
- Thursday, July 22, 2010

‘Shovels and Axes’ Against Americans

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALPAC) is releasing a video clip showing an illegal alien supporter in Arizona claiming shovels and axes will be used against Americans just prior to the riot, where police officers and American citizens were assaulted by the mob protesting SB 1070.
- Thursday, April 29, 2010

One Down, Three to Go

The passage and signing of SB1070, Arizona immigration enforcement law is a prime example what Joe and Jane Citizen can do. Fed up Arizonans banded together and legally took matters in their own hands. This was to the shock of the east coast D.C. establishment.
- Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Don’t Just Stand There

We need to work like never before to stop the federal government from absorbing everything in its sight. Use the information below along to include your time, treasure and talent to make this a reality. November is approaching and time is precious.
- Sunday, April 18, 2010

Send the National Guard to the Border

Following the brutal killing of Arizona rancher Robert Krentz (presumably by illegal aliens), New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has decided to send New Mexico National Guardsmen to help secure New Mexico's stretch of the U.S. - Mexico border.
- Monday, April 5, 2010

Our war on Government

I never thought that my own government would be at war with its own people. The federal government has shown its true agenda and is transforming America into a socialist utopia with the government controlling the governed in all facets. Now the battlefield is taken to the states, where the power of the federal government comes from.
- Sunday, March 28, 2010

Death of Democracy

With the passage of the Health Care Bill, our trek into socialism is complete as the triads of socialist passions are happy with themselves. In the Star Wars saga Revenge of the Sith, Senator Amandala exclaims in the Senate, “So this is how Democracy dies, with thunderous applause." And don't forget the backslapping and handshakes as everyone that voted for this atrocity are so pleased with themselves.
- Monday, March 22, 2010

More, More, More!

We are nearing the end of the second month of the most crucial time in American History. The 2010 midterm elections are the "hope and change" the American people want and demand. Let's not give up yet. Proceed ahead at ramming speed. Here is more news on the political front to digest.
- Sunday, February 21, 2010

Going Hunting Next November

The recent elections have proven that if you run on a true conservative platform, you can win! Don’t apologize; don’t try to be republican “light” with fewer calories or a RINO version of a liberal. Why do I say that? Pelosi Care has passed 220-215. Every grassroots movement in the nation must push harder than ever before. Get involved locally; get out of your comfort zones, join groups, donating time and throw your hat in the political arena and stay informed. Here is information that you can pass on to everyone in the fight for next November:
- Monday, November 9, 2009

Definition of Insanity

A good working description of insanity is to be “completely disconnected from reality” so says Fr. John Corapi. All you have to do is just hear what members of Congress, State and Federal Judiciaries and the White House keep deciding and proposing to the American people on a constant basis.
- Sunday, October 18, 2009

All units BOLO!

If you ever have been in law enforcement you know that BOLO stands for, "Be on the Look Out." It's a system that alerts authorities to watch for particular persons. Here is my BOLO report for the American people:

- Sunday, October 11, 2009

Get in Shape America

Like any athlete getting ready for the winter Olympics, America must be primed for the 2010 elections. How we've trained determines a win, or getting pulverized by all the enemies' of freedom, Judeo-Christian values and free market systems. This is but a snap shot of what is going on the media won't report. You need to "be on the lookout" (BOLO) when talking to candidates for public office and propositions on the ballot box.
- Wednesday, September 23, 2009

American, Heal Thyself

The federal government's consolidation of power along with out-of-control spending is a malignant tumor in America's body.
- Tuesday, September 15, 2009
