
Jim ONeill

Born June 4, 1951 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Served in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1974 in both UDT-21 (Underwater Demolition Team) and SEAL Team Two. Worked as a commercial diver in the waters off of Scotland, India, and the United States. Worked overseas in the Merchant Marines. While attending the University of South Florida as a journalism student in 1998 was presented with the “Carol Burnett/University of Hawaii AEJMC Research in Journalism Ethics Award,” 1st place undergraduate division. (The annual contest was set up by Carol Burnett with money she won from successfully suing a national newspaper for libel). Awarded US Army, US Navy, South African, and Russian jump wings. Graduate of NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School, 1970). Member of Mensa, China Post #1, and lifetime member of the NRA and UDT/SEAL Association.

Most Recent Articles by Jim ONeill:

Nazi Homosexuals and the Slow Steady Seduction of America

image"The American homosexual movement really only began in the 1940s after the Allied defeat of the Nazis. ...the center of international "gay" power in the world did in fact shift from Germany to the United States after the demise of the Third Reich. This represented a huge setback for the "gay" movement, requiring it to begin "from scratch" as it were, since America in the 1940s was at least as family-centered as Germany had been in the 1860s." --From "The Pink Swastika"
- Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Republican Candidates and Ticking Time

In spite of the Progressive propaganda machine's furious spin, Jerome Corsi's book "Where's the Birth Certificate" has quickly made the bestseller lists: #6 on the "NY Times" list, #1 on Amazon's, and I suspect it is just getting started. Spin that pin-heads. Link
- Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Left West, Right West, and Other Matters of Balance

image"I'm up on the tightrope, one side's hate and one is hope But the top-hat on my head is all you see.... I'm up on the tightwire, linked by life and the funeral pyre Putting on a show for you to see" --Leon Russell "Tight Rope" One-time Obama supporter and Princeton professor, Cornel West, has come under scathing attacks by the liberal media for daring to criticize Obama. They do so hate it when one of their own strays too far from the "plantation." Let me say to Mr. West -- "Welcome to the party, pal."
- Friday, May 27, 2011

The Mad Marine of Matareva: A Cautionary Tale

Since the Obama Administration and Congress keep pressuring the US military to "queer-up," a story from James Michener's autobiographical "The World Is My Home," may be in order. Link The late James Michener spent two tours (four years) of duty as a US Naval officer in the Pacific theater during WW II. It was his experiences, and the stories he heard during that period, that formed the basis for his book "Tales of the South Pacific" -- later turned into the musical play, and movie, "South Pacific."
- Monday, May 23, 2011

The Homosexual Agenda and the US Military

"At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full 'appreciation' or 'understanding' of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing...then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won." -- From "The Overhauling of Straight America" November, 1987
- Saturday, May 14, 2011

Obama, Osama, and Wagging the Dog

"There's something awfully screwy going on around here." -- Elmer Fudd It's no joke that ever-increasingly the American people distrust the news media. I would imagine that the Marxist/Fascist/NWO globalists must find it tiresome to have spent all that time, effort, and money to infiltrate, subvert, and pervert America's various news venues, just to have "we the people" do an end-round, and get our news from the Internet and radio. Well, the best laid plans o' mice and men, and all that.
- Friday, May 6, 2011

A Scary Story of Facsimiles and Forgery

"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." -- Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
- Sunday, May 1, 2011

Some Questions about the Obama Birth Certificate

After researching the new Obama long form COLB (Certificate Of Live Birth), I'm left with three questions: Are they really that stupid? Do they think that "we the people" are that stupid? Are "we the people" being set up for something?
- Friday, April 29, 2011

Supporting Trump with Care and Caution

"Tyranny is always better organized than freedom." -- Charles Peguy (1873-1914) "Fear and Loathing" is a phrase made famous by the late Hunter S. Thompson, gonzo journalist extraordinaire. I recall an old "Rolling Stone" magazine article in which he endorsed Jimmy Carter for President -- with fear and loathing.
- Thursday, April 21, 2011

Flushing Out RINOs, Neo-cons, Faux Conservatives, Controlled Opposition, and the Clueless

