
Joanna Rosamond

Joanna Rosamond is a Coach for high stress jobs, a consultant on PTSD and burnout. Joanna has 16 years of professional experience. Unconditional support for our soldiers and veterans.

Most Recent Articles by Joanna Rosamond:

Obama's Water-Loo

Obama weeping over his transgender Water-Loo
- Thursday, March 9, 2017

Desperate Leftists of Hollywood

In yet another ‘unreality show’ episode of Hollywood´s drama queens, they express their socio-political frustration by throwing temper tantrums. More or less famous, but always with “look at me!”
- Thursday, February 9, 2017

Berlin Wall of California

It looks like the left perceives reality as its worst enemy and is determined to fight to keep delusions alive "by any means necessary".
- Tuesday, January 31, 2017

No Backseat Driver License for the Left

Imposition of unpopular laws, unprecedented coercion, financial hocus-pocus and so un-American Taqiya, led Obama's team through hubris to the defeat in elections. The soon to be ex-administration came up with coping mechanisms such as delusional denial and post-truth techniques which are supposed to give the reality secondary importance and convince the public that the leftists still rule and are here to "supervise" the new government.
- Thursday, January 19, 2017

What Part of We The People Don´t You Understand?

Apart from worrying about “the violation of Constitution” President Trump is yet to commit, the mainstream media are dropping their anchors in muddy waters of mind –reading sessions, guesstimating Trump´s thoughts and acts.
- Friday, December 30, 2016

Left to bury the hatchet--in America's back…

The departing government has announced “peaceful transition” but it looks like members of Obama's administration are digging holes in “common ground”, shrouded by smoke from the American flag burnt by their not so “ patriots first” camp.
- Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Deplorable Versus Dynasty

Once upon a time, there were the Ming, the Habsburg, the Carolingian, the Romanov, the Hohenzollern... you name it. No matter the continent or century the dynasties monopolized power "by the grace of God", even I if they obtained it by less noble means such as "by sword" or "by treason". The doctrine of "God's Mandate" adequately guaranteed impunity, regardless the royal antics.
- Thursday, October 20, 2016

Artful Veteran Affairs

Naturally, funds are needed to serve the purpose, but how come it is that the VA goes on an art shopping spree while our Veterans' life span is dramatically reduced by inhuman living conditions and lack of medical care? While the department worries about overpayments to ex-soldiers and scrupulously “saves” millions of dollars on benefits it seems that blowing six zero figures on “artwork” can do no harm.
- Monday, October 10, 2016

Global Warming to Freedom

Power is an interesting concept. An access to power can be bought, obtained by force, or even through treason, but keeping it depends only on people. When dissatisfied with management, "folks" first choose a direction, then a leader who is going their way. Right now citizens of several countries are clearly turning to the right.
- Friday, September 30, 2016

If You Don't Know Dem by Now

Nowadays the term "left wing governments" englobes "socialist allies" and refers to elitists posing as eco-conscious world transformers, who in fact pollute the planet with wars and poverty. Overtly discriminatory towards their "own" indigenous, poor and homeless, the ruling elites bow to foreign "liabilities" imposing fiscal slavery on citizens viewed as "subjects".
- Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Community Disorganizers

Barack Obama used to introduce himself as a "community organizer". Armed in presidential power, he has undoubtedly and aggressively promoted his favored groups, but his "transformational" endeavors were aimed at his cultural and societal pet hates
- Saturday, August 27, 2016

Look Before You Rig

During his pre-vacation news conference (August 4, 2016) Obama found time to mock Donald Trump's concerns regarding the fairness of the electoral process "Of course the Elections will not be rigged. What does that mean?"
- Saturday, August 6, 2016

VA Whistle-for-it Day

On July, 30, 2016 the VA Office of Inspector General announced "Today is National Whistleblower Appreciation Day. We as a Nation must recognize the important role whistleblowers play in exposing serious problems and deficiencies in Government programs and operations."
- Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Disneyland VA´s Way

Secretary Robert McDonald´s comparison of the deadly wait for medical care at Veteran Affairs´ s facilities to lines at Disneyland understandably caused outrage and prompted calls for his resignation. Hopefully, the contemptible metaphor will bring public attention to acts which speak louder than words.
- Tuesday, June 7, 2016

PSYWAR as We Know It

Psychological weapons are as ancient as war itself, and have been used in preparation for, in addition to, or instead of military aggression. Whenever the target population is not foreign but domestic: oligarchy happens.
- Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Code of Dishonor

If true warriors have an honorable creed, it´s fair to say that politicians live more and more by their own Code of Dishonor. As if it wasn't bad enough that "lie, cheat and steal" have constituted basic rules of self-serving careerists for ages, the dangerous phenomenon is growing steadily. The torturous years of "fundamental transformation" will be remembered for the multiple mutations of abuse of power, corruption and dereliction of duty.
- Friday, March 25, 2016

VA: Unflagging Efforts to Un-flag Our Veterans

You can't separate a Veteran from the national flag. In the United States of America - quite literally so. Recently, in a truly Kafkaesque turn of events, Veteran Affairs decided to drag an honorable American Veteran to court for the crime of …hanging an American flag on the VA's walls.
- Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Silence of the Sheep

Crowd psychology is a branch of social psychology relating to behavior, and processes turning individuals into an entity called the crowd. Psychological warfare aiming to destroy the target audience´s morale, value and belief system is also keen on bombarding ´´the mob´´ with eradicative propaganda. Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin were fascinated by mass psychology, and attempted to impose Freudian ´´horde leadership´´.
- Monday, January 18, 2016