"There is something on it that he [Obama] doesn't like." -- Donald Trump on Obama's birth certificate The existence of the United States as a free republic under the rule of Constitutional law, hinges on how "we the people" deal with the the issue of Obama's eligibility to be POTUS. Remolding the US Constitution into a "living" constitution, a "plastic" constitution, a changeable constitution, is to destroy the Constitution, and the United States as a free republic.
- Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wanted, Stand Up Patriotic Americans

"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" -- Patrick Henry (1736-1799) A reader sent me the following poem by Josiah Holland. I had never seen it before, and found it to be very apropos for our troubled times. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
- Friday, April 15, 2011

So Long, See Ya, Sayonara, and Slán Agat Bill O’Reilly

image"It is my pleasure to set the record straight." -- Bill O'Reilly on Obama's eligibility to be POTUS (4/12/11) "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." -- Proverbs 16:18 (NKJV) This is really more of an addendum to my last article than an article in its own right, but I feel that Bill O'Reilly's show last night calls for a response. If Ann Coulter "roved" herself on Monday night, then O'Reilly "uber-roved" himself Tuesday night. I doubt his viewership will start running for the hills post haste, but I do believe his ratings will take a hit in the weeks and months ahead. The process will snowball.
- Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Help Trump Dump the Chump!

To give credit where it's due, the idea for this article's title came from an email a friend sent me. I like the phrase "Help Trump dump the chump." What it lacks in sophistication, it more than makes up for with a certain je ne sais quoi. Alliteration seldom sounded so good.
- Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Importance of Supporting Trump

"...if it were not an issue, why wouldn't he just solve it? I wish he would, because if he doesn't, it's one of the greatest scams in the history of politics and...history, period." Donald Trump regarding Obama's eligibility to be POTUS
- Saturday, April 9, 2011

Trump Should Tell Obama “You’re Fired!”

Meredith Vieira: "You've criticized Obama in this interview, and in the past. What do you think he has done well?" Donald Trump: "Get elected." Interview on the "Today" show April 7, 2011 Donald Trump is definitely "Made In America," and he doesn't have that god-awful snobbish arrogance that so many of the over-educated, under-experienced effete elite radiate.
- Thursday, April 7, 2011

Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Burning Qur’ans

"There are such 'social values' today in Europe, America and Australia only because [for a] thousand years, the Christians of Europe possessed the warlike power to do what the Christians of Asia and Africa had failed to do -- that is, to beat back the Moslem [sic] invader." -- Theodore Roosevelt (1858 -1919) Twenty-sixth President of the United States "This is a piece of theater set up...by the bipartisan group that loves to intervene abroad. ...This is all about democracy in a world where democracy is not going to take hold. ...Both parties love to intervene in other countries where there is no US interest at stake, and where we spend enormous amounts of money at a time when we are nearly bankrupt. That doesn't seem to me to be a wise practice of American statesmanship" -- Former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer
- Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Proofers and Birthers Get a Boost from Trump

"Nobody comes forward. Nobody knows who he is until later in his life. It's very strange."-- Donald Trump on Obama Proofers want PROOF that Obama is who he says he is. While birthers focus mainly on Obama's birth certificate, or rather lack thereof, proofers are more concerned with the overall cover-up -- the astonishing paucity of verifiable information about Obama's life.
- Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Gay US Military?  I Think Not

"The American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its diagnostic list of mental disorders in 1973, despite substantial protest. The A.P.A. was strongly motivated by the desire to reduce the effects of social oppression. However, one effect of the A.P.A.'s action was to add psychiatric authority to gay activists' insistence that homosexuals as a group are as healthy as heterosexuals. This has discouraged publication of research that suggests there may, in fact, be psychiatric problems associated with homosexuality." -- N.E. Whitehead, Ph.D (Link)
- Friday, March 25, 2011

Sky Diving with SOCOM -- Sort Of: Thoughts on Japan

imageI want to free fall out into nothing Gonna to leave this world for awhile And I'm free, I'm free fallin' -- Tom Petty "Free Fallin'" On March 13 (not a Friday this year) I jumped with SOCOM (Special Operations Command) -- sort of, and made my first free fall parachute jump. I say "sort of" because SOCOM remains blissfully unaware of my existence. I'm sure that the announcement that I jumped "with" them, is news to the good folks at Special Operations Command. But I'm getting ahead of myself. (Link)
- Thursday, March 17, 2011
